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Hiya, hope you’re all doing super well.

This is sort of a general/overall update. I took a few days off of writing, only two days, but a break is a break.

Before Dusk Sets In’s demo got released, and the feedback has been super lovely. I hope that those who have had a chance to read it really liked it. I had a lot of fun writing it and I’m personally excited to see where it goes. I’ve update the Patreon description to add this IF in it, so when there are a few more chapters up, I’ll start writing drabbles for the ROs (let me know what you think of this idea, especially if you’re in the Golden tier).

All my focus will be back to Golden again for the upcoming week. I have a lot of handwritten notes for how the rest of chapter nine is going to go. The first part of chapter nine is very plot-based before going into the MC’s story and the choices, the plot stuff worked rather well in the last update so I’m hoping that people will find that enjoyable, especially as it’s pretty dramatic. More stuff to learn about the supernatural world too, so lots to get into.

Next up on Patreon will be a few drabbles, development updates, and if I get enough written, then sneak peeks too!

Thanks for your support!


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