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I'm finally writing again and it feels absolutely amazing!

I know I posted an update on Tumblr and on the forums first, but I wanted to give a vague one to the public and a much more detailed one here. 

Over the past two days, I've written a few thousand words. I jumped right back into A and B's scenes. I finished off the first scene for both of them where you have the opportunity to meet a new character. The scenes between the two ROs are slightly different in terms of how it ends as there is a POV scene for one, and not for the other — but there's a load of romance... and slight soft!A

I'm onto the next scene for both of them, so 1/4 scenes is complete. I'm on scene 2/4 — we're really getting there! When these scenes are over then I think that's when the fun with the potential of fake dating begins. Not that the scenes I'm currently writing aren't fun, but when you hear fake dating, it gets you a bit excited!

Over the past few days, I've also seen reviews about Golden. They were... not so brilliant reviews, haha. But as an author reviews aren't actually meant for me unless they're posted to me directly. Even though the reviews were *bad* it's a bit more motivation to get this next update as good as it can be and I think it really will be!

It'll be ready soon! And thank you so much for your support. It's really meant so much to me. 

I'll be posting sneak peeks and progress updates, so stay tuned. 

Total word count exclud. code: — since last progress update

269,402 (+ 16.4k)


"After the shit we've been through so far, I'll take a few flowers as a positive."


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