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Mihawk and Sanji are dope! 


Saith Uchiha

So many drops and it’s not even 1:30pm est loving it. Thank you for all your hard work even though your both sick. Hope your getting better with each passing day. Thank you for so much content even though you guys don’t feel well.

kirk poss

If you do plan to watch the anime, it is much easier to binge because nothing is complicated about the power system or future plot lines.

Harsh Sharma

Hope you feel better soon, Ron and Michelle!


36:34 : probably cause you witnessed dude cut a ship in half with just a swing 😁


Mihawk is such a cool character


I wait for the moment Ron is doing the evil laugh and a fly flies into his mouth.


Michelle is so me when I first watched this episode in anime !!! Like why what how ! That’s Zoro can’t be !! It’s always amazing seeing your reactions Thanks guys for reacting even with your health !!! Take care and we love what you do for us too !

Markus X.

49:55 it's funny but the word you search for, is simply "pirate" Mihawk is strong enough to maintain his freedom in this world. It's like in our world if you got 10 billion $. (because we massure strength with money) Hollywood is so perfect protagonist driven, people instantly think of marines like bad guys. Luffy is one of the 0,001% of pirates that have aktuell good intentions. Also he still steals stuff like the map. It's like when I rob you of all your belongings, and when the police shows up to get it back you curse them for trying to stop me. :D


"Do you have a problem with thaat..... Pirate Kiiiiing" ---- "NOPE"


If you guys do want to do the anime I'm fine with you continuing with the live action pace until you get an open slot but some people really try to rush you to put out lots of episodes with one piece and it can get annoying so just a heads up.


To challenges your perspective on how strong you think Mihawk is in respect to the entire story. In a political sense imagine Mihawk as governor of a state in the US, Mihawk has same influence as a governor of a state if political power equaled strength. Luffy/Zoro on the other hand are just average citizen that just began AP American Gov in high school while Garb is one of the member of the Executive branch.


Luffy knows it was Sanji's dish, because he ordered everything on the menu. That's why his bill will take a year to pay off.


they revealed him being his grandpa this early?

Justin Smith

The thing with the fight between zoro and mihawk is that for zoro he knew he lost but as he said in the show scars on the back are the greatest shame he could receive so he would take the final blow as it were facing the enemy and not on his back "running away". It is purely his pride and honor as a swordsman. Also doubt you guys looked into news regarding the show or whatever but Oda, the creator of one piece, said there will be no on screen romance and the show runners said that there wouldn't be any.

Joemar Villalon

One piece came out before pirates of the carribean so I remember imagining PoC pirates as one piece characters, with different ships, different types of crews, different captains with abilities. Definitely contributed for my love of the PoC franchise.


Garp is actually 76 at this point in time. They never really mention the exact age he joined the marines but if I think about the timelines of what I remember in the story, he joined when he was about 21/22. You can also search up online all the characters Age in One Piece without getting spoiled because the Anime/Manga and of course the Live Action never really tell you how old a character is. Oda (the author) reveals them every now and then in something called an SBS which can only be found in the beginning or end of the manga chapters.


Well there is romance even in the anime but it’s supposed to be known to everyone that there’s only no romance between the “crew members”. It’s all about building a strong bond of friendship for them.


so idk if yall missed it or not but Zoro challenged Mihawk to a duel "to the death", he didn't WANT to die, but knew he was beaten and honored the duel. Also as far as we know Mihawk does not have a devil fruit, there is superhuman strength in OP , and they usually make it either obvious or straight up announce when a character has a devil fruit. if they don't, just assume they don't have one

Sylisen E.

Yeah Mihawk and Garp's strenght is something we can't talk about so you'll have to wait unitl it's properly introduced ;)

Kevin Depoppe

maybe you should watch the anime, with 1077 episodes - give or take 100 fillers is 977 episodes, if you guys watch 4 episodes each week you would be done in 5 years :D btw if you like the live action you will love the anime it is a lot better


The question Michelle asked about “how Luffy knows how to fight” was answered in the beginning of this episode. Garp told Luffy in the flashback “Your training begins today”. He was taught by Garp who obviously comes across as a Legendary figure, so it explains how Luffy got so strong.


There’s other reaction channels who caught up in about 2 years of watching 6 episodes a week.


In the manga and anime, it was able to express more on how important Zoro's dream was to him and his determination to achieve even if he would lose his life. The Live Action had to cut quite a lot since they had to pack so much into 8 episodes.


Also if you guys look back on Episode 1 of the Live Action, you’ll notice Mihawk in the crowd when The Pirate King was getting executed, aswell as Shanks as a teenager. A few other characters were there aswell but only Anime watchers would’ve noticed them


The one thing that Oda stands heavily on is that No One of the Straw Hat Crew have a relationship together. That was pretty much the single most important request he asked for before they started this.


I mean sure people can have powers like you see with luffy but still you gotta think of it like an anime. I know it's live action so you kind of have another mindset but some things can still be just pure skill or strength and not just magic power. Like demon slayer for example with full concentration breathing which is not a real power but a skill you aquire through training. BTW I have never really watched one piece so I have actually no idea if Mihawk has really speacial powers or if thats just what you can do if you are that good a swordsman but my guess is it's both. Still I understood the fight against zoro to be a skill gap not a "magical power" gap since it's anime where this is always the case.


Zoro didn't necessarily WANT to die, he just accepted he had been defeated (badly at that 😬) and he was most definitely going to die anyways (since it was a battle "to the death"). But rather than be killed from the back (cause that would shameful cause it implies he ran away), he turned and accepted his fate. I guess Michelle's way of thinking is more like Nami's cause she too was like, why accept this fight if you know you're going to lose and DIE?? But that shows how important Zoro's dream is to him...and maybe how he is a little too impatient or maybe a little too overconfident at this time, will that change? who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️ And I just recently learned about One PACE (not piece) from your Patreon comments and it has been a life savior for real getting through the anime

Joshua Lopez

Ah, see, that's what being manly is all about. Either I'm the best, or I'm dead. It's not, like, the healthiest mindset, but a lot of One Piece kind of revolves around that idea.


Devil Fruits give whacky powers. There are other types of powers outside of Devil Fruits but they are simple things like body strengthening related, through training etc. No one could ever stretch like Luffy or do what Buggy does through training

Lian Kojou

Mihawk is basically level 100 character roaming in starting area so no Luffy would get rekt if they fought


There are some non-Devil Fruit users who are among the strongest in the OP universe. They became so strong only through training and special fighting skills. And at this point in the story, Mihawk can easily one shot all of the Strawhats, with only few percent of his real power.


Oooh can’t wait to watch the official series with you guys. One piece is one of those anime’s that you won’t fully enjoy if you watched it alone. I can’t wait to start the anime with you guys😁


maybe a spoiler but more of my understanding of it him slicing the ship is his strenth i mean it is basicly a air slash were he is so fast at slices the air and that makes it a blade itself witch can cut almost everything like vacum slash

Justin Moore

Yea, probably let the show and the anime that they are already planning on watching explain.

Hollow Vamp

I think they actually made the barge for the restaurant, some interviews show them eating on board or something lol

Bryan larsson

The different kinds of powers will be explained in the anime when you start watching it


Trust me there’s a lot of details and backstory missing from the live action


The anime will fill you in about all the things you are unsure about

Ricardo Fierro

i love the fact that every episode intro was on each member, so dope!!!! And that fight with mihawk was so good!!! obvious differences with the anime but still to good!!! oh man i want to keep watchinf and never end

Chris Mittoo

Cant wait till you guys start the anime...the live action is good but the anmie is 100x better


I had the exact opposite experience with OP where I hated the idea of pirates for the most part (Only really got invested in Assassin's Creed: Black Flag) but then Luffy basically redefined what it meant to be one and I was intrigued


Mihawk has no devil fruit-like powers. He is truly the worlds greatest swordsman and there are a lot of chapters and strong enemies between this scene and the end (which we still have not seen). Zoro is literally fighting an enemy he and really no one else has a chance of beating.