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A week ago I wrote a post explaining why I was switching the patreon to "per cartoon".

Well, a week later I feel like a first class fool.  I had two jobs lined up for the second half of this month, and both have been delayed.

I've found that the biggest challenge of freelancing apart from finding the work in the first place is that clients will happily line you up for a project but not tell you if they experience delays on their end.  After repeatedly asking I've discovered that both of the projects I thought I was about to start when I wrote my last post have been pushed back to next month.

I did make the music video I mentioned in my last post for a musican in Sydney (which is finished now and at this stage will be out 1 November), but I've spent over half of the month on Fernando projects (episode 3 of the Disk of chaos series, Episode 6 and 7 of the podcast and the comic jam).

So I'd like to switch the patreon back on for this month after all, and also apologise for the mixed messages.  To reiterate, I feel stupid and dumb, and also left a bit high and dry by certain people.  I wrote the post thinking I'd be proactive with communicating with you, but then the darned things didn't happen.

As for next month, if the jobs actually do begin (one in particular is quite large, 4-5 weeks), I'll switch back to "per cartoon".



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