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Ah, dear reader, welcome to the carnival that is my mind! A place where tales of the Hereafter aren't just tales, but a delightful, twisted glimpse into my imagination. I must confess: I have an almost unsettling joy for stories of reincarnation.

The Discord link is open to everyone—for now, at least, unless that privilege gets abused.


If more followers join, I'll enhance the server, but as it stands, it's quite a basic setup.


I'm truly grateful you've joined me on this remarkable journey.

Sincerely and Forevermore,




Added: 2024-01

Welcome, my dear patron, to my twisted fairy tale of night,

Where the pen is my sword, and I write with all my might.

Embark with me on this journey of chaos and tragedy, where evil prevails,

And your support will ignite the fire within my soul, as I forever exhale.


Thank you, my loyal followers, for keeping my world ablaze with the power of night,

Igniting my imagination, as we explore the world of darkness, with delight.

Together, we'll wander through this realm of shadows and madness,

Telling tales of terror, with your support, my dark inspiration will never go to waste.


Writing tales of fear and wonder, for all to read, always and forever.





Added: 2023-03