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A petite young woman with teal hair and matching eyes stared at the notepad before her. It was a gift from someone important to her, and she felt that writing on it might forever damage the gift's perfection.

While paper was rare in Solstice, it wasn’t rare in her life, as she was the servant of the soon-to-be top paper supplier in the world. Therefore, it wasn’t an astronomical cost. However, the notebook was invaluable; she had held it to her chest and squealed in joy more than a few times.

Still, another part of her felt it would go to waste if she didn’t use it. Therefore, she opened it up and read the first page.

To Thea Lockhart, the person I cherish more than anyone.

– Ryker Everwood

After gulping, Thea turned to the first blank page, separated by horizontal lines. With resolve in her eyes, she dipped her quill in black ink that the gifter personally made by mixing ground charcoal with gum arabic from acacia tree sap and put it to the paper.

“I’m grateful to say that I can write in this diary because Master has taught me how to write. He’s done nothing but improve my life since I met him when I was six.”

Her face grimaced when she read the first line again, and then her cheeks heated up and flushed pink.

“He insists I call him Ryker… Ryker Everwood… even though I’m his servant. Well… I’m not really his servant, either. At this point, I have two servants, maids and cooks do the cooking and cleaning, and everything’s taken care of. Master… Ryker, just has me follow him around everywhere and requests aid. And somehow, everyone’s started treating me like the Queen of Everthorn… GAH! I shouldn’t write that! They've started treating me really well.”

A pair of furry cat ears on her head twitched as she listened for anyone who could’ve heard her panic and whine. Convinced no one overheard her, she continued.

“Since I have an abnormal relationship with Ryker, I suppose I should give you context. I met Ryker Everwood when I was six. It was a very strange meeting….”

12 Years Ago | Age 6 | Everwood Manor

The atmosphere was tense as I waited with the other candidates for the young Master to come into the ornate room of a really, reeeeeeeeealy large house filled with beautiful flowers and women in pretty dresses that made my eyes sparkle.

It was a dream home for my mother, Sarah Lockhart, a single mother who constantly struggled to keep me out of harm's way.

We are beastkins from Menko on the continent of Eudoria, known for having animal-like characteristics. Because we have ears similar to Valerian house cats, humans refer to us as demi-humans and try to buy us as pets. Since we’re from the demon continent, they get away with it.

Naturally, life for many of us is rather sad. However, I was blessed by being born as a divine beastkin, which means I was born with high mana, an inherent skill—beast taming—and unlimited growth potential. Due to this, we meet the qualification to work directly as servants for nobles, providing us a place to live in a mansion and relatively good pay.

My mother applied for us to work under Margrave Leonard Everwood, a man known for his generosity, and he welcomed us to compete for a lucrative role as the personal servant of his son, Ryker Everwood.

It’s exciting, but I’m nervous. I looked at the other girls my age, each wearing pretty dresses and makeup my mother couldn’t afford. There was a far bigger difference between us: they were humans.

The role is to be a day-to-day aide, a fifty-year contract. People choose those who can assist them without discrediting their names; they don’t choose “pets” who suffer from prejudice. I’m only here because Margrave Everwood said his son was very… peculiar… and had difficulty building relationships with humans. Therefore, he could potentially “use someone like me.”

I’m unsure what that means, so I’m torn between excitement about having a real chance alongside these beautiful girls and fear of how someone peculiar would “use” me.


Everyone turned their heads toward the door as it opened, revealing two maids, Margrave Everwood and his son.

‘He’s so composed….’ I gulped, watching Ryker Everwood walk into the room wearing a charcoal gray tailcoat. He was only three, a toddler, but he walked in with his hands behind his back like a war general.

All the girls curtsied, stepping their left foot behind their right and bending their knees while lifting their dresses slightly. I tried to do the same in my plain brown commoner’s dress but was clumsy, causing me to fumble. ‘I already messed up!’ I thought, panicked.

“Why is this one so different, Father?” Lord Everwood asked, pointing at me.

‘Of course that would be his response!’ I thought, my ears drooping slightly.

“She’s not trained in etiquette,” he clarified. “Is she special?”

My ears perked up in disbelief. ‘He’s not questioning my ears?’ I wondered, my eyes wide and teary.

“Yes, she’s special,” Margrave Everwood replied. “She’s a divine beastkin. That means that she has inherent magic and greater potential than most.”

Lord Everwood looked at all the other women. “Do any of the others have special abilities or great potential?”

The room fell silent at his words.

“No,” Margrave Everwood replied. “However, everyone here is more than adequate to be a great servant. They’ve all been trained, something that Thea Lockhart lacks.”

“I’ll take Thea Lockhart then,” Lord Everwood said, shocking absolutely everyone. “Can you please use my allowance to compensate these girls for their dresses and makeup? They all look very pretty and went through a lot of trouble; I’d like to show appreciation despite not being interested.”

A crushing silence filled the room, with all the girls turning to glare at me. I was just as confused as they were!

However, Lord Everwood’s endearing comment seemed to calm them down.

“Son… aren’t you the slightest bit interested in at least talking to these girls?” Margrave Everwood asked, giving the girls hope. “They’re very qualified.”

“All people can learn etiquette and discipline, but no one can learn inherent talent,” Lord Everwood asserted. “It’s nothing personal.”

The girls were crushed. However, hope revived as Margrave Everwood knelt, cupped his mouth, and whispered in his son's ear. Only I could hear what he said due to my superior hearing.

“You need to temper your intelligence, son,” Margrave Everwood hissed. “People might think you’re possessed.”

Lord Everwood rolled his eyes, turned to the girls, and with a bow steeped in noble etiquette, said, “Thank you all for coming. You all look very pretty. Please join us for lunch and allow me to reimburse you for your wonderful dresses. It's the least I can do to recognize your effort.”

Margrave Everwood sighed and stood. “Thank you for joining us today,” he said. “As I mentioned, my son’s rather peculiar. So please, don't take it personally.”

A few girls started crying on the spot, causing the three-year-old to sigh in exasperation, pinching the bridge of his nose and silently scoffing.

Saying Lord Ryker Everwood is “peculiar” doesn’t even begin to explain it.

Present Date | Age 17 | Elderthorn

Thea dipped her quill with slight tears in her eyes.

“That was the happiest day of my life for a long time. Not because I was chosen but because someone saw me for my potential instead of my class or ears for once. At that age, I didn’t realize how much that bothered me until it was gone.”

She wiped her eyes with a bright smile and continued.

“My first day with Ryker was… embarrassing. However, it’s why I can write this, so I look back on it fondly.”

12 Years Ago | Age 6 | Everwood Manor

After a banquet with the young girls, Lord Everwood complimented them on the minutest details and treated them like true nobles, requesting they show him their curtsies again and referring to them as Ladies to boost their spirits. The flattery was so thick it would’ve offended me, but the girls gushed, wooed, and giggled, their faces lit up with bright smiles.

Lord Everwood will be in trouble. I’ll need to keep him away from girls!

Despite my internal protests, I found myself practicing my curtsy in the corner of the room.

Once they left, Lord Everwood joined me with a deep sigh. “Thank God you’re not outgoing,” he said. “Please stay that way forever.”

I blinked twice in confusion. “Yes, master?” I cringed, not knowing how to respond. Then I curtsied.

He turned to me with a strange expression. “While I’d love to say: ‘drop the formalities and forced etiquette,’ it’s an unfortunate requirement. Therefore, you'll have to master it because people won't go easy on you until we can bring you up to speed.”

I swallowed hard, feeling the threat of tears.

“You’ll be fine,” Lord Everwood said. “Aristocratic society has so many rules that just following them turns you into a master manipulator. Then you'll have the chance to be a normal girl during your free time. Can you read and write?”

I bit my lip. “No.”

“Let’s rectify that immediately,” he said, grabbing me by the hand and leading me past maids who were panicking and calling out to him not to leave without my father. However, he ignored them and brought me to the parlor, where he sat me down before producing a quill and parchment.

“Let’s get you started on the Skylandish alphabet,” Lord Everwood said. “While you do that, I’ll practice my drawing for picture cards for you to write and learn from. I’ll need drawing skills in the future, so it’ll be beneficial. Therefore, do not say thank you.”

He paused and turned to me. “Oh, and I want you to call me Ryker in private exclusively. Let’s get started.”

Present Date | Age 17 | Elderthorn

Thea giggled to herself and swallowed, looking at the letters she wrote with an emotional smile.

“After that day, we practiced daily between etiquette lessons I learned with the maids. It became our routine, and despite the amount of time we spent in silence, we got surprisingly close.”

She smiled and continued.

“You know what’s funny? Everyone believes that Ryker is an indomitable genius, born capable of doing anything. However, after spending years watching him struggle to learn to draw, it became clear that he was incredibly hardworking. Regardless of his talent, he woke up daily and attended countless lessons, growing and working incessantly.

He may have a perfect memory and a brilliant mind, but he puts in the work daily. Moreover, he isn’t above relying on even the smallest people to get things done. You should see him attempt to make paper or explain complex concepts. It’s adorable.”

Thea smiled, a wave of pride washing over her at being the servant of someone so hardworking and talented.

“My daily routine during that time was to do Ryker’s laundry, bring him meals, communicate his orders, ensure he made it to events on time, help him dress, and perform any other task he wanted. However, all he wanted was for me to read, write, and practice my beast-taming, so I worked toward mastering them.”

Thea’s eyes lit up. “Oh! By the way, Ryker didn’t mention my feline ears for almost a year. It actually started to bug me because I feared he hated them and was being polite. So I asked him what he thought. Do you know what he said? Just guess! Oh, well I can’t tell if you are, so I’ll just tell you.”

11 years ago | Age 7 | Everwood Manor

One day, during our drawing and reading time in the parlor, I looked at Ryker, back at my paper full of symbols, back at him, and then back at my paper.

“Please….” Ryker sighed, taking a deep breath. “Please, Thea. For the love of God, just tell me what‘s on your mind.”

I swallowed at his blunt reply. Normally, it wasn’t a problem because I knew he wanted that. But it was hard, okay?!

After several false starts, I gathered my courage and asked. “What do you think about my ears?”

“They’re delightful,” Ryker replied, not looking up from his sketch. “I’ve wanted to touch them since the beginning, but I learned that beastkin are exploited as slaves for their anthropomorphic traits, so I haven’t asked.”

So blunt! And yet… my heart. Why is it fluttering so much?! This level of understanding and consideration from such a young age…. Something about it made me soar and speak candidly.

“Would you… like to touch them?” I asked. “You can. Just… be gentle. It’s really intimate.”

“Like sexual?” Ryker asked, apprehensive.

I blushed to the tips of my ears. “Of course not!” I exclaimed, cupping my mouth and then looking away. “What would you do if someone asked to touch your ears?”

His eyes widened at the thought, and for the first time, he chuckled without forcing it. “Well, when you put it that way, I wouldn’t really like that,” Ryker replied. “But I am curious, so….”

I gulped and took the hint, leaning my head forward with a racing heart. The moment he touched my ears…

“Prrrrrr,” I purred, cupping my mouth with a bright red face. However, it felt so good! I couldn’t believe it.

Ryker smiled at my response and the feeling, which he seemed to enjoy. “Well, I’ll gladly pet these ears whenever you like,” he said. “They’re so soft, and I like to see that smile.”

Present Day | Age 17 | Elderthorn

“I became… addicted to that feeling,” Thea wrote. “Not just the physical sensation, but also making Ryker happy. Like… really happy. So every time we were alone, I’d inch closer and closer because if I were within range, he’d instinctively pet them while chuckling at my antics. So every night, it would be a game….”

She pouted, looking at the page.

“Okay, calling it a game would be a stretch because he always let me win. But at least I’d try, and he rewarded me. It was nice… until SHE came along.”

Her eyes flashed with murderous intent when the image of a certain girl violently disrupted her pleasant reverie.

11 years ago | Age 8 | Everwood Manor

Ryker held a special birthday party for me at the start of the new year, and it was the happiest of my life. He even bought my mom a suuuuuuuuuuuper cute dress to wear to my party. He’s the best.

It was a happy time. I spent most of my days honing my magic, learning to read and write, and finding ways to make him happy. It was perfect.

At least, that was until the manor came to life with screams and panic. Amid all the chaos, I learned the reason from some of the other maids.

“Ryker saved a princess?!” I squealed in joy, spreading the word to the other maids. I smiled in satisfaction when they spread the news in their complex network. My goal of winning Ryker public support was working; Master deserves public recognition for his talents! Unfortunately—

“Thea!” a brown-haired maid a few years older than me exclaimed, running up to me.

“What?!” I panicked, seeing the alarm in her eyes. “What’s happening, Joann?”

“It’s the princess,” Joann said, panicked. “She’s here to take Ryker away.”

“THE HELL SHE IS!” I snarled, immediately delving into possible scenarios.

‘They don’t know I’m proficient in beast taming yet,’ I pondered, my thoughts rapid. ‘Would it be abnormal if I hawk flew down from the sky and pecked the little bitch’s brains out?’ I frowned. ‘Yeah, that sounds like beast taming, and beast tamers are rare, and if I did that, they’d know, and then they’d take me away from Ryker, and then… and then… WHAT’S THE POINT?!’

I burst into tears and fell onto my knees while the older maids came to console me. Being one of the head maids at seven was strange, and hearing so many people trying to comfort me was unsettling. Even though… even though he’d soon be gone and then… and then….

“It’s okay, Thea,” Joann hugged me. “You know Lord Everwood. There’s no way he would leave you behind.”

“We’re talking about a princess! She gets what she wants!” I sobbed. “Why couldn’t she just be a good pawn and get married off to a sleazy old man like the others?!”

It wasn’t uncommon for children to know the ins and outs of the aristocracy and its roles; after all, that was our job. So it wasn’t surprising to know what type of power princesses had or their relationships with others. For us, it was basic life.

Joann smiled and rubbed my back. “You’ll see.”


The next day, I followed Ryker around nervously, trying to find the opportune time to talk about his impending departure for the capital. He knew that I wanted to ask—I could tell. So I took his silence as a way of “shielding” me from the truth. So imagine my shock when out of the blue, he asked me this question:

“Do you want to pick flowers today?” Ryker asked.

My heart skipped a beat. “Why are you asking me if I want to pick flowers?”

‘Please don’t say they’re for that master-stealing strumpet!’ I internally screamed.

“I’m your servant, there’s no need to ask me if I want to do anything,” I said, giving him a slight curtsey.

“I’m picking flowers today and want to give the task to people that will enjoy it,” Ryker replied. “You know this is how I operate.”

My eyes lit up. Ryker did, indeed, have a strange way of making friends. He never went out of his way to make people happy. However, if he was already doing something, he always asked the people who wanted to do it first if he could, of course.

Isn’t Master the best?!

“I’d love to pick flowers!” My eyes shone like stars. When I realized that my admiration for Master coincided with my enthusiasm for picking flowers, I turned bright red and turned away in embarrassment. “I mean, I’m sure we’d all… love to pick flowers.”

“It’s okay for you to be excited if you want to be,” Ryker said. “Meet me after my violin lessons today. Please find the other girls who would love to do it as well.”

“Of course!” I chimed as he walked away with an unreadable expression.

‘I’ll show you how big I’ve made your fan network!’ I internally declared.


When Ryker walked out of his violin lessons, his eye twitched. “I take it you all want to go flower picking?” he asked, wryly smiling.

I stood with 14 maids of different ages, each looking unreasonably ecstatic.

“This is half the maids… my parents will kill me,” he chuckled, panning our gazes. “Who has duties they must attend to within the next three hours?”

Five instantly frowned and raised their hands.

“Thea, we’re picking flowers for these five,” he said. His words instantly created a stir as he looked at everyone else. “We’re also giving them and anyone else that can’t make it soap. Not everyone can come, but we’ll ensure they get something special.”

Everyone’s eyes widened, and they smiled brightly. Their willingness to bow out was far easier after that.

Once we whittled down the numbers, Ryker explained our mission. “We’re going to Elysian Verdance. It’s famous for its magical flowers, so be mindful of where you step. Only pick what I ask you to. Let’s go.”


I followed Ryker through the forest with a bright smile, excited to pick flowers with my favorite person. The thought was so engrossing that I didn’t pay attention to nature! However, that all changed once we got to a beautiful clearing.

“They’re so pretty!” I exclaimed, my eyes sparkling as we entered the area.

Stepping into the flower meadow was like stepping into a dreamscape. Tall stalks of sunflowers stood proudly, their bright faces turned towards the sun. Delicate wildflowers carpeted the ground, their petals delicately kissed by dewdrops that sparkled like diamonds. Bees and hummingbirds buzzed and flitted, drawn by the nectar-filled banquet spread before them.

“Calm down,” Ryker chuckled. “We’re looking for five flowers. Do you remember what they are?”

“Ummm….” I hummed, my heart pounding when I realized how scrambled my thoughts were. I didn’t want to let him down! “Luminary Lilies, Heartbeat Hibiscus, Dreamweaver Daisies, Solstice Sunflowers, and Radiant…. Rains?”

“Rainferns,” he replied, showing a drawing to me and the girls. “These flowers have mana in them, and they will make this soap feel and smell amazing. Can you find them for me?”

"Of course!" I replied, determined to bring him victory. "I'll use my beast-taming magic to find all the flowers!" As the other girls ran into the forest, I sat in the grass. This was my time to shine and highlight how much better I’ve gotten with my daily training! I carefully created a telepathic link with a swallow and used its eyes to scour the area. "Found some!"

"No matter how often I see your beast taming skills, it still boggles my mind," he remarked.

"I'm glad you think so," I replied, blushing before pointing into the forest. "They're that way. Come on, Master. Let's go!"

I ran to escape his gaze and hide my happiness and bright smile. However, as always, he noticed me. That said… something was different when I caught his expression. For a fleeting moment, he seemed… happy.

What do I do if he is?! He's never happy! That would make me so happy, don't get me wrong, but still! I'm so confused. Gah!

Flowers! Yes, flowers! Find all the flowers! That’s enough.

Flower picking continued throughout the rest of the afternoon. Lyssa prepared a picnic for us, and we savored the day.

I wish this life would never end, but… it will one day. I just wish it wouldn't be this soon.


The next day, during our study session, Ryker turned to me. “Thanks for helping me pick flowers yesterday,” he said, noticing the gloom in my eyes. He could always tell. “Getting these flowers was a crucial step in ensuring your presence by my side after I depart for the capital.”

My heart nearly stopped beating. “... What?”

“I’m devising something spectacular to prove my worth beyond being a mere princess’ suitor,” he clarified, gazing at the sky as he took a deep breath. “If they perceive me as just a suitor, they'll dismiss my maid as merely a maid, and I cannot accept that.”

I tried to respond but ended up swallowing my words, at a loss for words.

Ryker looked at me with a melancholic expression. “I realize this might seem selfish, but I want you by my side eternally,” he said. “So, I will do whatever it takes until you tell me to stop. I hope… you're okay with that.”

His words pulled at my heartstrings like a slingshot, so giving me verification released all my pent-up emotions, and I started bawling.

Seeing my distress, Ryker panicked, flailing his hands. “W-Wait, if you don’t want to go, I'll—”

Overcome with emotion, I wrapped my arms around him, crying into his shoulder. “Please don't leave me!” I pleaded. “I'll do anything!”

His face softened into a smile, looking relieved. “Then I'll do whatever it takes.”


Somewhere amidst the tears, sobs, and hugging, I passed out. When I woke up, my head was in his lap, and he was stroking my ears. The warmth of his touch was an incredible feeling, causing a moment of envy toward real kittens.

‘Is it wrong that I actually want to be his pet?’ I wondered. ‘I would give up my paycheck for this feeling. I just love….’ My cheeks burned bright red, and I stirred in his lap, catching his attention and making him cease his caresses. ‘No! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop.’

Ryker tilted his head, puzzled by my pout. Then he began kneading my right ear again, and I purred. “Okay, I'll continue,” he said, his tone distant and indifferent. "By the way, knowing that you wish to accompany me, I’ve decided to make your presence a condition for my acceptance of being a suitor. It's a bold move, but I believe I've set up enough compensation.”

My eyes welled up again, but this time I just smiled, my heart fluttering and my emotions surging.


Present Day | Age 17 | Elderthorn

“To this day, the fact that he made my acceptance non-negotiable still baffles me, but….” Thea smiled, feeling a surge of emotions. “It filled me with such joy, and it was only the beginning. Even then, at age 4, he safeguarded my life!”

Her eyes sparked like fireworks as she recalled Ryker rescuing her from bandits.

“I remember the head of the first man exploding like a watermelon, thinking: this is true power! Now beg for mercy from your new king!” she wrote, her excitement palpable. “They never got the chance since he slaughtered them all. But it was so exhilarating!”

Thea frowned. “Lyssa didn’t agree, but I believe that’s because blood splattered onto her new dress. I'd be upset too. Regrettably, another political pawn started pawing at my Master within the same week! But guess what! He glanced at that scarlet woman and declared her a fool to her face! I wish I could've witnessed it—the ultimate shame, rejection, and humiliation that only someone as mighty as my Master… Ryker, can inflict!”

Her chest heaved as she composed her shaking nerves and continued.

“That said, being exceptional has brought him great joy and also sorrow. The worst was at the capital….”

As she penned those words, she accidentally snapped her soul mana-reinforced quill in half before grabbing another and dipping it into her inkwell.

“The ‘training’ that they subjected Ryker to….” Thea’s eyes brimmed with vengeance. “If I ever become powerful enough, I'll watch this entire kingdom burn.”


10 years ago | Age 8 | Verdanthall Capital

“What happened to you?!” I shrieked, rushing to Ryker’s bedside when I arrived to bring him his nightly tea. He was severely beaten, bruised, and his breaths were shallow. “Who did this?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Ryker coughed. “People are just acting logically while simultaneously making enemies. Classic humans.”

I frowned. This was Ryker’s perspective on everything: I would’ve done the same thing, but this affects me, so I dislike you. It was a detached way of processing things as if he were merely a tool people misused, and he accepted it because being a tool was his role. It was twisted! Whether he was a demon lord, saint, or exceptional genius, they should treat him kindly, damn it! It’s not as if he would be any less of a person if he’s exceptional, is it?! It was utterly absurd! He shouldn’t be alright with this!

“This isn’t….”

I stopped talking when he weakly patted his bed, silently asking me to lie down so he could stroke my ears. Seeing him so frail brought tears to my eyes, but I complied, removing my heels, crawling next to him, and guiding his hands to my ears.

On any other day, my heart would be racing, and my mind would be overwhelmed. But right here, right now… I just felt pain. At least I can offer him some comfort. It’s the least I can do.


Five years ago | Age 13 | Verdanthall Capital

Years flew by like this.

Jealous princesses.

Slattern princesses.

Paranoid little Kings.

Soap-loving queens.

A fucked up mentor.

Ryker leaves healed.

He returns battered.

For years. For years!

But guess what?!

My Master is strong!

So go ahead, King!

Dig your own grave!

Beat and bruise him!

Put him through hell!

But remember, King!

Master will grow up!

Hah. Just wait for it!

And on that day….

I hope he fucking—

“Thank you for allowing me to knead your ears like this,” Ryker murmured from behind me. “I know it’s selfish of me to ask this of someone who’s already so kind to me, but… I truly appreciate it.”

My heart melted, my cheeks reddened, and I began to squirm. He was nearing ten now, and I was thirteen. So was it strange that when I look at him, I feel….

I shook my head in panic and turned around, then eeked and turned away. “I-It’s okay. This is my favorite part of the night.”

I could feel him furrow his brow behind me, making me wince.

“Over the years, I’ve learned to detect even the most skilled lies from the finest politicians, but… even when you utter something so incredibly unbelievable… I detect no dishonsty.”

“That’s because it is true!” I spun in panic, only to realize my extreme reaction had shocked him. “It’s true….” I became bashful, embarrassed for appearing so desperate.

“You’re so… good to me,” Ryker smiled, his expression strained with an emotion I hadn’t seen him display before. “No matter how hard I try, I can’t recall a single negative memory of you. I’m not sure how I lucked out with someone like you, but… I’ll find a way to show my appreciation someday. It’s an uphill battle with a titan… but I’ll find a way.”

Present Day | Age 17 | Elderthorn

Tears splattered onto Thea’s cherished notebook, making her briefly look away.

“Even then, when he was in pain, he was so kind to me.”

Thea wiped her eyes and tried to soothe the whirlwind of emotions raging inside her.

“How was I supposed to tell him that I could never repay him? How do I even express that? I’m the luckiest person in the whole damn world! I just… can’t. Even today… I can’t.”

She alternated between smiles and tears, expressing the tangled emotions within her. Pain. Love. Fear. Doubt.

“Even today, I can’t reciprocate enough,” Thea wrote, pouring her heart out through her quill. “No one should. He saved hundreds, millions, kabillions… how did I forget even the simple stuff that Master… gah! Ryker taught me!

No person in this kingdom can express enough gratitude for saving their serfs, families, and bank accounts from the plague. However, even though none of us are worthy… he still brought me to his new barony and….”

Her cheeks flushed bright red as she realized she’d have to discuss how he treated her in Elderthorn. It fueled her already intense emotions.


The poor cat girl was still bright red, and no amount of rage could overwhelm it because—

“Well, sort of,” she clarified after taking deep, embarrassed breaths. “I want to hate the kingdom for it, but it’s hard to because—”

Three years ago | Age 15 | Elderthorn

When we touched down Elderthrorn for the first time, I was so pissed I could raze the forest down and still not be happy.

‘Maybe I should train birds to bring Master meat all day….’ I pondered, cheeks puffed out, trying to make the best of the situation. Finding something nice to do for him was challenging when all I had to offer were my ears, chastity, and thirst for vengeance! Since he didn’t want two of those things, I prayed my ears would suffice.

“Can you even make soap without flowers or grass to feed cattle?” Lyssa queried, gazing into the barren wasteland of shattered clay and oppressive despair.

I wanted to enlighten Ms. Voice of Reason about the concept of common sense. However, Ryker grinned, and it made my heart leap with anticipation.

“Hmmm?” he hummed, giving Lyssa a twisted grin. “I said they don’t want us to grow anything. Not that it’s against the rules to do so. So we'll be fine.”

My eyes sparkled when I saw his confidence. “How bad are they gonna regret it?”

“Oh, they’ll rue the day,” Ryker grinned. I immediately pounced on him in a hug, losing control of my emotions. I was a legal adult now, so I naturally craved more...contact. Thankfully, he allowed me to hug him, and that’s what I would do, damn it! “They better!” I declared. "You deserve the Elysian Gardens after what you did for the kingdom but ended up with house arrest instead. Well, let's make this land so fertile that we can build an army off it and—!"

Ryker massaged my ears, prompting me to purr and calm down. It wasn’t fair that he could manipulate my emotions so easily! Even if I desired it and it was wonderful, it still wasn’t fair, okay! Someday, I’m going to discover that thing that makes him smile. You wait!

I was brimming with happiness until we entered the estate. Then my bloodlust skyrocketed past Ryker’s praise, hugs, and cuddles!

‘I see these people have chosen violence!’ I internally declared, sweeping my gaze over the blood-splattered furniture and rugs. It was evident that beasts had consumed the last people sent here and their bodies removed. ‘They didn’t even bother to hide the fact that the last people they sent here died?! They better pray that I don’t consume enough soul mana to—”

"Okay, no," Ryker stated dryly and matter-of-factly.


With a flick of his wrist and a silent chant, he snapped his fingers, setting every bit of furniture ablaze.

My emotions swung again towards admiration and adoration, watching the blue flames reflected in my teal eyes. ‘That’s right… Ryker could incinerate these people. He chooses not to. Not yet…. GAH! HE’S SO COOOOOOOOL!’

After the blue flames consumed everything, he extinguished the fire with magic and cleared the smoke with a wind spell. Finally, he cooled the room down with a spell, creating a pleasant breeze. Then he walked onto the clear stone floor, pulled a throne chair from his spatial bag, and positioned a smaller chair beside it.

Ryker sat down, crossed one ankle over his knee, and patted the smaller chair while looking at me. Confused yet delighted, I hurriedly scampered over and sat down.

This was a power-play role-playing scenario. Therefore, I turned to the other guards and Lyssa with a fierce scowl that said, “Do you dare to defy me, you fools?!” I liked to think my execution was perfect, so I looked over for Ryker’s judgment but received something else.

"Do you like the chair?" Ryker asked.

My twisted frown lit up like fireworks, and I gave him a radiant smile. "It's the best!"

Of course, because it was his chair in his barony!

"Do you want to keep it?" he asked.

I blinked twice and pointed at myself, receiving a nod in return. Then my heart pounded, fearing the guards' retribution. I was a maid! We knew our place! How was I supposed to react?! I turned to Lyssa and the guards before spinning back to Ryker. “Ummm... yes?"

"Great," Ryker said, standing up. "Now, we need to create a place worth sitting in. So let's get started."

Only once he walked out the door and saw that the smaller throne was still there did I process what had just happened. Before Lyssa, the representative of Margrave Leonard Everwood, and our guards from the kingdom, he declared that his maid… that I… would sit beside him.

Present Day | Age 17 | Elderthorn

Thea looked around at the cabin she was in. It was right next to Ryker’s, connected by a door, so she was always one knock away from being with him.

Barons had king-like power in their territories, so he had declared, before thousands of people, that she was the queen of the region. People called her lady and often kneeled to her—despite her wearing a maid’s dress everywhere. No matter where Ryker was, he kept her by his side.

“‘I’m not sure how I lucked out with someone like you, but… I’ll find a way of showing my appreciation one day. It’s an uphill battle with a titan… but I’ll do it.’” Thea wrote. “That’s what he said to me. However, writing this right now… I can’t think of a single thing that I could do to express how grateful I am to have met Ryker.”

More tears dripped onto the page, but she let them fall to showcase proof of her emotions like a stamp.

“I turn eighteen tomorrow,” Thea wrote. “It’s a special year for Ryker. He’s not comfortable around people that aren’t eighteen, as if he doesn’t belong amongst them. In any case, I’ll tell him that… I’m his forever, and I’ll never leave his side. My mind, body, and spirit belong to him. That’s a promise that I swear never to break. I love you, Ryker Everwood.”

Thea dipped her quill four times in rapid succession and wielded it like a blade to scratch out those words with brutal efficiency. However, her pulse quickened, and her shoulders fell limp. Amid that relaxation, she put away the inkwell carefully and helped the paper dry. Then, once she could close the notebook safely, she held it against her chest and lay down. “Thank you, Ryker.” With those words, she drifted to sleep.


Jett Hardin

Just all the cozy feelz


Heartfelt chapter; I appreciate the alternative perspective!


I'm glad! This is my flavor of character development, so you'll be able to enjoy more like this as they come out without slowing down the "always winning" story you love. 😎