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This will tell the story of Gooseman's race for a senate seat.  His campaign suffers a setback when gopher farmer/cocaine dealer Todd McGovern alleges that he was formerly involved in the trafficking of human organs.  Gooseman has to make a tough compromise to stay in the race.

The animatic is finished visually although I haven't lifted a finger towards doing any voices yet.  Not sure what the music will be like either.  It's currently running at 2:17 but once I add dialogue it will probably end up being around 2:45 since I always underestimate how many frames the dialogue needs.  Also I tend to edit very tightly in animatic stage and add more and more space as it goes along.  It will probably take me 5-6 weeks to animate.  It's quite dialogue heavy but I'd like to have a lot of character animation like in the title gif.

This is the second time Gooseman has rocked the slicked back look.  The first was in one of the first cartoons I made back in 2006.




This is a great idea!


The shot without any lip-synch makes it look like Gooseman is communicating telepathically.


Loving it already, and I'm glad to see the return of Lance. Hopefully Fernando's head will survive this one.

Michael Wagner

Poor Gooseman, Congress is far too foul a place for even a jaded grifter of his legendary stature. Next to them he's as innocent as the Haitian orphans from which they harvest the adrenochrome they snort!


Is Gooseman an independent candidate? What are his connections to one: "Uncle Warren" and the international tax haven "Pleasure Island"? Is it true that he was involved with the international underground street yacht fighting ring? The people demand answers!


Looking forward to this one Goosman is a politician I can trust to not sell my Kidney to Emus


true, though Gooseman is running for Australian senate, pretty sure it would be harder to come by orphan adrenochrome (but not impossible)


Looking forward to this one.


That bottom pic really brings back NG memories.


Gooseman: Economist....alas memories from the old "New"grounds. Nice touch