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omg so happy lemillion is back!!!!!


Skyler Anderson

It's literally the end of the half so it makes sense. New Opening and Ending next episode!


I can't wait for y'all's reactions to the next op


In a world without a Symbol


I love how the show seems like it is about to slow back down and let a new arc start but nope, its just going to double down and go even harder in the second half of the season.


The most likely reason why All For One is not getting killed, is because killing someone is generally not allowed in the hero society! That's why the boy (who was also watching Dabi's video on TV) was so shocked when he saw the photo of Hawks killing Twice. The generally picture of a hero in MHA is that a hero saves people, not kills, because only the "bad guys" kill! It's just a very old-fashioned worldview that comes from typical superhero comics. It will be very difficult for the general society to understand, that Hawks had to kill Twice because, at that moment, he had no other choice! This is also one of the reasons why Hawks is one of my favorite MHA characters, because he's the first hero in the anime / manga that really kills a villain, and gives the world a new take on heroes (since he proves that, as in this case in war, sometimes you just have no choice but to kill even if you don't like it or want to)


Looking forward to seeing the reacts to new OP and new ED!


Eri can’t help. Her quirk is a ‘stock quirk’. It took 6 months until Overhaul to be able to use her quirk. Because she uses it on Mirio, she can’t use it anymore during few month. Eri’s quirk is too powerful so there is a big limitation. Otherwise, there will never be consequences in the story

googlek1 .

I told y'all, this is perfect timing. When MHA slows down, Haikyuu picks up.

Tyler Lacy

the most disheartening episode. its complete defeat.


I think Rice has got the right idea about just killing All For One like the second Shigaraki pulled up in S1 I was like if he's getting the power you gotta end this guy pronto baby hitler style


When you think you can breathe now, but no, you cannot and will not be.


Killing dangerous quirk holders is a long standing argument in the world. They are locked in super max until a clear majority arises that desires death, as the slippery slope is to think of genociding anyone considered “too powerful to control” and who gets to decide who that is?


It was explained during season 4, 5 and 6. It’s not a spoiler


all that destruction and despair . Beautiful ;_;


thats quite easy. Every person that used quirk to kill people, gets executed :)

Sr RafaTV

hi guys, just to give a warning here because here it's easier for you to see my message than on youtube, it's about one punch man, you two confuse animation with art style, animation has nothing with everything being well drawn and colored, animation was the moves and camera angles in scenes and fights, season 1 is infinitely better animated than this one, and better drawn too, but if you liked this one, that's ok

Sr RafaTV

this second season has many problems with animation and art style, many moments the animation in the fights is very simplified and poorly done, and the color contrast is often very poorly done, then make the comparison, but it is a very good season

Enzo Peuble

Why are there anime without publication ? Its been 2 or 3 months that it started and its still not fixed :( can't you do something about it please ?

Sr RafaTV

I also respect yours, but it was just an observation I wanted to make, including the studio for season 1 is much bigger than this studio that took over season 2, and when season 2 came out it was a little criticized, but it's not bad , it's very good in many moments, I hope you didn't misunderstand my comment, I just wanted to give an observation <3 love u guys and I LOVE that season 2 too

Michelle Lam

No we really appreciate it! And I think now that it has been mentioned by you (and others) we can sadly see the differences lol


No idea what you mean i see everything as it gets posted on my patreon feed


So, Normadus, would that include the people who killed someone by accident? Shigaraki's first kills were his entire family as a child when his quirk was first appearing and he had no control. Should they have just executed him as a child? Most of the Villains started on their path because of a failure in society. Should none of the blame for deaths caused by Villains fall on the society that sent them down that path? Arguments for the death penalty have always had major glaring issues that proponents ignore for their own convenience.

Ricardo Fierro

i dont know what to feel anymore, but it goes all trough my body a numbness, an empty, something...


Insane that with all of the casualty their only saving grace was Hawk’s information. imagine a fully formed shigaraki from the get go with no warning? oooof