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i wasn’t ready tooo!!!!




Is it me or does Tojis worm look similar to getos one from JJK0 movie?


When I watched this episode earlier I was worried for you guys lol


LMAO if this was a game toji would be a warrior/assassin class in a world full of mage classes


My gais even the people who have read the manga and knew what was coming were not ready. Toji Fushigoro is a SAVAGE. And Rest in Peace Riko Amanai. Not Gege at it again giving us what we thought was gonna be a sweet kid deserving of a full and happy life taking their first step towards getting that better life only to off them. Got me having Junpei war flashbacks. Not to mention Geto & Yuji’s RAGE responses being near parallels. And honestly one of the saddest parts about it to me is that—- Toji did not NEED to murder her. I mean yeah dude gotta make that bank and this is the assassination he was paid for but—- the ones paying him were the star group, the ones who worship Tengen as a PURE being who only wanted Riko dead so her assimilation with Tengen wouldn’t ‘taint’ the being they worship and impede the natural course of evolution. But—— Riko wasn’t going to assimilate. She was going to walk away and continue to live her life as herself and not join with Tengen. She died for nothing.


Manga version better?


Best new gen🗣️

Brian Le

As mentioned in season 1 the three major clans are: Gojo, Zen’in, and Kamo ~~The Gojo clan’s secret techniques are the Limitless and Six Eyes. Only known members so far is Gojo Satoru. ~~ The Zen’in clan’s secret technique is the Ten Shadows Technique that Megumi possesses. Members shown so far are Maki, Mai, Megumi, and Toji. Toji was a Zen’in but changed his name to Fushiguro after marrying Megumi’s mom. ~~ The Kamo clan’s secret technique is the Blood Manipulation that Kamo Noritoshi (arrow guy w/eyes closed) used in S1. Known members so far are the Noritoshi Kamo(arrow guy) and Noritoshi Kamo who lived long ago and was evil(the guy who created the cursed wombs that we saw at the end of S1).

Ch Ng

Who order the Riko pack?


This episode was crazyyyyyyy!!!!! holyyyyyyy shit that fight was dope. crazy how im really enjoying geto character and toji is a savage!!!!!


lark is a brid but also means to do something on a whim


Chill bruh she was a 14 year old girl who just wanted to live a normal life.


He’s really not he’s a grown man who fights teenagers and disowns his son he’s not him😂


Honestly there is no hype around this fight for me! I mean we all know both geto and gojo survive since we see them in season 1! if this fight was before season 1 it would be amazing hype af!


It's not Megumi's mom from the Zenin, it's the dad. The reason why Fushiguro was with little Gojo is because Fushiguro is originally from Zenin clan, the scene in anime wasn't clear enough, they were outside, but in the manga when they were walking the background was the house. So it's easier to assume in manga, it was either Gojo clan's house or Zenin clan's house and they had chance to visit each other because of the three major clans relationship. Fushiguro had mentioned about Six Eyes was born after hundreds of years in pevious episode, if someone like that born into a major clan of course everyone in other major clans will know, hence Fushiguro wanted to see him just out of curiosity. It's so sick that he decided to wear Gojo down just because of that one memory of him that he was noticed standing behind Gojo. To be honest, despite the artwork and VAs were amazing this episode I think the manga version was way better...I was hoping to see Fushiguro's expression when he chopped up Gojo's leg and Gojo's expression when his head was stabbed lol. Maybe you can see them by yourself on manga. Anyway, the story is still my favorite in JJK because we thought Gojo was the strongest but he needed to be humbled by someone who doesn't have curse energy 😌 It's not the matter who's win in this fight, the importance of this arc is how Gojo developed to be the strongest as now and there's a certain way to fight Gojo with a strategy. It's all connected.


Toji seriously been having beef with Gojo since he was like 6 and all because he didn’t like being PERCEIVED and took it hella PERSONAL. //jkjk MOSTLY. But he is in fact H I M.


*spoiler* this is me just realizing choso is a kamo


Megumi's dad is actually from the Zenin clan and his mom is Fushiguro, Megumi's dad changed his name to Fushiguro after he got married that's what he said last scene of episode 1

Stephen Cruz

This show is for Michelle and fire force is for Ron. Ifykyk😉


I prefer the way the manga drew Toji for certain scenes but overall, the anime is far better this season. Ep 1 had some of the most creative shots in any anime I've ever watched.


That's the difference between Japanese culture and the west. They really don't care about 'spoilers' or anything like that. They care about the journey, not the destination - which is why you see so many spoilers in the openings of anime. They just don't give a shit over there lol


I think the result of the fight is not the point of this arc tho, it's the process, if the fight was before season 1 we couldn't appreciate Gojo's strength. It's because we know he's the strongest now, there's an impact of someone who could fight him back then and his development after that. And the fact that a guy with no curse energy was the only one worth as his opponent. We all know he's survive now but at this point we don't know how, his head was literally stabbed(even though it's not clear in the anime, that's kinda disappointing) so how could he survive after this, and so on. Also this arc in the manga was released when season 1 was in production, so technically there's no way anime team could animate it before 😁


this was easily the best jjk episode like if you a manga reader yk the buildup is everything


I semi forgot this happened. I was shocked Pikachu face for like 3 seconds.


Ron just had to say something! Lol I didn’t expect that at all I was flabbergasted I thought it was just gonna end there


Ok at this point I think that you need some clarification and handle certain concepts to understand better the events that are going to take place from this season on. - Toji (Megumi's father) is a Zenin, that was already said in the first chapter of the season. He took the name of Megumi's mother which is Fushiguro. -There are 3 big clans in the jujutsu world. Zenin (Toji, Megumi, Maki and Mai are from that clan), Kamo (Noritoshi who is the student from Kyoto who controls blood and fought against Megumi) and Gojo. -Sorcerers are divided by grades depending on their power. These levels go from 4 to 1 and there is a separate level for those sorcerers who have a much higher power than the rest and it is difficult to determine. They call these sorcerers special grades and there are only 4 with this level: Gojo, Geto, Yuta and another character whom we don't know much about yet. This is not a spoiler because it has already been mention in the first season and the movie. -Now in this chapter Gojo mentions that the reason why he can't detect Toji's presence is because he doesn't have cursed energy and rather has a heavenly restriction. In JJK they explain several times that all living things have cursed energy and that in the case of humans there are very few who control it (sorcerers are the ones who can obviously) now there are exceptions and those are the ones born with the heavenly restriction. Which is a type of restriction that affects the person's cursed energy in exchange for limitations or improvements on the body. In Toji's case he doesn't posses cursed energy at all but has physical abilities like super strength and speed. Other than him Maki also has the same heavenly restriction. The other questions you might have will be answered but you must keep paying attention so that you don't miss it. I know it's confusing so take it easy. And Nanami's VA is the same but you're right he looks very different😂


Toji was smoking on that Gojo pack this episode

Vaguely Vivid

Why did you say that like hes bullying a kid. Gojo is way stronger than these "grown men"


The fact that Toji had a one-sided beef with Gojo since Gojo was a kid is hilarious😂


Damn bro tojis sword lookin like inuyashas tetsaiga


The animation of the fight is crazy!!! Mappa really did a great job. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Megumi's dad is the one from Zenin clan. Megumi's dad took his wife's last name Fushiguro.

Obi Wan Kenobi

He's known as the "Sorcerer killer" meaning he's killed many before. He also mentioned him getting back into the groove, which implies he retired. And he prob had a good reason for disowning his son. I mean if you're an assassin for hire a lot of people dislike you which makes your family an easy target no? And last but not least since season one we learned that the Zenin aint nice people so he prob had no choice in order to keep his fam safe. All of this is speculation from the information we got but saying he's not him over surface level thinking is a bit "not him ish" if you'd ask me.


It’s crazy that this is barely the tip of the iceberg for this season. This is the appetizer to the full course damn meal that we’ll get in the Shibuya arc


Taking “Be careful what you wish for” to a whole new level 😂


Same lol. I hate spoilers so much. It really killed the impact for me too. But as @mamimumemo said, I knew there was/is a purpose behind this season coming 2nd. But tbh I just despise spoilers so much that the reasoning isn’t enough to negate the emotions I lost 🤣

Obi Wan Kenobi

Think of the clans here almost like the clans in Naruto. Certain clans specialize in certain Jujutsu or have special abilities. Like Gojo clan They have both the Six eye and infiniti ability, so you can think of the six eye like sharingan from the Uchiha clan, where they can see the inner workings of curse energy like how sharigan can with chakra. Zenin for example has the Shadow shinigami ability that Megumi uses. The 3 big clans all have broken jujutsu abilities which is why they are the big 3 basically. We saw a couple examples of this last and this episode, when Gojo was fighthing the guy with a paper bag on his head. He figured out the guy ability with out him telling Gojo and he asked Gojo how he did it? and he replied "he has good eyes". Also They mentioned Gojo is the only one in his clad for the last 1000 years to have both clan abilities, which is why he is a freak of nature.


The music is so good

Idris A

Bro i get you want them to be informed but this was a lot 😂


Well yes! Seems like a lot but in reality there are only 4 things: Toji is a Zenin, the big 3 clans of jujutsu, the four special great sorcerers and what a heavenly restriction is...but i guess i explained it a lot so they could understand correctly and not assume the wrong thing🤷🏻‍♀️


Idc Toji is so fine

Nita.J (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-21 09:16:35 The thing is the 3 big clans are vaguely mentioned in the anime so you might miss it the first time you watched it. The 3 big clans of sorcerers have different special abilities that represent their clan: - Gojo: Six Eyes and Infinity/Limitless - Zenin: Ten Shadow Technique (the one that Megumi use) - Kamo: Blood Manipulation (the one Noritoshi, he's a student in the Kyoto Jujutsu High with Todou) Fushiguro Toji mentioned that he took his wife's last name, so if put all the clues together, it means Toji is from the Zenin clan. Gojo mentioned that Toji has Heavenly Pact/Restriction, meaning that, unlike other sorcerers, Toji doesn't have curse energy but because of this he kinda has super strength instead. Another person with a similar ability as Toji is Maki (I'm not going to get into this much.)
2023-07-21 06:30:56 The thing is the 3 big clans are vaguely mentioned in the anime so you might miss it the first time you watched it. The 3 big clans of sorcerers have different special abilities that represent their clan: - Gojo: Six Eyes and Infinity/Limitless - Zenin: Ten Shadow Technique (the one that Megumi use) - Kamo: Blood Manipulation (the one Noritoshi use, he's a student in the Kyoto Jujutsu High with Todou) Fushiguro Toji mentioned that he took his wife's last name, so if put all the clues together, it means Toji is from the Zenin clan. Gojo mentioned that Toji has Heavenly Pact/Restriction, meaning that, unlike other sorcerers, Toji doesn't have curse energy but because of this he kinda has super strength instead. Another person with a similar ability as Toji is Maki (I'm not going to get into this much.)

The thing is the 3 big clans are vaguely mentioned in the anime so you might miss it the first time you watched it. The 3 big clans of sorcerers have different special abilities that represent their clan: - Gojo: Six Eyes and Infinity/Limitless - Zenin: Ten Shadow Technique (the one that Megumi use) - Kamo: Blood Manipulation (the one Noritoshi use, he's a student in the Kyoto Jujutsu High with Todou) Fushiguro Toji mentioned that he took his wife's last name, so if put all the clues together, it means Toji is from the Zenin clan. Gojo mentioned that Toji has Heavenly Pact/Restriction, meaning that, unlike other sorcerers, Toji doesn't have curse energy but because of this he kinda has super strength instead. Another person with a similar ability as Toji is Maki (I'm not going to get into this much.)

Troy Straughn

The fact that they had the outro playing like the episode was about to end... it really got me good lol. I was about to scroll down to the comments on Crunchyroll too, im glad i waited till I saw credits cuz HOLY. But yes, that piano piece before all that was masterful.


It's important to remember that the Zenin clan, like you mentioned, also has Maki and Mai in it. We've already seen how badly the Zenin clan treats people with no/little cursed energy. With that in mind, you can understand why the villain decided to take his wife's last name (Fushiguro) and not be associated with the Zenin clan anymore

Project Freelancer

4:32 gotta watch some JoJos if you want more men

Chris Boxall

I dunno.. I think Geto believes Fushiguro. His face was full of hatred in the last clip of him there.


Yeah this I think it's important to note that toji from Zenin and as you said he took the wife's name not the other way around but it is confusing.

Jaxon Wihongi

This is off topic but will yall ever react to any kdramas? Id love it if yall reacted to bloodhounds


Yes, the Zen'in and the Gojo clan are among the three big sorcerer clans, and the third clan is the Kamo clan by the way. To refresh your memory, the Kamo clan is the clan of Noritoshi Kamo, Todo's classmate who is armed with bow and arrow and whose curse techniques involve blood And the scene where Toji (Megumi's dad) was watching little Gojo is different from the manga. In the manga, Toji visited the home of the Gojo clan to see Gojo, but in the anime it's outside in the snow. I think that's why this scene is a bit difficult to understand. And it wasn't Megumi's mother who belonged to the Zen'in clan. It was Toji, Megumi's father. He had only taken his wife's last name, Fushiguro. By the way, Gojo had mentioned that Toji has no curse energy, but superhuman strength instead. That means he's just like Maki! I know you guys noticed that he doesn't have curse energy, but you didn't immediately draw the comparison to Maki, so I wanted to mention that briefly 😉 And now you know why Gojo always wears a blindfold or dark-tinted sunglasses. I don't think you really saw that in the first season, but you can really see that in the second season that when Gojo activates his abilities (any abilities), his eyes glow very brightly, and when he deactivates them, his eyes look like regular blue eyes. He always wears a blindfold or sunglasses so you don't know when he's using his skills or techniques

Lauraa Rodríguez

no I actually think Geto fully believe now that Gojo is dead, and maybe this is his turning point, which is heart wrenching

Renzhong Zhu

As a manga reader I'm also not ready for the scene that amanai died XD, I knew it's coming, but I still don't want that nice moment end up to be her death. I really need next episode right now. btw mappa did better job than last season so far in my opinion.


No, he has beef with the big clans because how they treated him.


I cried when I read this part in the manga.. And the adaptation is a banger.


There was actually a reason why Nanami appeared for a few seconds! When they were staying in Okinawa during their protection mission, Geto mentioned to the maid Kuroi that they (Geto and Gojo, 2nd-years) weren't the only sorcerers present, they had their two underclassmen, here Haibara Yu and Nanami (1st-years), stationed at the airport to secure it in case of an attack ^^ So when Geto and Gojo suddenly changed their plan to stay an extra day, Haibara was excited whereas Nanami seemed annoyed!

Ahkenaton Furdge

I liked megumi’s domain expansion episode more in s1 but this episode is easily top 3 for JJK. Toji is a complete menace.


Six eyes is the ability that Sataro Gojo was born with that gives him his blue eyes, white hair, & crazy abilities called the limitless. It’s super rare & only come once 100 years.


Yeah, when I read the scene in the manga where Toji shoots Riko, I was really shocked because I didn't expect it at all. And in the anime, even though I knew what was happening, I was shocked as well. That alone proves that MAPPA is doing a really good job. They really manage to not only shock the anime watchers, but also to rekindle the feelings of the manga readers when they read the scenes for the first time #GoatMAPPA 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Haidar Mashlab

So his limitless ability is because of the eyes? Is there anything else the eyes do? (without spoiling idk if there's more info yet to be revealed about them)


From what we know, Limitless and Six Eyes are two separate Innate Techniques that belong to the Gojo clan. What makes Gojo who he is, is that he has both. The techniques together for sure benefits the user, Gojo. I don’t want to say too much, sorry! Hope it helps a bit :)


HOW DOES HE TURN TO THE DARK SIDE?! My boy whos name I don't know is so cool (Gojos classmate)


Gojo and Geto are such softies, man I love this arc I teared up a couple of times already! I can't wait to see what Geto can do against Fushiguro Toji, the curse that looks like a person looks interesting.


how is toji not included as a special grade with geto and and gojo he seems pretty7 strong (if its a spoiler dont tell me )


My jaw dropped! This episode was so good and so was the reaction 🔥🔥

Prateek Sridhar

"On a lark" is a figure of speach meaning doing something by the spur of the moment or impulsively.

DB Cooper

@AidinHS @IGleeker its easy to say this in retrospect but if you didn't see s1 or jjk0 before this, you frankly wouldn't be that impressed over gojo getting bitched by someone with zero curse energy because you wouldn't know thats supposed to be highly irregular. you wouldn't be suprised to see a knife pierce gojo's defence because you wouldn't have seen literally everyone and everything fail until now. im not a manga reader and personally just imagined you'd have to use some rare, visually underwhelming non combat sealing technique to defeat gojo since the only moment we've seen him be kept out of a fight was an anti gojo barrier and thats it.. so seeing someone just fuck him up with cerebral combat IQ, physical strength and unknown cursed tools got me more hyped than any of the previous gojo fights were he's allways been in control. like in S1 gojo sits on sukuna as if he was furniture, confidently claims he'd beat Sukuna with all 20 fingers and then we only see him fight weaker special grades as if he's just a untouchable god. just because those fights were in the present and we didn't have confirmation of the outcome of gojo's fight with jogo, hanami, sukuna or the golden whip guy it still felt like a given he couldn't lose to any of them. yet this fight is the only one we know he survives but he gets folded in a minute. how are you not excited to see what the fuck Geto is supposed to do, how are you not hyped just because you know they won't die. seems like you mostly appreciate the power fantasy genre that gojo is written in not the context behind it. my fifty cents


man i laughted so hard when Riko got shot XD not coz he got shot ofc but their reaction to it XD

Rex Tan

A bit late watching this, but man oh man was I laughing when Riko got shot. RIP replay button XD (Excellent reaction nonetheless)


The timing of the comments on rika 😂😂


anyone else got bleach flashbacks the way the shadow portal behind geto opened up

Riley C.

I believe Nanami and Yu were just there to pick them up at the airport but Gojo left them hanging XD Also, Nanami is actually a year younger than Gojo!


This will be so fun to watch these reactions, I wonder at what point Michelle will just accept the brutality of this anime.


He’s not the antagonist he just wants his bread that’s all that man has a family to feed😂