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Does anyone else see a similarity in the upper moons from demon slayer and Orochimarus goons?!!!


Bogdan Hizero

damn what a timing XD . first , i wait this wait to excited .


You guys should react to the new demon slayer trailer


Orochimaru is able to find his followers when they are at their lowest just like Muzan does and they follow him religiously. Kimimaro is a good villain, I’ll leave it at that!

Xai Xiong

Damnnn, the next few episodes are gonna be lit and I cant wait to see it again after so long... love your reactions!


Shippuden went on way after that. Theres a lot of new stuff for you to watch


My boy Kimimaro is here! Top 5-7 Naruto character for me in the entire series 😭


Thank you for telling how much you remember cause its been itching away at me not being able to ask lol also in 2007 i was in Mr.O's class learning about pluto on brainpop


Naruto Shippuden was released in February 2007, and it didn't have filler episodes until the end of the "Bridge" arc and a bit more (NS Anime Ep. 56). So you've probably watched the anime until April 2008. At that moment, the manga was in chapter 396, in the middle of the "hurting" arc. And by some things you've said now, I'm almost sure you at least read the first half or even the whole "hurting" arc. Hope some people find this useful. PS: The manga is not split :) PS2: I'm gonna cancel you right away :v (JK)

Danny Nguyen

Anyway y’all will get eps 1-32 on your website? I can’t find those reactions anywhere anymore

GD LoreRiley

We don't care if she watched all of Naruto and shippuden because as you said it was done with Demon Slayer. Its the pretending to be oblivious that was annoying. Want genuine reactions not faked ones.


It was stated in an earlier episode that Itachi was too strong for Orochimaru to try take over. Also Itachi has no reason to try save sasuke, he doesn't even care about him right now. He only wants Naruto.


Felt bad for the guy knowing he was going to be Orochimaru’s next host body and just wanting his comrades released! Kimimaro is a complex character and a great villain with one of the best voices on the show!


Orochimaru doesn’t go for itachi cuz he knows itachi is stronger than him already, he said it way back on episode 81 when having a conversation with kabuto.


You gotta understand what Sasuke has been through up until this point and the fact that he’s a kid , entire clan slaughtered and then his brother made him re watch it over and over

Kevin Depoppe

you could have just cancel them without pouring the salt. If you don't like what you see just leave without trying to make things toxic.


Everything I'm about to say was already revealed several episodes ago so none of it is spoiler. It's a recap/refresher if anything, but the mods can delete it if they feel it is necessary for whatever reason. Orochimaru's ultimate goal is to learn every ninjutsu in the world. The problem is that old age would limit the time he has to do this. That's why he created his immortality jutsu. He can swap bodies whenever his current body grows old or weak. He was already in a new body by the time he fought the 3rd Hokage. He was in the body of a woman (we saw it when he took off his fake face). Tsunade also felt something was "weird" when she was punching him and he kept standing. It was because he wasn't in his original 50-something year old body. He was younger and stronger than she expected. That's why she was shocked when his face ripped and his real face was shown The reason he wants Sasuke is because he wants the Sharingan. He said this to Anko and implied it to Kakashi when Kakashi put the suppression seal on Sasuke. Orochimaru also admitted that Itachi was stronger than himself when he was talking to Kabuto in their hideout. He said that if he could have taken Itachi's body then he wouldn't have had to bother going through the trouble of finding and luring Sasuke to his side. He's after Sasuke because he's going after the weaker sheep


Btw I really hope ya'll aren't looking at the title names of the upcoming episodes. They spoil you on what is coming up


The whole "immortality" thing is not real immortality, but it's as good as it can get. He's basically jumping from body to body to have a never ending life. As he quoted when meeting Tsunade/Shizune at Karakura Castle; "All things with a form will eventually perish" in this specific case he means the physical body of a human. In another quote he states "a human's physique is temporary their mind is eternal" It all ties to he's immortality complex, willing to live forever and create/learn all ninjutsu. Since he takes over the physical capabilities when hosting a new vessel, he is searching for the strongest possible one, preferably still young vessel. This is the reason he wants a kekkei genkai user, as they have bloodline specific jutsu's that few can fight against, and have tremendous potential. You will learn more about the reason he chose Sasuke. foremost due to the sharingan's capabilities and he's young body, as you said he's grooming the vessel so Sasuke is still young enough to be manipulated and groomed. Just like it was proven when he dangled the carrot on a stick; that was the potential power he could get with the curse mark.


As soon as Sasuke left he was labled a rogue shinobi. Tsunade gave Naruto guys the mission because there friends and short handed atm but if not for them Anbu was going hunting that day lol.


Just to clarify guys Orochimaru stated that he did go after Itachi and failed. If you rewatch episode 81 when Itachi first appeared, Orochimaru lamented the fact that he couldnt get Itachi and that Itachi was stronger than him now. So he went after the much weaker younger brother


Doesn't matter Michelle has watched Naruto and/or Naruto Shippuden. Just want Michelle and Ron to enjoy watching the anime. Not everyone is going to remember every scene of show that they watched more than 15 years ago. Sure, maybe iconic and memorable scenes but not every single one. Some scenes may refresh her memory of parts of the show but there is no need to be upset about it too.


Orochimaru possesses the Jutsu of immortality; so his soul (i.e. his personality) lives forever, but his body still ages after a certain period of time, so every few years he needs a new body to serve as a vessel for him. And so that you understand better, from when which person was chosen as his new vessel, I will list them chronologically (without spoilers, of course!): - so chronologically, Kimimaro was the first one chosen as Orochimaru's vessel due to his age and his strong Kekkei Genkai, but since he unfortunately got a disease, Orochimaru had decided not to use him as a new vessel anymore because a sick body would obviously not be so good for him - so after he couldn't use Kimimaro's body anymore, he had planned to take Itachi as his new vessel (which was already mentioned in one or two episodes you've seen so far) Orochimaru also wanted Itachi because of his age and his strong Kekkei Genkai, the Sharingan. And as you already know, Orochimaru only joined Akatsuki to get at Itachi. And the reason why he finally failed to defeat Itachi and couldn't use him as his new vessel is because Itachi was just way too strong for him - And now we finally come to Sasuke: since Orochimaru didn't manage to take Itachi himself, he decided to take someone who bears a very close resemblance to Itachi, i.e. Sasuke, his little brother (the resemblance refers here on the Kekkei Genkai, the Sharingan) and that Sasuke is still a few years younger than Itachi is of course another plus point for Orochimaru, since if he takes a young vessel, it will of course take longer for him to needing a new one. I hope I was able to make it a little clearer for you now 😂😂🫡

Saith Uchiha

Ron get a shirt a anime girl with dem big titties when Michelle wears those shirts.

Leona DiCarryo

The fight with Kimimaru is one of my favorites in the whole series. His ability is just so cool, and the animation is really good as well. Can't wait for the next upload ^_^


In 2007 I was 8 and I remember that the choji fight was the craziest thing I’ve seen since star wars 🤣🤣 and I didn’t show up to school the day after I saw the last episode of that fight 😭😭 4th grade was wild bro


Orochimaru explained in an earlier episode that itachi is a lot stronger than him that’s why he is not after him


I'll say, one thing that you just kinda gotta take , suspend disbelief or what not, is the technology in the Naruto universe hahaha. It is allllllll over the place. They have computers, camera's but no vehicles. When they were chasing the cat at the beginning of the series, they had radios in their ears, but yeah , no communication devices when it would help them hahaha. Just gotta let it fly and try to ignore it i find.


About forcing Sasuke to stay in the villages… You have to keep in mind that even though he’s young, he is a member of their military force. And in the same since if I, as a member of the Army, just up and left my duty station and was on my way to conspire with enemy nation’s, I would most certainly be put in prison and forced to stay in the US.


People said it but I think it's worth stressing. You guys should start skipping the episode titles as of now if possible. They get EXTREMELY spoilery moving forward


I totally agree with that. Everyone like this comment, so they see it.


This is such a great arc and after seeing Neji and Choji’s battle, you can imagine how Kiba, Shikamaru and Naruto’s will be! Kimimaro is such a complex character and really one of my fave villains. I really felt for the young man knowing he was going to be the host body for Orochimaru and just wanting his comrades set free!

William Howard

Now Ron needs his own lewd anime shirt

Justin Trenka

Can't wait til monday!! I gotta ask what episode are you guys on in real time?


My guess is you have seen just a bit into the Shippuden anime, and read a lot of the manga. That's what most of us did because of the ridiculous amount of fillers the show blue balled us with.

Saith Uchiha

I’m calling it right now in Michelle will think kimimaro justu are gross af and Ron like myself will think it’s DOPE AF

Justin Trenka

I watched this show back in 07' aswell. Me being the dumb 8 year old I thought the show ended after og naruto. It wasn't til 2010 that I found out about shippuden thanks to Disney xd at my grandma's. Ps. Why do most of our grandparents pay for those extra channels. Its either to much or they only have 4 channels for free like Murray?


I was in my teen years when I was watching/reading Naruto, but since I stuck with it till the end, I'm gonna naturally remember more. If you got to a certain point and stopped and didn't go back, it makes sense that you don't remember, this was a long-running manga/anime! But yeah, the manga is just Naruto. The anime is split.


#snortqueen 🤣

Michelle Lam

naruto just caught up with sasuke! So Gaara R Lee already happened and holllllllyyyyy SHHHHHIIIIITTTT


Kimimaru sounds like muzan


His voice actor also voices Kagaya Ubuyashiki from Demon Slayer

Dimple leader

Does anyone know the password for the site? I’m new here

Valeriu Irimia

I can't explain for spoiler reasons but to answer Ron, yes, it's gonna be obvious when you reach shippuden because the situation in which the characters will be "found" it's gonna be totally different. That and some visual upgrades because it's newer.


You have to check the update post with the schedule for the shows they're watching it'll have the code on there. You should check it every time they post it since the code changes.


Those people that the white hair guy fought aren’t from his clan. Orochimaru captured several clans and has them scattered in different hideouts.


The technology was supposed to be a combination of old and modern technology, but it's inconsistent all throughout the series so don't mind it too much.

Randall Woods Jr

I never read the manga when I started I started on Naruto on Netflix with English dub and the more I watched the harder it was to find the ones in English so I watched the rest in Sub. But I think only the anime was split into two parts Naruto and Naruto Shippuden and you’ll definitely know the difference when it splits.


started this series in 2005 like 6th grade been watching it weekly and reading the manga till this day..also your gonna know when shippuden starts cause your literally gonna have to click on another series on whatever site you guys use


If there was no ukelele, it was no apology video


Im late but the Giants won the Super Bowl in '07 BAKA.


I know Im way way way way late here, but did Itachi story got spoiled for them and i missed it mentioned somewhere? There is no way they would be so hell bend on Itachi being good guy just because he told Asuma and Kurenai that he doesnt want to kill them.

Amélie Tarrier

I think that's just the vibe hey got from him, doesn't seem aggresive and very evil when we loo at him the first time, I wonder if they change their minds later