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I've been up since 5am, got over 40k words written in 14 days! I honestly thought I'd never be able to tell you that I've finished writing chapter nine (you guys are the first to know)! I went through a lot with it, and with the year I've had, clutching onto joyous moments is everything and this is one of those moments.

I promise this next update is going to be a good one! <3

And a fun tidbit for the demo update that'll be out soon: you can choose your ROs' gender!

Thank you so much for your support! I can finally show you sneak peeks, get you all excited for a new chapter that's an absolute monster of a word count — and when it's all beta-read, all tiers on Patreon will get early access to the demo, so stay tuned!



Hell yeah!!! Congrats mila!!! Cant wait to read it 👀