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 A/N: Thank you everyone for your amazing support! We've reached our next Patreon goal so starting next month Patreon polls will be updated. Expect a post with more detail shortly!

For now, I've decided that I want to do some Bakarina writing for next month before moving onto patreon selected stories. Finally, Four's a Party won the last bonus chapter poll, so there will be one more chapter of that coming out too.

I hope you enjoy!

Interlude: My Next Life as a Visionary, All Routes Lead to Love?!

The first time Keith MacDowell—now Keith Claes—met Katarina, she was perched at a tea table on the southern balcony, glossy brown hair fluttering gently in the breeze. She looked like a princess, and Keith was just…


Stay away, demon!

What did you do to him, you beast?!

Keith flinched when Duke Claes laid a hand on his shoulder.

The Duke was a tall man, taller than Keith’s… parents. He shared his daughter’s hair and sharp blue eyes. But Miss Katarina seemed much calmer than the Duke, who had spent the entire carriage ride back to the estate talking to Keith about trade and politics and many things that Keith did not understand.

“Katarina,” the man said. “I’d like to introduce you to your new little brother, Keith. Please do your best to make him feel at home here, my little darling?”

Katarina looked up from the large tome she’d been reading, a small smile flickering across her face. “Father! Welcome home.” She slipped from the stool with an intuitive grace that made Keith, with his perpetually skinned knees and scraped palms, jealous, a feeling that only grew when the girl gave Duke Claes a hug and the man laughed.

Keith had just wanted his parents to hug him like that, for his brothers to stop being mean to him…

He looked down at the ground when Miss Katarina looked over towards him. Duke Claes may have adopted him, but it still wasn’t Keith’s place to—

“Hey.” A small hand caught his chin. “You should look at me, we’re siblings now, aren’t we?”

Keith blinked, looking up into Miss Katarina’s eyes. She had a small smile as she took him in, pinning him in place with her gaze. He felt himself treble as her thumb ran across his jaw. “It’s nice to meet you Keith.” And apparently, she liked what she saw, because before Keith could blink, she’d already slipped her arm through his and smiled. “I always wanted a little brother.”

Duke Claes laughed. “I thought you wanted a baby sister, Katarina.”

If she hadn’t been holding his arm, Keith would have missed how she stiffened for a moment, hand tensing against the crook of his elbow.

But then Miss Katarina smiled. “I decided that little brothers are better.” Her expression turned sly. “But if you and Mother want to get a little sister for me as well…”

Duke Claes coughed. Keith tilted his head, had the Duke adopted him because Katarina had wanted a sibling?

His chest tightened at the thought. But why? Why would she want someone like him? Surely the Duke could have found a better sibling for Miss Katarina.

“Yes, well.” The Duke patted both of his children on the head. “I do not think your mother is in a rush to have another child.”

Katarina frowned. “So is that why you…” She looked between Keith and her father.

“Hmm? Oh of course not my beloved daughter.” Duke Claes swept down, pulling them both into a hug. “I would never do that to my beloved family! No, Keith here simply has very powerful magic. It made life difficult for him, so I’ve decided to adopt him into our family.”

Keith blushed, looking away.

Miss Katarina just sighed. “Father, does Mother know that?”

“What do you mean, my little angel?”

She huffed, pulling back and pushing on Duke Claes’s shoulder. “Go tell her. Now. You spend six months out of every year traveling and then you come back with a boy? Do you really think Mother won’t jump to conclusions?”

The man swallowed, a finger pulling at the collar of his pressed shirt. “Ah, well, poppet, that’s completely preposterous. You know I could never! All of my love belongs to you and my dear Theodosia!”

Keith looked on, blinking slowly.

Was this just another one of those noble things?

“Then go show Mother how much you love her, so she won’t be upset!” Miss Katarina crossed her arms. “And you can work on that little sister that you promised me.”

“Ah, Katarina, that.”

She opened her eyes wide, looking up at Duke Claes with such a vulnerable expression that even Keith’s chest tightened. “Please, daddy?”

And then the Duke was flying down the hall with a, “Oh anything for my darling little angel~!”

Miss Katarina held her pose for a moment longer, before laughing lightly. “Don’t mind our father.” She smiled at Keith, and he found himself smiling back, just because. “He really does love his family with all his heart, he can just be a bit scatterbrained sometimes.”

“Oh.” Keith nodded. “That’s good, thank you, Miss Katarina.”

She frowned at him. “None of that! You’re my little brother now.” She looped her arm through his once more. “It’s my duty as an older sister to make sure you feel welcome here.”

Keith just nodded again.

Katarina sighed, but it was a nice sound this time. “I suppose we were both bad at it.” Keith wanted to ask who ‘we’ were, but her eyes seemed very far away. It seemed rude to interrupt. “Keith,” she said, and he straightened. “That means you should call me Katarina, or Kat. No ‘Miss Katarina’ from you. And if you have any problems settling in, you’ll come to me right away with them, understand?”

Keith blinked.

And then he nodded.

Miss—Kat smiled at him. “Good. Now, shall I show you around the mansion?”

Keith stuttered for a moment trying to remember how to reply politely. Some like ‘it would be an honor’ no, no—‘I’d be delighted to’ but not that one either, she was showing him?

He was just about to say something when Katarina added, “Come along.”

Keith found himself following along beside her without a second thought. She pulled him through the doors to the balcony, idly greeting the pair of maids that curtsied. Keith almost stumbled trying to bow back to them before he caught himself.

His ducked his head and blushed when Kat looked over at him in surprise. “I’m sorry, I don’t…”

But she just smiled, squeezing his arm. “Keith, you may be nobility, but remember, it is never wrong to show respect to a lady.” She turned to one of the maids, taking the woman’s hand for a second. “Isn’t that right, Anne?”

Anne curtsied again, “My lady is too kind.”

The maid ducked her head, so she missed it, but Keith was still watching his sister’s face when a shadow flickered across it, before Katarina buried it beneath a calm smile. “Nonsense. You are part of our family as well, Anne, Emily. Never think that you are not precious to me.”

The women cooed happily, petting Keith and Katarina’s hair and smiling down at them.

But unfortunately, they moved on before the feeling of warmth in Keith’s chest threatened to explode.

He found himself staggering after Katarina in a daze as she showed him the parlors and rooms of the second floor in a whirl of opened doors and furniture that looked more expensive than Keith’s old house.

Somehow, he managed to get out, “Ah, what were you reading about earlier, K-Katarina?”

She paused. “Oh that book you mean? I was studying Earth Magic.” She gave him a wry smile. “I’m not very good at it.”

“I can do Earth Magic!” Keith froze when Katarina looked back at him. She placed a hand in front of her mouth, like she was holding back a giggle. Keith blushed, shuffling his shoulders. “Duke Claese said I’m… very good at it.”

He closed his eyes, waiting for her response. Katarina had been so nice to him, but… now that he’d told her about his magic, she could be upset with him. That way she wouldn’t waste anymore of her time with someone like him.

He stiffened as Katarina grabbed his chin again. “Keith, what did I say about looking at me?”

Slowly, Keith opened his eyes.

“Would you like to show me your Earth Magic, Keith? I’ve been having some trouble, so it would be very helpful.”

“I… yes.” He nodded, wiggling his shoulders. “If—if you want me to!”

Katarina smiled and pulled him along.

They ended up outside, and Keith couldn’t help but stare at how expansive the grounds were. At Katarina’s nod, however, he focused, drawing on his mana and pressing it into the earth at his fingertips. Slowly, he pulled, shaping the earth a small golem. It waved its hands at Katarina.

“Amazing.” She leaned in close, tugging at the golem’s limbs. “And here all I can manage is ‘move earth.’ Still, this is exactly what I’d need to use.”

Keith blinked as Katarina set the golem back down. “Can you make them bigger?”

Immediately, sweat began to bead on Keith’s brow. “I can…”

Kat smiled at him. “Can I see? Maybe it will give me a hint at what I’m doing wrong.”


“Please, Keith?” She pouted at him, lip trembling slightly.

His face went beet red. “O-okay!”

He placed his hands against the ground once again, drawing deeper on his mana. It sank slowly into the earth, permeating the dirt and stone, drawing it together.

“Is it easier to cast spells if you’re touching the ground?”

Keith gave a strained nod.


Slowly, a short distance away, the grassy field began to buckle and bulge. A larger golem, with massive brown limbs made of magically infused earth, pushed itself into the air with a rumble.

It took a step away from the broken ground that birthed it, smooth leg sending a tremor through the ground.

Keith panted lightly, blinking rapidly from the massive mana expenditure as Katarina started talking rapidly next to him.

He caught the words, industrialized, and economy of scale, before writing it all off as more Noble People Things.

It was a large category.

Keith just shut his eyes and focused, trying not to think about the massive golem, or how if he lost control it might…

It might.

Stop it!

There’s so much blood!

Keith, what did you do?!


His eyes snapped open just in time for Katarina to tackle him from the side, the stone golem thundering through the place they’d just been.

He gasped as they hit the ground. “I’m sorry!” Tears formed in his eyes. “I’m sorry! I can’t—I can’t”

Katarina rolled them to the side as the golem stamped past again, pulling his head into the crook of her neck. “Keith! It’s okay.” She threaded a hand through his hair. “It’s okay, Keith, it’s okay.”

Slowly, the frantic pounding of his heart slowed as she stroked his hair, murmuring gently into his ear.

Unbidden, Keith found his hands coming up to hug Katarina, even as his panic subsided.

“There we go.” Katarina let out of a puff of air against his head. “Good boy. See? Nothing to worry about.”

Keith nodded sleepily. Katarina smelled very nice.



“Would you mind moving the golem a little bit?”

Blinking he glanced over his shoulder, to see that the golem, his golem had frozen with its foot only a few meters above Keith and Katarina.

His breath caught, only for Kat to shush him, squeezing his shoulders. “It’s okay Keith. There’s nothing wrong. Just have it move its foot back.”

Keith nodded, and above them the golem creaked as it began to move.

Katarina continued to pet his head. “Yes. Just like that, Keith. Just like that.”

He yawned, reaching out his hand towards the golem. For some reason, it was really hard for him to be scared of his powers with his big sister there, softly running her fingers through his hair.

Slowly, the golem sank to the ground, falling onto its side with a quiet whump. It pulled up its knees, pillowing a featureless stone head on one arm, until it appeared to all the world as though it was just sleeping.

“There we go.” Katarina smiled down at him. “Good boy, Keith. You did very well.”

He smiled back, snuggling into the crook of his sisters’ neck. “Thanks, nee-san.”

She gave an unladylike snort. “Still don’t understand why we have those honorifics here, but sure.”

He gave a drowsy little nod, and was just on the verge of falling asleep when he heard the sound of footsteps.

Human ones this time, of course.

Keith glanced up to see the Duke and Duchess Claes racing out onto the grounds with a small army of servants.

“Katarina!” Duchess Claes came to a stop in front of them, her face a blank mask of rage. “What on earth happened?”

Keith stiffed, shifting to throw himself to the ground at the Duchess’s feet, but Katarina’s grip on his hair only tightened.

“What do you mean, mother? Keith was only showing me the capabilities of his golems.” She stroked his hair, and against is will a yawn broke free from Keith’s lips.

“It seems like using so much mana really tired him out.”

To the side, the Duke heaved a sigh of relief. “See, dear? I told you there was nothing to worry about.”

“Of course not.” Then, from the corner of his eye, he saw Katarina giving her parents a wicked smile as she sat up. “Speaking of tuckered out, should I say thankyou for my new baby sister already?”


Keith yawned again. The Duke and Duchess did look like their clothes were a little rumpled. Maybe… they’d been wrestling before they came out? Just like Keith… and…

He fell asleep before he could finish that though, head pillowed on his sister’s lap.

(Chelsea Claes was born nine months later, to the day)

[Line Break]

The first time Mary Hunt met Katarina Claes was right after she’d been told, in no uncertain terms, that she was to curtsey and introduce herself to the children of Duke Claes, before vanishing for the rest of the day.

Then, Lady Katarina swept right past all her older and prettier sisters and took Mary’s hands. “That’s such a beautiful dress.”

It wasn’t. Mary knew it wasn’t because her sisters made her wear one of their worn-out hand me downs in tepid yellow.

She did not know what to say in response to that statement, however, but her tutors had told her to always agree with someone of higher station, and a Dukedom was above a Marquette, so she just nodded.

Mary was still nodding when Katarina said. “Would you give me a tour of the grounds? I would just love to see them.”

Her head stopped bobbing a split second to late, and she bit her lip as she realized her mistake.

Over Lady Katarina’s shoulder, she saw the dark glares of her three elder sisters.

“Lady Katarina,” Antoinette said. “It would be my honor to—”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Lady Katarina turned. “It is rather selfish of me, seeking to spend time with a girl my own age but, Keith, could you escort the other Hunt sisters for me, just this once?”

Mary blinked, glancing down at her side where Katarina had somehow linked their arms without her noticing.

Master Keith sighed, smiling. “Of course, Kat.” He stepped forward, taking Antoinette’s hand, and pressing a kiss against her palm. “My lady. I am blessed to make your acquaintance.”

Mary blushed from across the room, as did her sisters as they tittered and held out their arms. Keith Claes shot his sister a complicated expression as the three of them giggly escorted him towards the rest of the party.

Mary turned to look at Lady Katarina.

“What?” Those blue eyes blinked guilelessly at Mary. “He’s a natural born lady killer.”



Mary stood in silence as her head whirled.

After a moment Katarina sighed. “I suppose I should apologize for being so forward.” She shook her head, sending her long hair cascading around her face. “I just couldn’t stand the way they were treating you.”

Mary looked at the ground. “I don’t… know what you mean, Lady Katarina.”

She just patted Mary on the hand. “Why don’t you show me your favorite place in the mansion?”

Mary frowned. “But the tea party is happening in the back yard.”

“I’ll let you in on a secret.” Lady Katarina gave a secretive smile. “I don’t like parties very much, too many people.”

Mary nodded, before catching herself. “I… that is…”

Katarina laughed, and Mary started to flinch, but it wasn’t the same as when her sisters laughed. Their laughter was sharp, stabbing at Mary like a knife

Lady Katarina’s laughter was quiet, controlled, as if she was inviting Mary into some secret with her. “Shall we avoid the party together, then?” Katarina ran a hand through her hair. “I shall have to put in an appearance eventually, but I would like to spend some time with you first.”

Mary frowned. “Why?”

“Because,” Katarina said. “They’re wrong about you.”

Mary bit her lip. “I…”

Lady Katarina patted her hand gently.

“I have something I want to show you!”

Katarina just gave her another one of those secretive little smiles. “Lead the way.”

Mary turned and marched in the other direction as the party, head down, entire body leaning forward as she practically raced around the front of the Hunt Mansion. The sounds of people chatting could be heard over the hedgerows, but she steered clear of them with the ease of long practice, taking Katarina to her not so secret sanctuary in one of the interior courtyards.

The arch opened into a wide garden, with a riotous array of carefully tended flowers. Mary bit her lip as she pulled Lady Katarina into the courtyard. Silently stepping to the side as the other girl raised her hand, blinking in the light.


Mary clenched her hands in her skirt as Katarina took a few steps forward.

“What a beautiful garden.”

Mary’s head snapped up, just in time to see the other girl lean forward and smile at the vase of Blue Poppies that Mary had just planted a few weeks ago.

“I can see why you like this place.” Mary could only nod as Lady Katarina rand a finger across their delicate petals.

Mary wished she could be half as eloquent and elegant as Katarina was. Even though they were only nine, Katarina seemed like a proper young lady, while Mary was just a frumpy girl with muddy hair and muddy eyes.

She was sure that the garden wasn’t anything compared to what the Claes Duchy could boast either. Really, coming here was just a horrible mistake.

“I have no talent for gardening,” Katarina said.

Mary jumped.

“You—you don’t?”

She shook her head, humming as she walked deeper into the garden. “I’ve tried, but I don’t have the patience for it.” She let out a breath sigh, the sound of it pulling Mary along like a physical thing. “Whoever cares for these must treat them with an extraordinary amount of care.”


Katarina looked up in surprised, causing Mary to brush.

“I take care of them.” Her voice squeaked. “It’s my… my mother’s old garden.”

At once Katarina’s features softened and she engulfed Mary into a hug. “I’m sure your mother would be very proud of you.”

Mary sputtered at the words, eyes growing hot.

Slowly, tentatively, she hugged Katarina back.

“H-how do you know?” She clenched her eyes shut. “No one else thinks so.”

Katarina pulled back, giving Mary a gentle smile. “Only someone with a good heart could create such a beautiful garden.” She nodded, as if that was the end of it. “I’m sure of it.”

“You’re sure.”

“Yes.” Katarina stepped back, making Mary’s heart drop until the other girl took her hands. “In fact, I would love it if you could come to the Claes Estate and design a bouquet for me, maybe even start a garden there, if you would be so kind.”

Mary blinked, was… was the daughter of a duke asking her for a favor? Like her gardening was worth something.

Mary hiccupped, causing a startled expression to spread across Lady Katarina’s face.

Mary shook her head, scrubbing at her eyes. “I’d love to!”

“I… uh, Mary, are you?”

Mary giggled helplessly as Lady Katarina puttered in front of her. Slowly she dried her cheeks and gave the other girl a bright smile. “Shall we go to the party?”

Katarina squinted at her for a moment, but Mary’s smile defeated her in its intensity. “If you’d like.”

Mary nodded, threading her arm through Lady Katarina’s once more, and pulling them in the direction of the party when an idle thought occurred to her.

“Lady Katarina, you said only a person with a good heart could make such a beautiful garden.” Katarina nodded at Mary’s words. “But… you are bad at gardening?”

“Well of course,” Katarina said. “I’m not a good person, after all.”

Mary tripped.

“Mary! Mary are you okay?”

[Line Break]

The first time Allen Stuart met Katarina Claes, he was mad.

No, he was livid!

His first meeting with his fiancé, Mary Hunt, was upstaged by the heir to some Duchy he’d never even heard of. Of course, he went to settle matters with her right away.

Jared already upstaged him in everything, Allen wouldn’t let his fiancé be stolen away by another girl.

“Prince Allen, please, wait a moment,” one of the Maids said as he stalked down the halls.

“Lady Katarina will be ready to greet you momentarily. She is simply finishing up with an important project.”

“I don’t care.” He glowered. “If Lady Katarina won’t make time for a prince that isn’t going to bend over backward to court her, then why should I make time to wait for her projects!”

He was, of course, a prince, so the staff of the Claes Manor couldn’t so much as lay a hand on him as he rounded the side of the building, and came in sight of her standing, alongside the Duke, next to a bunch of stone and metal rods with some gears attached.

“Lower that last piece in, if you would, Keith. Then could you give a demonstration?” Katarina Claes was the one giving instructions, standing on a block of wood so she could see the site better. “Anne says I have a guest waiting for me.”

“Your guest is finished waiting,” Allan announced. The entire group turned to face him, except for the Keith boy. Allan folded his arms as a massive golem lowered a long metal rod at the top of the affair into place, slotting it clumsily into an equally massive gear. “And he is interested in just what would delay the Lady Claes from meeting him at his request.”

He expected the girl to curtsey, or maybe even mouth off back to him, so he could knock her down a peg.

But Katarina Claes merely raised an eyebrow. “If you would like to see, I’d be more than happy to give a demonstration.” She hopped off her wooden block in a maneuver that would almost be scandalous if she wasn’t already wearing a pair of men’s trousers. “Please stand here. It will offer the best view.”

Allan scoffed. “This had better be impressive.”

Katarina just smiled as the Prince hopped up on the block. “Keith if you would?”

Allan watched as the golem turned a crank on the side of the whole assembly, causing the gears at the top to rotate, eventually sending a millstone at the center of it all spinning around.

“What’s the big deal about that? We have grind stones.” Allen cast a derisive glance towards Katarina. “A skilled earth mage could just have the golem grind the wheat themselves.”

Katarina nodded. “True, but this doesn’t need to be a golem, if you built a wheel with wooden slats, you could place it in a river, and let the flow of the water do the work. Disconnect a single gear…” At her words the golem reached over and slid one gear slightly down a wooden dowel. “And it will stop the stone from turning.”

Allan found himself reluctantly impressed as the golem demonstrated this fact.

Sure, he wasn’t anything compared to his brother, but even he could see how much effort this could save in the long term. Not to mention money that could be made, and that number only grew in his head as Katarina went over how, with some changes, this same ‘water mill’ could be used to saw lumber, or spin thread.

At the end of it all, he could only give a begrudging, “I suppose it was impressive.”

And he begrudged even harder when Katarina gave him a pleased smile. “Would you like to show us something interesting as well, Prince Allan?”

He huffed. “Like what.”

“I’ve heard rumors that you’re a talented musician?”

“Hmph, as if someone like you would know about music.” He crossed his arms.

“Well if you like, we could play together? I do practice the flute.”

“Heaven knows where she finds the time,” her brother Keith said with a fond smile.

“I’ll be the judge of that!” Allan declared.

He didn’t even remember why he’d gone to the Claes estate until he was well on the carriage ride back to the palace.

[Line Break]

The first time Sophia Ascart met Katarina Claes was at a party near the Claes estate, when the Duke unveiled a revolutionary new ‘water mill’ device with support from the Royal Family.

She’d gone against her will, because her parents and brother Nicholas had asked her to. But she’d been cornered up against one of the massive flower arrangements that surrounded the pavilion. She’d been admiring it when a small group of other children came up behind her.

“Who let the wicked witch come?”

Sophia hunched her shoulders as they insulted her.

“Her eyes are red because she drinks blood, you know!”

“Ewww gross!”

“Just like her granny hair!”

She balled her hands into fists.

“It’s just—”

“Excuse me.” Another girl’s voice, sharp and clear, cut through chatter. “Did I invite any of you to my party?”

Sophia peeked up through her fringe, to see another girl about the age staring down at the collective group of twelve-year-olds with sharp blue eyes.

“L-Lady Claes,” one of the girls managed. “We were just—”

Katarina Claes silenced her with a wave of her hand. “In case it was beyond your comprehension, I am informing you that you are no longer welcome at this soiree. Leave.”

A boy bristled, stepping forward. “You can’t just do that!”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “Can’t I? Whose family called this event again?” She paused glancing around as she walked forward. “Whose family received a royal remit to establish these water mills? Whose family receives weekly visits from not one, but two of the princes to deepen our friendship with them?”

Sophia watched in awe as the girl tilted her head, looking up at the boy. “Was it yours, mister… what was your name again?”

The boy sputtered, half shouting, before he drew back his fist with a wordless growl.

Only to go sprawling to the dirt as the earth bucked beneath his feet.

The rest of the children were silent.

“You will make your excuses and leave,” Katarina Claes said. “I will not repeat myself a third time.”

And they scattered.

Only Sophia remained rooted to the spot, crimson eyes blinking rapidly as Katarina came over to her, placing her hands on Sophia’s shoulders. “Are you alright?”

Sophia nodded.

Katarina let out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness. I almost didn’t see.” She glared in the direction of the retreating children. “Imbeciles, I should have thrown them all out myself.”

“Why… did you stop them?” Sophia asked.

“Hmm?” Katarina looked back down at her, blinking. “Why wouldn’t I?”

Sophia’s mouth worked silently as Katarina pulled her along.

“Here, stay with me for the rest of the event, okay? Hmm what should we talk about. Do… you like any books?”

Sophia nodded again.


[Line Break]

The first time Nicholas Ascart met Katarina Claes, it was welcoming her into the Ascart mansion for a small tea party with Sophia.

“Thank you very much for having me.” Katarina gave a perfect curtsy.

As the son of the Prime Minister, Nicholas’s answering bow was just the same.

“Think nothing of it,” he said. “My sister was ecstatic when you agreed to visit.” Left unsaid was that was the only thing Nicholas cared about. Katarina could have been a lowly street urchin, and he would accept them into his home if it meant Sophia would smile.

“I’m sorry it took me so long.” Katarina gave a practiced smile. “I find myself so busy these days, and to think my debut is still over a year away.”

He ushered her politely into the sitting room. “I find it much the same, my studies only grow in complexity as I grow older.”

She laughed. “I suppose I should be grateful, that our Kingdom will have such an earnest Prime Minister in the future.”

Nicholas bowed his head. The position was appointed, but it had been with his family since the start of the Stuart Dynasty.

Katarina greeted his family with grace, sharing a secret smile with his mother. Then Sophia had darted happily upstairs, with Katarina calling that she would be up in a moment.

After his parents left, it was just Nicholas and Katarina in the great hall. “You have such a lovely family,” she said.

Nicholas blinked.

She sighed happily. “I love my father, but it would be nice to have him home more often. And Sophia is just a blessing.” She glanced at him with a smile. “In truth, I’m almost envious, I wish I could just take her with me everywhere.”

Nicholas blinked. Envious? A lovely family?

Yes, he thought so. He thought so with his entire being that he was blessed.

But Katarina Claes might be the first person who ever agreed with him on that.


He blinked. Had he been staring. He gave his sister’s friend a warm smile. “My apologies. Yes, I consider myself very lucky. But please, Sophia has been waiting for you to visit for weeks. Don’t delay on my account.”

She laughed. “You’re a good kid.”

But… he was older than her?

[Line Break]

The first time Jared Stuart met Katarina Claes, he thought she was annoying.

He’d proposed an engagement out of honor, been almost relieved, in truth, when she turned him down the first time.

Only to spend the next seven years looking for a chance to propose again.

But how was he to know she’d grow into such a gorgeous, intelligent, and fascinating young woman? Her water wheel invention, despite how it had awed the masses, was only the tip of the iceberg. Her mastery of earth magic too, was growing to border on preternatural despite her limited mana capacity.

Every time Jared looked into Katarina’s eyes, he could see plans within plans, secrets within secrets.

He wanted to learn every single one of them.

“You look absolutely ravishing tonight.”

Katarina’s lips curled into a smile that sent shivers down his spine. “I’m sure you say that to all the ladies.”

He held out a hand. “Only on their debut.”

She laughed lightly as they spun to the music. And she was stunning, only more so for her inscrutable attempts to mask her stunning charm and wit.

So, when the dance ended, he went down on one knee before her and the entire ballroom.

“My dearest heart.” This time, he did not stumble over the words. “Would you do me the honor of offering your vow of promise, that we might, one day, be wed?”

He had left her no escapes this time. And by the quirk of her lips, she knew it as well.

Then she smiled, and Jared shivered in fear and delight both.

“I would be delighted to.”

[Line Break]

The first time Maria Campbell met Katarina Claes was in passing.

Their eyes met across the hall, blue to blue. Maria watched, with a distant fascination, as the princess to be strode down the hall with a dozen hangers on, all eager to congratulate her on her recent engagement.

Maria could only wonder what it was like, be so loved. All the same, she well knew that the life of a Duchess was something she could never understand. She accepted it.

But then Katarina held her gaze with bottomless sapphire eyes.

And winked.


Worm/My Next Life as a Villainess, All Routes Lead to Doom!



This may be an opinion that no one else agrees with. But I would 100% be ok with the POV not being Katarina. Having the story told through other people would keep a certain mystery to the story. Really liked the chapter!

Emdee Kay

This is nice, seeing Taylorina from other people's POV is really interesting.

Emdee Kay

We do miss on Taylor's reaction to be surrounded with suitors and misunderstanding most of it. Bakarina in her own way.


I wonder whose Reincarnation Sophia is... even if she is Emma, it’s not like she’s going to remember - and even if she does, she wouldn’t realize it’s Taylor. Typo: “he fell asleep before he could finish that THOUGHT”