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I'm getting to the pointy end of episode 3!  The title gif is a shot that might give too much away but I'm sharing anyway.  It makes me dizzy if I look at it too long.  It's part of a sequence of shots I'm finishing today that I'm confident will look great.  Sharing any more really would give too much away though.

Some of you might remember that Tyra and GDM have a history (from GDM2).  Gendo initially does his best to keep them apart.

I've made a mistake in this cartoon which is evident in the following shot.  I dropped Gendo in front of brown objects in several places, and his brown tunic doesn't stand out.  It's the sort of thing I don't think about at storyboarding stage because I draw in blue.  I'm going to add subtle glows to the characters which will help Gendo stand out more.  I don't think it's a large enough mistake to justify recolouring Gendo or the tree but  it's definitely something I should think about more and earlier.  On a larger production an art director is supposed to think about all this stuff.  If that was my one job maybe I'd be better at it.

GDM is being his usual self here, as in he's being a jerk.   

I've kept up to date with the backgrounds on this one which is a nice change.   The motivational trick I've learned is to do a couple of hours at the start of the day (I need ways to force myself to do it because I am not a painter at heart). 

Episode 2 went up on my channel a few days back and the reception has been pretty warm.  A lot of people seem to be getting in to the series and I'm confident that if you like the first 2, the 3rd and 4th episodes will keep that energy going.  

I've still got 2 weeks to go on episode 3 (I hope it's only 2 weeks otherwise my schedule is gonna get messed up), so I'll post again when it goes up on the Octopie channel.



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