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Hello, hope you’re all doing well!

For a Golden update, everything’s been put into A’s birthday piece which has been fun to write. The MC is involved in this story too, so I’m hoping A stans will enjoy it. I’m over halfway done with it, and it’s been really fun to write another side of A that people haven’t seen yet, they’re a little more open and relaxed and A will finally flash a smile… swoon!

Before Dusk Sets In, I finished the prologue, chapter one and the first half of chapter two. All in all, it’s all written up. I’ve been really excited (and nervous, naturally) about releasing this IF as it’s so different from my first one — so I hope people like it.

For those of you who are on the Gold(en) tier, you’ll get early access to:

  • A’s birthday story on 20th April 2022 at 2pm BST
  • The first demo of Before Dusk Sets In tomorrow, 17th April 2022 between 2pm – 3pm BST (I wasn’t sure on timing because it’s Easter Sunday tomorrow), four days earlier than the public release.

Hope you’re super excited for what’s to come!!

Snippet of what I've been working on — A's birthday edition:

The three of you are seriously trying to bribe me with cheesecake?” A asks with an arched brow.





Ahhhh so excited to read the new demo!!