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If we could we would just binge this whole show lol.



remember that Light is also dealing with complete information and L is not, so obviously Light is going to look smarter


light is him lol hes who eren takes inspiration from

Saith Uchiha

Let’s get it just checked to see if they posted. I probably watched this whole show in 5 days at max 10 days defiantly binge worthy

Maruey Coelho Paranhos

"It'll look obvious", guys, don't worry. We're watching Death Note lol


Man, now that I'm rewatching Death Note with you guys, I immediately realize why I love Death Note so much! It's just a fucking masterpiece! And I just can't help but cheer for Light every time I watch Death Note or read the manga. Of course I also cheer for L, after all, L is my absolute favorite character in Death Note, but I just can't help but cheer for Light. He may be an absolute sociopath, but please give him credit for his intelligence and his ability to outsmart others!! 😂😂 Yeah, and I find it's a bit difficult to say which of the two boys is smarter too. So in terms of intelligence, Light and L are completely the same, which is why Death Note is considered as a big chess game between L and Light. I think, the only thing that makes Light "smarter" in a certain way right now is the fact that he knows about the Death Note and about Shinigamis, and that gives him a very big tactical advantage, because an intelligent, rational person like L, would not immediately think that a notebook that kills people actually exists and would be used as a murder weapon. But fortunately L is a person who thinks outside the box very much and, because of that, can always catch up with Light very fast. And I'm actually pretty sure that if Light didn't have the Death Note and was going to kill in a "normal" or in our world realistic way, L would certainly have caught him by now, because he is just so intelligent and not as arrogant as Light

Yoona Kim

binge-worthy to watch it but ill wait till your reaction comes up


So good

Abigail Jerry

I haven’t seen death note… should I?….. 🤔


I'm a first timer too, I'm literally watching the show for the first time with them haha so why not?


Quick question , this is the latest episode they’ve reacted to in all Patreon tiers? Or are they ahead on the more expensive one . If so I’m upgrading 😅

Jn Whalien

The mysterious L. My favorite letter in the alphabet after I've watched Death Note Live-Action movie hahaha I think it was L - Changed the World. Watched it long ago in DVD/CD


Well feel free to drop more episodes, I won't complain ^_^


"Who is smarter L or Light?" for now I think Light is smarter but after couple of more episodes I truly believe L is smarter than Light (will expand on my opinion after a certain episode to avoid spoilers) ✌️ I am so glad you guys love this anime! It's totally a bingeworthy show. Death Note and AOT are considered gateway anime for first time anime watchers or anime-haters 😂


Not until the end, it went downhill after a specific episode. Imo

Davis Dambergs

Who is smarter is entirely dependant on what criteria you consider. I mean by the end of the show. Both are relative. You have to remember that Light obviously has a supernatural super weapon in a form of a note. L is very limited to what he can do to not get himself killed due to carelessness.


Y'all gotta do like 4 episodes at a time lool

Ahkenaton Furdge

So , death note , FF , JJK, Naruto , MHA, DS… you guys are watching all of my fav shows ! Its only right that soul eater makes a pole


It probably won't. BUT if they know that Fireforce is the prequal to Soul Eater, they might.

Shai Hulud

author already confirmed years ago that L is more intelligent than Light.

Davis Dambergs

Relative means that they are fairly close to each other, it doesnt meant that they are equal. L is smarter but Light is relative regardless. If me and you can bench press 100 and 120kg respectively, we would be relative even if one can clearly do more. If one of us benched 60kg, as opposed to 100/120, then obviously not relative anymore.

Draken of Toman

I root for light 🤷🏼‍♂️