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I sent a loose pitch of sorts for a Mongoose Man show to a guy who asked me for some ideas recently, and I drew the above image to go along with it.

 Mongoose Man is the world's newest superhero.  He teams up with an abusive nurse to fight crime.  It's kinda like One Punch Man in that it's a skewed take on superheroes but it's more like if the heroes and villains are just weirdos with too much time on their hand and powers that aren't all that special.  I haven't decided yet whether there are monsters or whether they just fight eccentric villains.

I also scanned some drawings from my sketchbook, in which I draw very infrequently:

Fernando and the Orb of Gaia poster concept  - Still want to make this cartoon!  The witch with the  badly drawn face is not in the original story.

Fernandad  - (Real name Giuseppe) Plays a prominent part in the Phallus of Glycon story.

Huge gimp  - Has a brutal fight with Randy at one point in Phallus of Glycon.



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