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We thought there were only two seasons! Just found out there's a third one so disregard what we said about this being near the end lol


Armando Lozada

Jjk s2 starts july 6th!! I cant wait 😭😭😭




Heat! Can't wait for yall to start watching season 3. This show is amazing.

Felipe Carreon

Season 3 definitely gets more emotional


I respect the Yu Yu Hakusho shirt Ron has on. One of the goats


That fight scene animation was so freaking good. And Reigen of course the final boss just KO's everyone. Can't wait for PEAK Mob psycho finale!! And season 3 was amazing too, so happy you guys liking this show

Bhadar Chaudhary

I know y’all got lots on your plates but y’all gotta eventually react to deathnote shits fire


Man I gotta say that choreography for the teleporter fight was PEAK Reminded me of Looper super badass