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By my standards, I usually wait a few more days until providing you with an update but because I just finished (no, not the chapter!) but the parts I planned to just now, I thought it would be good to inform you — and obviously give this exclusive update. Actually getting through my plans is super uplifting. 

I'm sort of splitting everything into parts so I don't get too overwhelmed with how much writing I need to do. Chapter 9 is just over 9k words already and I haven't even gotten halfway through with it. The beginning is very, very plot-based, I think in a way the whole chapter is but definitely the beginning because there aren't any choices until it pans to the MC's scenes. This is something I do worry about because, you know, interactive fiction is all about choices but it's also a story that needs to be told at the end of the day. 

With the MC and 'I know about supernaturals' parent chat done, the LIS introduction and meeting up with the team again (the latter having a sprinkle of flirting there), I'm back to plot. As I said, the MC gets questions answered in a somewhat heavy situation because of what happened in chapter 8 — and after that, I think the scenes probably get more fun and I'll inform you all about that in due time. 

Just a little update that feels nice to write because I'm kicking myself for not writing fast enough but there's also progress which is good! In a few weeks, I really do think that this can be done and sent to beta readers. As always, I'll keep you updated.


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