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Happy Friday everyone <3


Tini loves-NOYA #SubaruRem ❤️!

Yeah not really one of my fav they tried to make kageyma back like before he came too karasuno not nice too watch


I have to be honest, I don't really understand why some people say they don't like this episode. In my opinion, it's only realistic that Kageyama fell into his old pattern there, so, became who he was in middle school. I mean, he's not even been at Karasuno for a year at this point, and to lose such a ingrained habit in a few months is next to impossible. You need a hell of a lot of time to train yourself away from something like that. And I think that little setback was really important for Kageyama's development, especially before the national tournament! Because of that setback, he's now transformed into a better king of the field, capable of getting the best out of each of his spikers. And that's why I personally very like this episode 👍🏻 But that's just my point of view, so please don't think I'm trying to offend you or anything 🫣😅 Gomenasai 🙏🏻

Rudy Nayager

One of my favourite episodes. Anyone who has played a team sport has been exactly there and this episode really would resonate with you., team disagreements, coming together, fighting and pushing each other. It was said in an earlier episode- "your team can be the most annoying but they are also you're strongest allies. You need to face them and have them face you" Also Hinata showing him Kageyama that he needs to take power from being called a King. Karasuna needs a King, so be a King.


I guess they just trying toshow that he still have room to grow. "Being a genius is the furthest thing to perfection" - japan coach

William Tippen

Weird intro all imma say…


Love this episode! It's all about communication and voicing out. Kageyama always had issues voicing out the plays to his teammates and keeping it in until he sort of burst out which we can see during his Junior High and during this practice match. Thankfully there was Hinata and everyone who already understands Kageyama. What he needed was to speak out so they can work things out. I also love how everyone is starting to notice changes with Hinata and that he seems to be more observant and gradual improvements. XD

Tony Imenjak

Kageyama had a taste of playing with better and more talented individuals during his training camp, which I think makes him tilted when his teammates cant perform as good or makes more mistakes than people he played with over there. You can see some growth that he knows that he crossed a line by yelling ill mannered instead od not delivering constructive critizism. Thats how I think caused the relapse atleast :) kind of reletable to how ive felt playing with better people at sports/games and then playing with less better folks ^^


Can’t believe I jus witnessed Michelle commit a murder mid video 😭 #RIPFlyGuy