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We're learning so much in these episodes lately!! This is by far our favorite season!

That Sean Carroll dude has been blocked and is no longer a part of this community. He just joined and has been nothing but negative. I honestly don't mind people insulting me or calling me names, but tbh anyone who is going to bring negative energy here will be removed (after warnings, depending on the severity of it). But for this guy, not only has he left dozens of comments and over 2000 on other patreon videos, (most of which are negative or complaining), how he was speaking to you all is what I wont let fly. Please respect each other Sushi Squad! Love yall! 


Aliyah Gray

I like the english dub version of Levi commenting on their height. “ You brats got taller its like you are sprouting up just to spite me”


wait how did Michelle know about the Ackerman loyalty thing? that wasn't known information at this point right????


You left this comment over a year ago but maybe you'll see my reply or others will: It's said to Kenny in a flashback in season 3 part 1; that the Ackermans were protectors/bodyguards of the royals before fighting back or something along those lines


To Ron and the negative comments… TATAKAE!


25:05 "Damn she must be a Scorpio" LMAO as a scorpio myself I think i agree




Theres a few scenes in the show where I feel the dub is better, in particular this scene, and one in a future episode, which just adds so much more weight and emotion to the scene :)



Joseph MY

Not only is Eren's body so strong, they all have the same figure as Eren because they are caused by soldiers' regular exercise

Tim Harrell

testing testing lmao


I think blocking is like shadowbanning, so they can still type but nobody gets to see it, thats my guess

Joseph Gragnano

Ron is a meme and I absolutely love it you guys are top teir in my book!



David Bareno

Don't worry, Ron. Every man's girl thirsts for Eren this season...whether it be low-key or high-key 😂😂


season 4 final trailer is out!!!


Haha the intro. Love you, Ron ❤️

Cream Cheese

People can complain all they want, but the way you explained your history in relation to anime makes complete sense. Plus, we're all wired uniquely anyway. Watching both of you go back and forth with theories & pausing has significantly helped me understand this show and keep track of things. Preciate yall.

Sparky Reynolds

I didn’t like that guy either… he was not good vibes…. He really acted like he was hot shit and the be all and know all to everything… he really was just an asshole…. Good call….