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Favourite People [a short story] ⇢ A (begrudgingly… sort of... they're softening up so probably not begrudgingly at all) celebrating their birthday with everyone, including you.

Happy birthday to my favourite demi-god(dess)!

I think A’s my most controversial character, and definitely the one who is the complete opposite to me in every way possible. Even though it’s going to be a while until they completely open up and fully trust someone other than the other three, it’s going to be lovely watching (well, reading) them reveal a bit about themselves that they’d usually keep stored away.

I think this short story is pretty good as it shows another side to A, their fears, probably a few dreams and whilst they don’t loosen up fully… down the line, they’ll gladly meet you halfway. Also, slight (& fun) K spoiler in this short story!!

There’s coffee waiting on the table. That isn’t really something new, A’s used to one of the other three making a hot drink and just knowing to make a coffee too. The only difference this time is that it’s in a mug that says, ‘Happy Birthday’ in multi-coloured letters.

Birthdays… A doesn’t hate them, but it’s like everything else in their life. The things that make you happy will always come to an end, it’s a waste of vulnerability and for a moment, you are weak — that’s something A hates. Not having a safety net to fall back on if they fall too deep. Most of the time, there’s no one to catch you. You break, pick up your own pieces and move on. A’s fine living with that philosophy, it’s what they’ve been brough up on. It’s not that they don’t need anyone, but relying on someone else, especially one who isn’t in their close circle is a difficulty.

For A, birthdays are riddled with childhood memories that they would rather forget. But in the present, birthdays come with celebrations, a whole load of fuss: they’re all the things they’d rather put to one side and indulge in something much less… outgoing. Call it boring, call them boring, you know A will throw a sarcastic quip your way, along with a fake smile and harden their exterior.

They sip their coffee, let the hot liquid warm their insides. It’s odd that they find such bliss in simplicities, admittedly it’s comforting — no unwanted surprises, in a room with all their favourite people… well, all of them minus the human they no longer find intolerable.

“I can’t wait until you get to one hundred, just to see what you’ll be like then,” B blurts out as they take a seat next to A, their shoulders brushing together lightly, “you know, with your immortality and all.”

“If you want to chat to someone old, just go talk to K,” A teases. The vampire narrows their eyes at them from across the room.

“I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt,” K says with a nod.

“Oh?” A questions over B’s chuckling.

“Yeah,” K spits back light-heartedly. “Because it’s your birthday, I will let that slide.”

“And you’re expecting me to be grateful?” A shoots back.

“No, but P still has the receipt for your gift, we’ll happily return it,” K replies, eyes narrowed as the blonde-haired magical being waltzes in.

“It’s personalised, we can’t return it,” P chimes, dropping the neatly wrapped gift in A’s lap before slinking an arm over their shoulders. “Happy birthday.”

It’s a smile on their lips because it reaches their hazel eyes perfectly, an expression like that is usually reserved and stored away, but with them, it makes an appearance every now and then. “Thank you.”

“Technically, we’re trying to butter you up for something,” B says, turning to A.

They stiffen. “If you say the word ‘party’…”

“How about ‘gathering’ instead, then?”


“There’s going to be less than a handful of people, us included,” P says. “And that cheesecake you like will be there.”

“The three of you are seriously trying to bribe me with cheesecake?” A asks with an arched brow.

“Depends on whether it’s working,” K chuckles.

* * *

It worked. Not like a dream, but it worked. A was definitely in two minds, the first thought to go and enjoy the city by themselves: find a Turkish takeout to order some food, find a spot, continue the book they’re reading, visit the local museum and return their parents’ calls; the latter being something they’ve definitely been putting off.

But they decide against all that, find themselves enjoying music from a Spotify playlist that was handpicked for them personally as their eyes scan over the gift the others got them. A print of one of their favourite book quotes.

"There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights,” you read when you get close enough to A, your head tilted so you can get a full view of the print. “That’s very…” you trail off, your eyes meeting hazel ones as you try to come up with the right word, “unexpecting. I didn’t think a quote like that would be your favourite.”

A snorts. “I know, it’s so surprising that I have a heart.”

You chuckle as you take a seat across from them, placing down a plate of cheesecake and two forks. “That isn’t what I said.”

“But what you were secretly thinking?” they question.

“Nope,” you reply back, popping the ‘p’. “You definitely have a heart; you like me now.”

A wets their lips at that and flashes you a small smile. “Maybe you just think too highly of me.”

“Possibly,” you utter, wondering whether to push further and ultimately you do. “Or I just know when you’re being somewhat kind. I mean, there’s no way you’d come to a party—”

“Gathering,” A shoots back as they hold a finger up.

You roll your eyes. “Fine, gathering, on your own. And months ago, you wouldn’t have let me sit with you… well, not without some throwing some type of insult first.”

“Okay, now you’re thinking of me way too low,” they mutter, leaning back in their seat. “The sarcasm comes before the insult.”

You smile at their joke, and in a moment the two of you are sharing a laugh. You watch as A’s eyes scan the room. P was right, there only are a handful of people around. The majority part supernatural with you being the only full human there.

“I got you something,” you say, pulling A from their inner thoughts.

“You did?”

“It’s your birthday, I couldn’t turn up with nothing.” You’re delving into your bag, pull out a neatly wrap present before sliding it across the table. You aren’t sure what type of person A is, the one who carefully tears the wrapping paper in a way to save it, completely rip it apart, or the one to open their presents alone so there’s no need to outwardly show emotion. So, you eye them, and to your surprise, they do the same to you.

“Do you want me to open it now?” they ask.

You shrug. “It’s your gift, you do what you want.”

A’s fingers drum against the table for a moment, their eyes are shimmering with gratitude, and they eventually do pull the gift towards them, tear the paper and reveal a box. They lift the lid, let their eyes flicker down before the corner of their mouth twitches upwards.

“A fountain pen.”

You nod. “I heard that when you found out you were going to be sent out to Lehsa because of me, you were writing in your journal at the time.”

A snorts. “The others talk too much,” they joke, taking the pen out of its case before twisting it between their fingers. If possible, it fits them like a glove would.

Though A tries to stop it, their thoughts drift to you. There aren’t many things that are perfect in life, definitely not people, but you get A, understand them, more than most. They clear their throat quickly, trying to rid themselves of those thoughts but when their eyes meet yours, the sweet notions only intensify. “Thank you.”

“No worries,” you reply, head turning to the side as two more supernaturals walk in, bottles and giftbags in their hands and smiles on their lips. “Are you going to greet them?”

“God no,” A chuckles. “Not yet anyway. I’ll let them have a drink or two first.”

You give them a light smile. “If I knew any better, I’d say that you’re enjoying my company.”

“Did I say that?” A asks.

“You totally didn’t need to,” you respond, a smirk on your lips as you push the slice of cheesecake in the middle of the table. “Here.” You offer them one of the forks before taking up your own.

A ignores the brushing of their hand against yours as you both cut into the dessert.

They’re happy they came. A birthday without too much overthinking, one where they’re completely themselves and enjoy the day. In a room with their favourite people, and A can confidently say that you are part of that category.



Im simple woman, i see Mila posting something on Patreon and my brain just go Brrrrrrrrrrrr A....beloved 🥺


Aw, thank you so much! I'm really happy you enjoyed the short story, and of course, A appreciates it 🥰