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AMA. I will choose ten or so at random. I'll try to find a balance of serious and not as serious.

I'm also trying to dig up a festive spook story that might make for a good 30 minute segment to fill out the episode.




Brendan Garcia

I would like to know what you think about internet porn’s possible relationship to MKUltra, or if you think this is a valid concern. I’m not prudish or anti-kink or whatever, but its always seemed kind of concerning to me that there’s one company (Mindgeek) which controls at least 50 percent of porn traffic on the internet. And it seems obvious that the CIA or power elite or whatever you want to call them would have an interest in this most intimate and psychologically potent areas of culture. I guess basically I’m wondering if wanting to fuck your stepsister is a psyop lol. I don’t know if there’s been any research into this subject but it seems due for an investigation.


Out of all the people you have covered in the podcast, who do you think is the best cuddler and would you spend an evening cuddling them while watching a movie?


Would love to hear some more about Colin Powell


I'd love to know if you have read James Ellroy's USA Underworld trilogy and if it has had any impact on your work because I think if you haven't you would get a lot out of it

El Repugnante

When are you teaming up w/ Michael S Judge?


Would love to hear whether there’s any truth to the whole Manchester or Yorkshire police (forget which it is) as portrayed in the Red Riding Trilogy


Thoughts on Indonesia post-Suharto?


Do you know anything about the influence of european anticommunist networks in sub-saharan Africa in the last century? Specifically I'm thinking about the Afrikaner Broederbond secret organisation that effectively ran South Africa during apartheid and their ties to groups like Le Cercle. Also anything about Operation Lock and the Vlakplaas paramilitary hit squad (strong Strategy of Tension vibes)?


What do you think about Mark Fisher and his idea of the "slow cancellation of the future"? Does this idea still hold (did it ever?) and if not what has replaced this? And to add to this, I would love to hear more about your music taste.


Are there any movies/TV shows about topics you've covered on Ghost Stories that you endorse? There are so many mafia/organized crime movies that I assume there's a lot of rubbish.


Any spooky tales of the UK rave scene?


What are your thoughts on the Somerton Man case from Cold War- era Australia? Always struck me as intelligence-related. but the specifics of what happened and why are hard to discern.