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Fernando's adventure continues.  Next he will lock horns with a gang of psychic bald Peruvian dogs.  BUT unlike the comic, he won't kill them all with his spear.  It never quite fit with his character that he would just kill a bunch of dogs that opposed him. 

Generally, the second half of the comic has so much cool stuff in it and I'm looking forward to animating it!

I thought I'd post some ideas I had about potential new funding goals:

$3500 - Any additional income over $3500 I will spend on animation assistance.  So if say $4300 is pledged I will pay someone $700 to animate on the project, which means I can produce things quicker.  I'm hoping this will convince new people that their pledges will have a positive impact.

$4500 - If this goal is reached, I turn all ads off the videos.  This is largely symbolic as there's no longer a significant amount of ads on the cartoons anyway but it would be nice to be secure enough to give youtube the finger.

My facetious $3000 goal about pissing in the ocean would go back to being the $5000 goal.

I was also thinking of abolishing the patron vote.  I could still do them occasionally but I don't think I do them often enough for it to be a significant drawcard.  

Anyone think this is a great/really bad plan?




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