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to be fair, zeke's plan is solid. no one will have to die, he wants to take away their ability to have kids so that means that this will be the last generation of eldians. in like 90 yrs no eldians will be alive anymore. that's as peaceful as it gets in my opinion.


The Ackerman thing will be explained in a future episode. Specifically the part what Eren told Mikasa


Well, you got it wrong, Eren's and Zeke's plan isn't to kill everyone, but for Eldians to not be able to reproduce anymore. Currently living Eldians, would live their lifes normally, unless killed.

Bryan Castaneda

okay so Levi was able to hit eren because Eren is not the “host” of Levi so to say, like not the leader ig. Mikasa protected Eren because of his command so she stuck with the thought that she had to protect him


Levi can fight with eren because he's loyal to Erwin, that is his "Ackerman course"

Rhuan Soletti

Levi was already attached to Erwin. Kenny to Udo. This is one of the reasons of not obeing Eren. But, still, Eren never triggered his instincts. One important thing: “I’am free, because i was born into this world”. - Eren


When Mikasa "awakened" Erens still wasn't even a titan, neither did he have any royal blood. The way he put it, sounds like the situation they were in triggered her Ackerman awakening, and Eren was placed as the one she needed to protect and serve. If you think about it, both the other Ackerman's had that exact same bond with a person of their own. Levi had Erwin, and Kenny had Udo Reiss (The Founding Titan before Frieda Reiss).

Kevin Depoppe

in the previous episode levi said himself how many times he saved eren. So it could be cause of orders but could also be the other thing..

Ivan Wen

My first thought about the Ackerman Slave thing was, "this plot doesn't make sense, it ruins all the Ackerman characters, including Levi and Kenny. It's just too frustrating that their actions/decisions were based on this slave nature."


I just wanted to let ya'll know, which I've already read from the comments so hopefully you've already seen someone else say, that the word "euthanasia" is an incorrect translation that I've seen on multiple streaming sites. What they're basically saying is that they want to neuter all the Eldians. So that after a hundred years, they'd just die out. Zeke doesn't want to make anyone suffer or die. (which is kinda strange from his character's pov to me, because we see him multiple times, rip apart eldians & do other horrible stuff to them when he's in beast form..but yea! <3

J Austin

So, in the last episode, Eren basically tells Mikasa that she just imprinted on him and mistook him for her "host". Eren has no royal blood, so that's why Levi was able to beat him up in season 1.




At this point, I literally just take in all the information they’re giving us and gave up on theorising lol. Neither side is wrong or correct so I just wait till it’s all revealed.


one of my fav episodes, very eyeopening!


Zeke’s plan isn’t to kill eldians it’s to get rid of their ability to reproduce that way their an never be future eldians that will have to suffer what they have suffered personally I don’t agree with this plan but I trust in Eren’s decision


kind of scary to see how many commenters seem to be ok with eugenics.


The reason Levi isn't a slave to Eren, is because Eren is not the one who triggered his Ackerman gene like with Mikasa. The Ackerman don't necessarely need to protect Eren, but instead just the one who triggered their Ackerman gene. There are a lot of people who believe Erwin was the one who triggered Levi's gene. And that that is the reason why Levi has always listened to and protected Erwin. Either way, this is all just speculation

Enzo Peuble

Yeah it could be a good theory but he let erwin sacrifies himself in the end so he's not the one who triggered his genes, maybe no one did


I mean on paper Zeke s plan causes least amount of death and the least amount of pain. Logically his plan is far more superior than the other plans, it is just tragic that its a situation where forcing nation to die out is the least deadly route. I personally d not be able to join Zeke in his ideaology coz I am far too self interested, BUT it is a plan that I can understand especially with his background...he probs in a way lvoed Eldians but also Marley, the onylw ay to not see both of these netions kill each other till no one leaves standing is this.

Amber Augustine

Majority of the fandom is pretty much on team paradis. These are who people who we grew to love and care about. I don’t care about the rest of the world.


blows my mind how Michelle would throw the most random left-field theories but somehow perfectly predicts what is gonna happen next....