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I thought there was an outside chance I'd finish this by the end of April but no not even close.  Well over half way though.

Here is the prince demonstrating his good vibes intentions towards Earth.  The blue effects will be slower and a different shape, they're pretty extra at the moment.

Here we have a catboy portal from the Andromeda galaxy.  In the final version he will be surrounded by Greek men.  I think my portal is pretty cool but I will adjust the timing and add some more sparkles.

Two of the aforesaid Greek men.

More Greek men.

Here's another catboy, this guy is the finest catboy warrior the Andromedan (green guy) possesses.

This is my second project in a row featuring catboys.  I have no plans after this cartoon to animate more catboys.  That's not to say I won't.  At least be assured that not every cartoon will feature catboys from now on.  I may have already drawn my last catboy.

This guy is also in there.

These guys make a brief appearance, they are Lyrans from the constellation of Lyra.  I enjoyed giving the Lyran lady a party hat and slapping a pennant I animated for Sweet Boy Beach on to it. 

This sexy snake couple also makes an appearance.  This is my interpretation of Draconians from the constellation Draco.  Apparently they had a war with the Lyrans and destroyed their home planet.  I'm not sure if these guys are the same as the reptilian illuminati guys, I'd need to look more into it.

I've agreed to storyboard two episodes of the kids show starting next Monday, it will delay finishing this by six weeks.  I'm confident I can finish this by the end of June.  I'd prefer to work on this until it's done but I'm trying to strike a good balance this year that will give me stability and its not always possible to finish things in the windows of time.  

For my next project at the moment I'm leaning towards one of the Meth Orcs ideas I have, or another fantasy idea about a wizard who gets really horny when he sees disgusting feet.

Thanks for reading and I hope this finds you all happy and healthy!


Prince of Vibes scenes