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Learning about company 8ths formation is dope! These backstories are going to probably reveal A LOT!!! 



Ugh, fave character at first sight. I need a Benimaru shirt!


This man Benimaru Shinmon is my favorite character in all of fire force he’s the best you guys are gonna love him also he’s quite op being able to use 2nd and 3rd generation abilities


Benimaru the goat you guys will love him!


This is Benimaru's way of purifying the dead. Its quite similar to the Japan Obon Festival which is to honor the spirits of one's ancestors. Obon ritual seeks to bring ancestors and the dead comfort, solace and closure. During the festival, families traditionally sent their ancestors' spirits back to their permanent dwelling place under the guidance of fire in a ritual known as Okuribi ("sending fire"), or, in a larger scale, the Burning of the Character Big in the mountain. Fire also marks the commencement (Mukaebi) as well as the closing of the festival.


Beni the GOAT!

Saith Uchiha

Beginning you said something about a Austrian. I went on like 3 dates with this girl who just had a visa and was Austrian. She told me about the krampus (evil Santa) festival and all these high school boys who liked her sister dressed as krampus demon like and she hid underneath her bed while they were pulling her and trying to scare the shit out of her. Long story short I said that must be so traumatizing. I would never do that shit. She immediately got pissed off and told me I would’ve done the same thing if I was from her town. After that day, we never spoke again you know I did hit her up once, but no response.

Prateek Sridhar

Everyone calls Benimaru (the captain of the 7th) Waka which is like a way to say "Young Master", similar to how a butler would call the house owner's son "young master". Doesn't mean they see him as their master, just means they show respect to him and acknowledge him that way :p


Why he sound like the pigs from shrek with the accent lol

豆 タピ

In the old days, many wooden buildings were built in Japan, so when a fire broke out, nearby houses were demolished to prevent the fire from spreading to other buildings. Japanese culture

Christine Copeland aka Christine's Culinary Quest

Yes, daifuku is a type of mochi sweet. Traditionally it has a red bean paste filling (based off the original salted red bean filling), but you can use other fillings and even grill, grill or serve your daifuku in soup. It's called Daifuku using chinese characters that mean "big luck" and is served during Japanese New Year and Spring celebrations to bring good luck and fortune.