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Oh man... here we goooo!!!


Renzhong Zhu

Ninjutsu Kaisen?lol




If you go back and look Kakashi did use the Chidori, and Haku jumped in front of Zabuza and took the blow in the heart

Renzhong Zhu

Raikiri and Chidori are same jutsu, but when someone says Raikiri, it refers to Kakashi's Jutsu, cuz he cuts the lightning once. Raikiri means lightning cut, and Chidori means thousand birds cuz of the sound.


Konoha crush!! I love this arc. And yes... You are about to see the hokage show off his skills and although he's not as strong as when he was in his prime he is still strong. Good episodes are on the way!


I remember binge watching like 10-15 ep a day in the summer. Good times.


Kakashi did use lightning blade against zabuza lmao


Just to answer a few of your questions: Orochimaru is the founder and leader of the Sound Village, not the Sand Village! He was just posing as the Kazekage the whole time. And the term "Hokage" is only used for the chief of Konoha, the Leaf Village, not for other villages. The name of the leader of the Sand Village is Kazekage! Also, you've already seen Kakashi use this technique when he tried to kill Zabuza with it, but Haku then jumped in between to save him

Maks Lesniewski

I love the fact that Orochimaru hijacked that Grass Ninja's style, and then Kishimoto just kind of forgot all about it. Also, please, for the love of god, learn the proper names of the other kage.


Not even Rock Lee on 5th gate was able to penetrate Gaara's sand and seriously injure him. Chidori can cut through anything, add to that Sasuke's speed and there's no technique capable of stopping it. So even if a ninja especializes or uses a defensive technique, he can be killed in one blow.


BTW, Ron you're right, Kakashi used the Chidori against Zabuza, and Orochimaru took place of the Kazekage after killing him.

Brandon Tyson

is this around where michelle stopped? she should make a small video without ron telling us the last thing she remembers


Genma doesn’t get enough credit and the thing he has in his mouth is a senbon which is the same thing Haku used on Zabuza, it can effectively incapacitate or even kill their target


Kakashi used chidori agaisnt zabuza. he used it before on haku


Only gets better from here. Go Warriors

Burning Talons

Michelle making spoiling insights is actually getting really annoying

dontrell Durant

Shhhhh, you're not supposed to point out that she keeps forgetting to pretend like she doesn't remember the show.


When are you going to upload Naruto again? I miss it.


Around what number of episodes did Michelle stop watching?


The Hokage fight is one of the best in the series


Orochimaru is a pure anarchist (like The Joker in TDK). He simply wants to see chaos and change to the current standard of the Village system He’s not really mad/sad that he lost the position of 4th Hokage “that” much ^


The sand is invading the leaf with the help pf the sound. This is the ark I've been the most excited about!


Oy that was me that suggested the isekai titles lol

Christian Callahan

To answer your question, yes the Chidori is the same technique Kakashi used when he killed Haku

Lucas Crismond

Summons and the fox in Naruto are not the same thing at all