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The construction of our castle progressed smoothly until the entire 100-foot-high perimeter was covered in reinforced concrete.

"Good job, everyone!" I announced. "Soul meat samples, dinner, and beer are on me!"

Explosive cheers met my words as people rushed into the city for food. I gave a toast to our success, and they cheered as they downed their drinks, which was becoming an increasingly frequent occurrence.

While I was sitting at a table, eating imported B-rank meat from Elderthorn and offering it to others on toothpicks, I chatted with Thea, who nuzzled her face into my shoulder with a flushed expression, when a burly man approached me.

"My Liege," he said, kneeling. "We're already out of beer and spirits. There's simply not enough for ten thousand people at once, even after brewing to maximum capacity."

"It's alright, Collin," I said. "I'll make an announcement. Tomorrow, I'll order a series of vessels that will allow you to make ten barrels per batch. In exchange, you'll give me 5% of the sales, and the guildmaster of Elderthorn Steel Works will get a barrel free every month. Deal?"

Alcohol and war morale go hand in hand, providing an escape from the horrors of battle and the loss of loved ones. Unhealthy? Absolutely. However, there was no place for therapy or perceived weakness in war—especially in the middle ages. Warriors can do whatever it takes to sleep at night, as long as it's not as extremely addictive as opium.

Therefore, it was imperative to lower the cost of production and increase the output.

Collin's eyes widened in shock when he heard my plans. "Y-Yes, My Liege."

With those words, he left, and I announced the beer plan. I also mentioned that I'd make a broth from the leftover soul meat and distribute it to those who didn't get a beer after waiting in long lines.

No one complained.

The next day, I went to Carter with a slight smile that suggested he was going to hate what was coming.

"What is it this time?" he asked, rubbing his bald head. "I'm barely recovering from creating two thousand rebar rods."

"It's fortunate that you've recovered a bit because you're going to make a lot of money on this one," I replied. "We're making beer vessels. Naturally, you'll get a full barrel of beer for free once a month, or half a barrel bi-weekly."

His eyes widened in surprise. "Now, THAT is the type of order I can get behind."

I grinned a mischievous grin that made the man shudder. "Good," I said. "Then let's get started."

When he saw the blueprints, his excitement faded.


After leaving the guild, I attended six meetings with wealthy merchants, promoting my products far and wide. Moreover, I had new products to distribute en masse.

"W-W-What is this?" Bradley Renton, a merchant from the Hellington Empire to the east of us, asked.

I picked up a letter in Remo, their primary language, and put it into a mechanical device, dipped it in ink, and then pressed it on a large piece of paper. It was just the last piece in a large sequence of tiny letters. Then I lifted the press and showed him a piece of paper that read:

"This is a 'printing press,' a method of mass-producing books and posters."

"I'm going to use it to mass-produce books that I'll sell, divulging trade secrets to guilds for a price," I announced. "I'm also selling the press itself for the right price."

While it may seem ideal to keep the knowledge to myself and prevent the countries I'd eventually conquer from acquiring this technology, I simply didn't have enough time to gather everything I needed.

I needed electricity to produce sodium hydroxide. I needed sodium hydroxide for petroleum refining, textile processing, water treatment, refrigeration, and medication. I needed petroleum for kerosene lamps, insecticides, plastics, and a thousand other non-gasoline applications.

We needed equipment for synthesizing ammonia for industrial fertilizers, sulfuric acid for mining, salicylic acid, aka aspirin, for an anti-inflammatory, and polyvinyl chloride for construction, electrical, and insulation purposes. Even if I took over the entire Valerian kingdom, I wouldn't get anywhere near modernizing the world.

Fortunately, whenever someone made something I had published, I would use it to create something new. If they create electricity? I'll develop a light bulb, a generator, a mixer, and other engines. Create a steam engine? I'll design a boat for mass transportation.

I had blueprints that I could document and distribute to people, drawing from memory and sending them out like a certain famous electric car producer.

There is so much to learn and innovate, and I'd be at the forefront of everything.

"Right now, I'm selling these for 10,000 gold apiece, but considering that books currently cost a minimum of 50 gold, you'll make a fortune."

Bradley gulped and looked at the printing press. "I'll think about it," he said. "Produce some books, and I'll—"

I pulled out my soap packaging for his order, each with ink I created by mixing ground charcoal with the sap of acacia trees, known as gum arabic. This would allow long-term production until we can manufacture synthetic dyes.

The man looked at it in shock. "This made that?" he asked, dumbstruck.

"Yes," I smiled. "I'm using it to teach people trade secrets, communicate information through posters with images, and so on. It only requires wood and ink, and you can print anything with the printing press."

"I'll buy it!" Bradley declared.

"Smart man," I smiled. "Let me know how it works out for you. In the meantime, here are the steel pots and pans you ordered, along with 10,000 screws. They're to be used with these screwdrivers I'm giving you, which will significantly increase the durability of wood attachments without adhesive."

Anyone who's seen a screw knows how simple yet elegant they are. Soon I'd be using the technology to create wine openers to distribute after mass-producing glass-blown bottles with molds and air control systems.

"T-Thank you," Bradley beamed. "I can sell these for a hefty profit."

"That's what I like to see," I said. "Now, I've got to get back to work."

I had large-scale orders for blacksmith products because they were exponentially cheaper coming through us due to constant automation. Moreover, the quality of our products was unparalleled, from cast iron skillets to steel pans. Everything we produced was uniform and packaged in cardboard with our logo.

That kept saying one thing: buy our printing press and educate your people.

Naturally, nobles wouldn't until I strangled them into it, but it was a start for merchants who wanted to make a name for themselves.

As Soracan transitioned into autumn, Peggy returned home, and we introduced a new product line: shampoo, lotion, and conditioner.

Making shampoo was incredibly straightforward. You simply take a variety of oils—palm, olive, coconut, almond, avocado, sunflower, and more—and create liquid soap by combining them with potassium hydroxide, allowing it to saponify, and slowly adding water to adjust its consistency. Then, you cover it and let it sit for about two weeks in a cool place until it finishes saponifying.

That's liquid soap. I had Peggy prepare it for the canning process.

To transform this into shampoo, all you need to do is add more water and moisturizers such as glycerin, shea butter, cocoa butter, aloe vera, and olive oil.

Incidentally, these are the same ingredients used in making lotions. You get lotion by mixing shea butter with a carrier oil like coconut oil or sweet almond oil, along with essential oils. It just has a higher oil content.

It just has more oil.

Of course, you can also add pigments to match skin colors, as well as glycerin, cocoa butter, aloe vera, and a myriad of other oils. However, the main ingredient remains butter.

Access to cocoa, coffee, and shea farms is truly the gift that keeps giving.

Finally, I had Peggy concoct the conditioner using cider vinegar, which is made by fermenting apples into wine and then allowing it to ferment further until vinegar is formed. We also used various oils from natural plants in the region, paralleling soap's ingredients. Essentially, both shampoo and conditioner are moisturizers, one just being in liquid form.

As always, we will add synthesized products in the future to improve the quality. For now, though, we were already making quite a profit.

Canning was also a major export. It was magical to most people, and those who attempted to replicate it encountered exploding glass or food soaked in water. Ultimately, it required skilled glass blowers, blacksmiths, and molds to produce standardized jars with interchangeable parts. However, Carter and I are working on machining technology that goes beyond stamping to allow for standardization at scale.

This was what I had accomplished before the kingdom sent a carrier pigeon.

Baron Everwood,

The actions of Benjamin Hughes were undertaken independently and were not an order from King Redfield. He incorrectly judged that you had violated kingdom law and took matters into his own hands.

We would like to hold a banquet in your honor to express our appreciation for you publicly. Additionally, we still wish for you to continue as a suitor for Princess Rema's hand in marriage.

King Redfield | Kingdom of Valeria

"It's even stamped by the king," I frowned. "It would be a clever strategy for them to attempt to kill me at the event. However, doing so would permanently damage their reputation. It will be interesting to see what unfolds."

Ultimately, I chose to attend or declare war, and I was not about to declare war. Ideally, the kingdom would continue to tax me for a few more years before attacking. By then, we would have guns, artillery, grenades, and steam engines at our disposal.

Our manufacturing output would quadruple, our population would increase tenfold, and we would educate them with trade secrets, transforming this into a global economic capital.

Even a single year would make it virtually impossible for the kingdom to attack us without risking economic ruin.

Therefore, I wanted to negotiate time.

"I guess it's time to prepare," I said, cracking my neck. "If they intend to place me in a room close enough to the king to pose a threat, it would be unwise to harm me. We'll see how he responds. We have a week to prepare further. It's time to stockpile food."


Over the next week, I dedicated my efforts to purchasing as many crops as possible. The government attempted to impose restrictions, but they were left with no choice. I was still generating income from cosmetics, including the latest sensation of shampoo, lotion, and conditioner, as well as printing books and selling presses. Therefore, to circulate the gold back to their people, they had to allow us to buy as much food as possible.

This is the power of economics.

We took these crops and began smoking, drying, salting, canning, and cooling them for preservation. We were sending a clear message: we were preparing for war, if necessary.


A week passed in a blur, culminating in my banquet held at the castle in Verdant Hall.

Now wealthy, I purchased a fleet of griffins and thunder stags.

Griffins are majestic creatures with the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and keen, intelligent eyes. They combine the strength of a lion with an eagle's aerial mastery, symbolizing power and courage. Griffins captivate with their mythical presence, representing strength, bravery, and majesty.

Thunder stags, on the other hand, serve as their military counterparts. These mythical creatures embody the fusion of equine grace and electrifying power. Their majestic bodies, reminiscent of horses, are graced with shimmering wings that carry them through the skies. Radiating electricity, their presence electrifies the air, accompanied by the thunderous beat of their hooves.

These were the mounts that Thea, Zenith, Ajax, and Graken, my second guard, rode into Verdanthall.

Our arrival was not what I had anticipated.

That’s an understatement.

Thea's eyes sparkled as she surveyed a sea of people from the kingdom, cheering for us as soon as they spotted us. This was no small spectacle, with a few hundred actors paid by the king. Over ten thousand people were cheering the moment we soared over the wall. "They're finally recognizing you!" she exclaimed.

I looked down with an apprehensive gaze. 'King Redfield is quite the strategist,' I mused.

This meeting was destined to involve negotiations. Consequently, rallying the public would mean that any refusal on my part would be seen as betrayal, ensuring that the people would either remain loyal to him no matter what or turn against me if I were to assassinate him.

'Years of experience have made this man quite the adversary,' I thought. 'But that changes nothing. I may be at a significant disadvantage, but I hold the economic upper hand.'

We were confronting an empire of a million with merely ten thousand people. Additionally, we had only one cocoa farm and scarce manpower to defend it if we were protecting Silverbrook. Therefore, we were in a delicate position. However, by restricting Valeria's money supply, we were putting them under pressure and storing all the gold in Elderthorn, otherwise known as Satan’s Fort Knox. Thus, if the kingdom murdered me, they would inflict almost irreparable damage on themselves, and my people could defend themselves. So, they were also in a precarious situation.

Had that not been the case, they would have already attacked us. They deliberately created a situation where any retaliation from my side would likely trigger a full-scale war.

It was a problem.

Upon our touchdown, we were greeted by Castellan Haris Gallant. As a castellan, he was the highest-ranking official, responsible for the overall management and administration of the castle, including security, maintenance, and staff coordination.

The message was simple: you're an honored guest who deserves the highest level of reception possible.

"Welcome, Baron Everwood," Haris greeted, offering a slight bow with nobles flanking either side as I stepped through the castle gate into the grounds. "Good evening, Lady Lockheart, and esteemed guests."

By addressing Thea as 'Lady,' he demonstrated respect for her as a noble within my domain. 

"Hello, Castellan," I responded, reciprocating his courtesy with a bow. "I'm pleased to be here."

"Yes, yes," he hummed. "Let's get you ready for your banquet."

I offered the man a keen smile. "Ah, yes," I echoed. "Please lead the way."

I trailed behind him to my allocated quarters, typically reserved for dignitaries of a duke's status or higher. Interestingly, the accommodations provided for princes were of lesser quality due to their long-term residence.

The space was immense, comprising an entire wing with five rooms, two baths, and decor fit for royalty.

After bathing and changing into formal attire, I joined Thea, Zenith, and the guards for dinner. Naturally, we were intercepted by the key personnel, who briefed us and had us wait for the grand entrance when all the other nobles were ready to extend me a suitably ostentatious reception. Such was the norm in high society.

When the designated time arrived, I turned to Thea. "You may not be an official noble, but you're noble in my eyes," I affirmed. "If anyone shows blatant rudeness or questions why you're in a stunning dress rather than maid's attire, notify me."

Thea was garbed in an exquisite blue noble's dress, a departure from her usual attire. Although I might enter a political marriage, she was my partner in every sense that mattered.

"Okay," she nodded, her pulse quickening.

"Are you ready, Baron Everwood?" Haris asked, displaying his nervousness. And why wouldn't he be? We were defying noble customs in the King's presence. However, as the leader of another nation—or soon to be, if King Redfield refused—I was treated with the corresponding deference to avert any backlash.

I glanced at Zenith and Thea, who reciprocated with encouraging smiles. "Yeah, I believe we're ready."

When we stepped through the door, hundreds of attendees stood to their feet.

"Welcome, Baron Everwood of Elderthorn!" Haris announced. The proclamation was met with resounding applause, causing Thea to avert her gaze and Zenith to smirk shyly. As for my parents, they were filled with a mix of pride and apprehension.

I scanned the room, taking stock of its occupants. My table was positioned at the far end, where the guards were stationed, and Alphonse and another court wizard were on opposite sides of the room. Like me, they were backed against the wall, where royal knights could swiftly encircle them, providing time for their incantations. It would be moot, though; the wizards could move faster than any knight unless they were a sage—the disparity in power was too significant.

The knights wore their helmets, ostensibly to guard their faces. However, the kingdom had conspicuously outfitted their royal guards in silver and gold armor.

'That's new,' I observed. 'King Redfield recognized that my incantations differ for each material; thus, they're concealing it. I can turn this to my advantage, but it will only work once.'

I couldn't suppress a sardonic internal grin as I surveyed the nobles. 'King Redfield has invited dignitaries from every nation to demonstrate his extravagant support for me, setting me up so that if I go to war with them, I will be seen as the one betraying him. How cunning.'

From the perspective of the nobles from various countries, I was treated with unusual respect for a baron. So, if I acted against the kingdom or caused any disruption, these nations would refuse to trade or form alliances with me. After all, who would place their trust in a backstabber?

King Redfield was physically formidable, perhaps greater than Alphonse, and he was a political strategist whose skill currently surpassed mine. The man posed a significant threat.

"Right this way," Haris instructed, gesturing towards our table. "We're starting the evening with a brief recap of your remarkable achievements."

'Here it comes,' I thought silently, yet maintained a cordial smile as I trailed Haris to a spacious table that could accommodate all of us. Thea sat on my right, with Lyssa on my left, creating quite a buzz. There was even more chatter about Zenith, who had applied Zenith's Cosmetics in a striking and artistic manner, enhancing her already stunning appearance. However, those from the castle focused on the conspicuous absence of Margrave and Margravine Everwood.

Once seated, Chamberlain Rockwell stepped to the front of the room and began his address.

"Distinguished lords and ladies of our esteemed kingdom and honored guests, we convene here tonight under the noble gaze of our forebears, whose portraits grace these sacred walls. In their honor, and in honor of all of us striving to perpetuate their legacy, we come together in fraternity and mutual endeavor.

As the night unfurls, it is my distinct privilege to highlight one among us who exemplifies our dearest virtues: bravery, honor, and unwavering commitment to our kingdom."

Chamberlain Rockwell paused, allowing his gaze to sweep over the audience, escalating the anticipation.

"A man who needs little introduction, for his name is woven into our kingdom's narrative. A hero who does not ride on the coattails of others but stands beside them in times of peril. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Baron Ryker Everwood!"

Thunderous applause followed my introduction, prompting me to narrow my eyes. Perhaps not all of it was orchestrated, and these individuals genuinely welcomed me with warm applause. After all, I had achieved fame among the nobility through my soap and directly or indirectly contributed to the wealth of many in the room with my soap and cosmetics.

"Allow me to recount the accomplishments of Baron Everwood," Chamberlain Rockwell resumed. "Baron Everwood has played a pivotal role in alleviating the plague that has blighted our lands, introducing his revolutionary soap at affordable prices accessible even to our commoners."

The applause became deafening.

"Furthermore, he has supplied our kingdom with non-toxic cosmetics, advanced metals, and technology, alongside pioneering breakthroughs in magical progress," he stated, his smile causing a stir in me. "Not only has he enriched the world with these innovations, but he has also shared them with us, ensuring that all nobles can leverage them to enhance society in the future."

I returned a savage smile as the nobles cheered, making eye contact with the chamberlain. The kingdom was treading a thin line, provoking me to retaliate against ambiguous allegations while simultaneously avoiding causing enough uproar to allow other nations to accuse them of spreading falsehoods.

This was high-level politics.

"Most importantly, Baron Everwood is a gifted warrior and a hero!" Chamberlain Rockwell declared. "As the youngest sage in history, apprentice to Wizard Alphonse Gurrigs, and son of Warrior Margrave Leonard Everwood, he courageously assumed the responsibility of protecting us from the creatures of the Nightshade Forests and has relocated to Elderthorn to do so!"

‘It seems you’ve chosen violence,’ I internally declared, my eyes cold as I stared the man down.

Most were unaware of my appointment, as it was a botched assassination attempt, so the announcement evoked various emotions. However, when someone initiated applause, the entire room erupted in cheers for the hero safeguarding Valeria from the Nightshade Forest. The elation wasn't limited to our people; the dignitaries who feared that the beasts might terrorize them one day were ecstatic.

"King Redfield's selection couldn't have been more judicious, as in just three years, Baron Everwood has successfully established a barony and subdued the creatures in the kingdom," Chamberlain Rockwell proclaimed, taking many by surprise. "And as a baron of the kingdom, an individual appointed to supply troops and aid to the kingdom, his duties are to shield us from these malevolent beasts! We are all significantly safer because of him!"

His words were met with uproarious applause, prompting me to cast the man a sardonic smile.

Everything that Chamberlain Rockwell stated was accurate. Barons are tasked with administering justice, collecting taxes, and offering military support to the kingdom, including recruiting and deploying soldiers during times of war to ensure the realm's stability and security.

That was a given.

King Redfield's strategy reminded me of my duties, asserting that I should stay in my territory or risk being labeled a traitor before numerous kingdoms in Novena. It was a strategy bound to succeed. After all, no one would view King Redfield as unreasonable for expecting me to fulfill my obligations.

It was a calculating move. However—

—the man’s audacity dug his own grave.

"Master Everwood was assigned the role and was granted a plot of land that was devoid of soil!" Zenith protested, rising to her feet with ire in her eyes.

"Sit down!" I hissed under my breath. "This isn't how noble society functions!"

However, the indomitable woman refused to back down; she didn't even understand the concept. Not that I would want her to. After all, if I had wished for her to remain silent, I wouldn’t have asked her to do this.

"What are you insinuating?" Chamberlain queried with a smile, noting that their provocation was taking effect.

"It was a blatant assassination attempt on a twelve-year-old who saved your kingdom from a pandemic!" Zenith countered, causing the room's temperature to plummet.

Chamberlain Rockwell scoffed. "On what grounds do you make such a claim?!" he retorted. "Baron Everwood is the most talented—"

“Baneberry Bloom, Shadowroot Vine, Wraith's Whisper, Gorgon's Gaze, Hemlock Heart," Zenith listed, exerting magical pressure to subdue the guards behind her. "These five plants are found in Baron Everwood's territory, and they'd kill an ordinary sage merely upon contact! There isn't a single creature below C-class, and those are solely infants. No one is meant to survive there!"

A wave of horror swept the room, and the dignitaries from other countries turned to the chamberlain, demanding explanations.

Chamberlain Rockwell's face reddened with fury. While he could penalize nobles within his realm, the entire purpose of this banquet was to gather witnesses from other countries to breed doubt and confusion. Thus, his hands were tied; he'd be at a loss if he expelled the woman.

A commotion broke out amongst the nobles, executing their roles to keep me in check and seizing the chance to bring me down. After all, I was their rival.

"Who are you, woman?!" one demanded.

"Identify yourself before everyone present," another insisted.

"Who permitted this woman entry?! She is not of noble birth."

"Escort her out immediately!"

"We will not entertain false allegations!"

"My name is Zenith Veil," Zenith pronounced. "Those cosmetics that many of you are adorned with—that's my product line, and ten of you are now banned from my products. This extends not just to you, but also to anyone who trades with you."

Her words were met with dead silence, the accusers visibly shaken.

"Y-You cannot do that!"

"Yes, this is the Everwood Company, owned by Baron Everwood!"

"That's right! This is Baron Everwood's company!"

‘Yeah, and I’m Baron Everwood,’ I internally scoffed.

"Silence!" Chamberlain Rockwell commanded. "We will not tolerate such disrespect at a banquet we arranged to celebrate Baron Everwood as a hero. Thus, disclose your origins or depart."

Zenith graced the man with a smile that sent shivers down his spine. "Allow me to introduce myself properly," she proposed. "My full name is Zenith Tenya Wyvern Veil. As my name suggests, I am a divine wyvern from Nightshade Forest."

A tsunami of negative emotions swept through the room, threatening to engulf everyone. While having Zenith as a trump card was beneficial, additional leverage against the kingdom was necessary. They were not a force to be taken lightly.

"Had I not rescued Baron Everwood, they would have perished upon entering the forest due to its lethal flora, fauna, and fungi," Zenith declared. "Denying that it was an assassination attempt is revolting, and deeming him a hero a week after dispatching 200 knights and a wizard to incarcerate him on treason charges is repugnant."

"Detain this woman for her false allegations!" Chamberlain Rockwell ordered. "This is a blatant attempt to sow discord among allies! This is no wyvern; use your eyes."

One of the royal guards attempted to apprehend Zenith, but she delivered a blow to his face with her elbow, causing his head to explode and leaving the dignitaries quaking.

"This is the strength of the creatures in Nightshade Forest!" she proclaimed, seizing another guard by the skull and immolating him with blue flames, melting his armor as if it were a wax candle. "Do you still consider Nightshade Forest a place for children?!"

The guards hesitated, awaiting instructions from Chamberlain Rockwell.

Another wizard began murmuring an incantation under his breath, but I pointed at the man. "Wizard Nazer, I suggest you cease your mumbling before I interpret it as a declaration of war and kill you."

All eyes turned to the man, who was compelled to halt his incantation out of fear.

"Speak to interrupt the curse you're reciting, or I'll kill you," I warned. "I won't repeat myself."

"Nonsense!" Wizard Nazer scoffed. "You're simply seeking reasons to—"

To capture his attention, I kicked the table to the left, then raced across the room at supernatural speed, seized the man by the throat, and hoisted him into the air.

"ENOUGH!" a thunderous voice commanded from the rear entrance.

"Y-Your Majesty!" Chamberlain Rockwell stuttered, dropping to one knee as others followed suit. Only my party remained standing, still clutching the wizard by the throat with an otherworldly strength the man hadn't thought possible.

"This banquet is a gesture of reconciliation." King Redfield met my gaze. "We misjudged the lethal nature of the forest, a blunder on our part. We now seek to acknowledge your accomplishments and confirm that Benjamin Hughes' actions were not representative of the kingdom. We offer his head and land as restitution."

The king glanced at the molten heap of metal and flesh beside Zenith, then at the wizard turning blue in my grip. "So, I implore you, release Wizard Nazer; your business associate jumped to conclusions, and these individuals were merely fulfilling their duty to protect the kingdom."

I locked eyes with the king. "How can you misjudge the danger of a location that is only safely reachable by cloud-soaring avians?" I scoffed. "How can you assert that you're here to apologize when Lady Veil was nearly apprehended for stating the very truth for which you're now apologizing?"

"Do you wish to fight now, Baron Everwood?" King Redfield inquired, maintaining a cool and calm demeanor. "Here, surrounded by dignitaries and Valerian mages?"

"I should be asking you that," I countered. I countered. "Setting Elderthorn aside, I'm here two weeks after your commissioner attempted to confiscate my company, the very same company you now declare has made me a savior, and only one week after 200 knights descended upon Silverbrook accusing me of treason.

And yet, tonight, I've listened to your Chamberlain feeding lies to dignitaries, claiming that I am protecting you from the Nightshade Forest, all while fully aware that my city is preparing for a potential war against this kingdom/"

The brazenness of my declaration caused a tremor to run through the room. Not a single individual, the king included, was left unshaken.

"Do you view me as weak, Baron Everwood?" King Redfield queried. "Do you believe that, after four centuries of life, I'm incapable of challenging you? That Wizard Gurrigs can't contend with these four individuals? That there aren't mages standing by with spells primed, ready to defend our dignitaries all around you?"

I paused to consider. One advantage of being in a room with dignitaries was that they couldn't attack us. However, that also meant we couldn't attack them. It was a precarious predicament.

More importantly, the man was clad in armor I'd never seen before, and my inspection ability only functioned on composite objects, like trees, which I couldn't decompose merely by name. As expected, it failed to work on metals, as their composition and nomenclature were identical.

If I could touch the man’s face, I could reduce him to ashes. Yet, Alphonse already posed a serious threat, and the addition of King Redfield, Wizard Nazer, and every other mage compounded the difficulty.

The cunning man had not permitted me to enter the room without taking serious precautions.

"I do not seek conflict at all," I asserted. "This is merely self-defense against assassination attempts and efforts to nationalize both my life and business. I simply aspire to live in peace."

King Redfield scrutinized my face. "If peace is your desire, then allow me to present the proposal I invited these dignitaries to bear witness to," he proposed. "Recognizing our misguided actions, the kingdom offers you both Elderthorn and the 50 square miles surrounding Silverbrook as a separate vassal-state, subject to two conditions."

A collective gasp filled the room as nobles struggled to comprehend the king's declaration. Vassal states are individual countries with full legal authority that paid taxes in return for protection. Therefore, he was proposing to establish me as the ruler of my own country.

“And those would be?” I asked, dropping the unconscious wizard with a heavy thud.

“You are to participate in the suitor’s tournament and thereafter wed my daughter, as you agreed to do precisely a decade ago today,” King Redfield announced.

I blinked twice as I processed the information. It had indeed been a decade! I had departed at age four—on this date—before my 15th birthday, having celebrated early at my home. Now, I was fourteen.

"What are you proposing, Your Majesty?!" Haris, the castellan who greeted me earlier, demanded. He held the highest rank among the court nobles. "This man has openly declared war!"

"Correct. And like any potential war, it can be averted through alliances formed via marriage," King Redfield asserted. "Let me clarify for all those present here. Ryker Alexander Everwood is no ordinary individual—he's a verified prophet. We determined this during our tests to verify if he was the demon lord long ago."

Shockwaves coursed through the room.

"Owing to his divine status, he has made breakthroughs in magic, has dominated the Nightshade Forest, and possesses the power of a wizard at the tender age of 14. He operates a multi-million gold business that caters to our nobles, a business that could be taken elsewhere or could perish, as he alone controls the trade secrets."

Everyone regarded me as if they were truly seeing me for the first time.

"He's an invaluable asset with whom we can form an alliance for mutual prosperity," King Redfield stated. "If he manages to leave this room, countless lives will be lost. If reconciliation is what it takes to preserve our relationship with him, I advocate it."

A heavy silence fell over the nobles and dignitaries and lasted a full minute until a courageous dignitary broached an obvious question. "If you seek an alliance, why offer him land to establish a tribune-state?" he queried. "Wouldn't a marriage within the kingdom yield a stronger union?"

King Redfield shook his head. "This man aspires to instigate changes we cannot accommodate, which will inevitably lead to unrest and conflict," he reasoned. "Allocating him a small plot of land to manage as he sees fit will provide us with tax revenue and technological advancements. This is the only viable approach."

After the man nodded in understanding, the king turned to me. "What is your decision?"


[A/N: Thank you so much for being here and supporting my journey!]



Where are chapters 1 through 16? Are they only available to unfiltered readers?


Thea. Otherwise, the unfiltered starts on 22. Oh, wait. Are you from scribble hub? My apologies I'll uoad everything tonight


I just posted all of them. Thank you so much for your patience. I'm new to Patreon and brand new to Scribble Hub, like, two days worth, so this is a strange experience. Enjoy!