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A couple of months ago I saw an ad on youtube from a fellow who wanted to tell me about Pleiadian starseeds.  Had something to do with Atlantis.  I looked into it and it turns out there is a whole bunch of alien races that are trying to improve humanity's vibes.  Starseeds are humans that believe they originated from an alien species, or are inhabited in some form by an alien.

Prince of Vibes is a scene between two such aliens, one from the Pleiadian star cluster and one from the Andromeda galaxy.  Unlike Meth Orcs: Meth Harder I'm not trying to tell much of a story here, this one is more of a skilly sketch.  I think it will be about as long as Meth Orcs, probably 3:00-3:30.  I'm not out to make fun of starseeds either, this is more about the puppet masters that pull our strings.

Main character is the Prince of Vibes, from the Pleiadian star cluster (not sure which star).  He's my slightly different cartoon version of Ashtar Sheran.  If you want to look him up he's an interesting character (tldr he's a Pleiadian space commander who multiple people claim to have been visited by in their dreams).

Also featured: crystals!

Our other guy from the Andromeda galaxy.  He's travelled 2.5 million light years to meddle in human affairs.

I'm really happy to see Meth Orcs doing well!  Thanks again everyone for supporting me to make it.  It's great when I occasionally manage to make something that appeals to a slightly broader selection of people.



Michael Wagner

Hmmm, one of these fancy fellows may have gifted the Walrus Pit, source of all good vibes, to a degenerate human race...who then built a kinky resort around it. Humans, whaddya gonna do?!


well I can't wait