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Another update! Surely that's a good thing, right?

It's another stage where I doubt myself and think, 'have you actually written a lot' — but progress is progress and I'm really getting along with chapter 9 — and most importantly, I'm enjoying it... minus the odd eave of insecurity every now and then.

I stuck to my plan from last week — finish A's scene and start the team x MC scenes and that's exactly what I did. The A scene I really enjoy, there are a variety of choices and depending on how you reacted to their supernatural reveal (if that's who you spoke to in the study room), it's a conversation they'll remember.

The team x MC scenes, I've done the first portion of that — where you get to know about the team as supernatural individuals — B has quite an emotional scene here, big hugs to them. You see the four of them in a different dynamic, less banter-y (only less because they have to pop a joke every now and then), and your MC is a part of that, and for some of the ROs, it can be picked up again and spoken about in the one on one scenes. 

The next scene I'm writing with the team and MC is the MC getting info about their birthmark! This is pretty huge, because, by this point, you'll know everything (not completely everything because the MC is human), near enough everything, the team knows — so what else you find out will be a revelation you find together as a five-some.

Chapter 9 is currently over 11k words now, and there's still a bit more writing to go (one on one scenes, scream!!) but do know that chapter 9 is coming along very, very well. There's also going to be a surprise at the end of the chapter ;) but if you're on the Gold(en) tier, you'll get early access and see this before anyone else — but more about that much later, when chapter 9 is done and dusted.

P's birthday is in 2 days! May 27th, and I'll be writing their birthday drabble... tonight, at 11:30pm when it's only a day before their birthday asdfghjkl. As you did with A's, those on the Gold(en) tier will get early access to the drabble — I haven't decided whether it'll be fluff or angsty... maybe both.

Snippet: "I'd bet my Balenciagas that we're the topic of conversation in their meeting," B says as they move towards the window. 

A's brow arches. "You don't have Balenciagas." 


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