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Science Fiction time!  From space aliens to dystopian futures, it's time to a Sci-Fi flick!   We've had quite a few requests for a Sci-Fi poll for a while now, so here it is.   A few bigger Sci-Fi titles didn't make the cut solely for their runtime, but they'll still be showing up on the channel soon.

But for now, this is what we got, so get those votes in and let's see what J will have on his plate for next week.  Usual drill, so this will run until next Monday morning.   Good luck!


Beverly Dancy

He should see all of them and more.... Pitch Black, Riddick, Equillibrium, Minority Report, Cloverfield, Pacific Rim, The Tomorrow War, Chappie and many many others. Sci Fi is my jam!!


I love District 9.


Sad to see Arrival come in dead last, because it's both a bit of a head trip and a beautiful film. BUT! You'll love Bruce Willis so much in the Fifth Element that you'll want to watch 12 Monkeys.


Equilibrium is up on patreon at full length, not sure if it will see a YT edit

Jim Frykman

Man, this was a really tough vote. Hope you get to all of them eventually!

Robin Ann Weber

Didn't care for 5th element but I loved signs saw district 9 was just OK never seen arrival yet

I am the walrus

Any of them but the 5th element lol


Can't go wrong with any of these.


@You’re Mr Lebowski Yep, that would be the third Phoenix movie with gladiator and joker


TBH...I'm not a real big sci-fi fan (it tends to freak me out too much) but a couple of movies that are not on this poll, which I saw and liked (despite some freak-out feelings), are Interstellar and The Martian.Could these be among the "bigger names" you mentioned, Blank?


They are. The only reason neither is on here is because of runtime. Sucks, but some movies miss out on Friday polls just because anything too much over 2 hours usually cuts into my editing time for Mondays, which is where anything 2:15 or longer usually ends up. Those, Close Encounters, 12 Monkeys, and a few others are DEF coming, just couldn't really do them on a Friday. Bet they're def coming for sure. Especially the two you mentioned.

Michelle Bebo Horrigan

Too funny, the movie I voted for is finally winning & everyone is losing their minds lol At least there's only one or two rude comments/commentors out of the bunch though 😬