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I haven't commented on the patreon policy changes for new creators yet.  They appear to be not good and designed to increase profit.  I think in the long run the new fee structure will strengthen the offering of competitors and result in less creators and patrons using the site.  

I tried to find out whether Patreon was already a profitable company and found this quote from the CEO:  “The reality is Patreon needs to build new businesses and new services and new revenue lines in order to build a sustainable business.”   Sounds like corporate speak for "we can earn more if we make these changes".  

If they're already profitable then they shouldn't do this, their greed will harm the company in the long run.  If they're losing money as things stand then I am more sympathetic.   It's possible they got a bunch of venture capital early on and they're steadily draining through it, tbh I'm too lazy to research further.  

At this point we are used to seeing tech companies offer a great service, succeed in gaining users, and then implement changes that steadily degrade the service (thinking about youtube).  I don't have a solution!

 Here's a birdy from ep 3.  This one takes place in a town. 

GDM ep 1 has gone up on my channel and it's been pretty quiet.  I didn't expect it to do very well because I made a video promoting it on the Octopie channel one month previously so the core of people who will check out something I make in the first couple of days had already seen it.   I'm expecting ep 2 to do a bit better because less of my subscribers has seen it, but there again it will have been out for a month when it goes up on my channel.  It's my first time trying this arrangement, I won't know if I'm happy with it until it's all over I guess.  

Lest you think Gendo is on a roll after the first two episodes, it doesn't all go his way in this one.  In this episode GDM insists that Gendo masters that staple move in the samurai arsenal, the spinning back kick.  This happens quite early so it's not a spoiler.

Ok, I hope this finds you all well!



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