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I made a video about the design process for the plush toy and also a bit about Gooseman Runs for Office.  

The mailing list address is http://greasytales.gimmeswag.com if you'd like to get e-mail updates about the toy.  Only last week I made a video complaining about e-mails but now I'm hustling an e-mail list.

This was the reference sheet I sent them.  I didn't give them an example of the pose but I asked for him to be standing holding his spear.

Option A - I like it but my understanding of plush toys is that they should be cuter!

B - Cuter, eyes probably shouldn't be bright red though.

C - Cute BUT it looks like a funko pop, which for me is a no.

We went with B and tried emphasising the chest hair.  I opted not to go with the armpit hair because I rarely draw Fernando's armpit hair, it's not a part of his look.  I don't think he shaves it either but I just don't bother animating it most of the time.

This is the final design sheet.  I'm making the spear tip a bit darker.



🚨 🚨 🚨 https://greasytales.gimmeswag.com/ 🚨 🚨 🚨 If you would like to see more cartoons like this consider becoming my patron! http://patreon.com/sexualobster Become a sweaty walrus! Join my discord: https://discord.gg/cAMyP22


Michael Wagner

I like the final design, and in several toons he actually does have a reddish cast to his brown eyes (like cherry wood--heh!). If this model is a success maybe we'll get Nude Fernando wrapped around a giant tub of yoghurt (making sure of course to spell it with the "h").


I haven't asked them about how they feel about 18+ toys, but since removable clothes are possible, a fernando with big ole penis and removable pants does seem to be something people are into.


While Fernando his chest bush is nearly a jungle. Not the biggest fan of the amount but is it brushable? I do agree B is the best option