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Hello, hope you’re all okay!

For a Golden update, even though much hasn’t been written for the actual demo (it’s close to 230,000 words though!), I’ve done a lot of world-building and note making. With the opportunity to meet supernatural side characters, I have to flesh them out e.g., decide what they are, which RO they’re closest to, how they’ll interact with your MC etc. I’m very excited to get this written, especially the whole human x supernatural interactions too. Additionally, A's birthday is on the 20th April, so I’m preparing a short story for them. It’s going to be a story that, of course, showcases their stoic personality but there are soft scenes too. They don’t hate their birthday, but they’re not up for celebrations. You’ll get first view of this short story as I’ll post it on here before Tumblr.

Before Dusk Sets In, I finished the prologue and chapter one! It’s just under 27,500 words and customisation for your gang member has now been added in. The first half of chapter two is what I want to get done next, that’s where you’ll meet the other two ROs. This has been a really fun project for me and I’m excited to get it out there. There are so many opportunities for your gang member’s personality to develop, and some lighthearted scenes too. Slowly getting to this demo being finished!

That’s everything for now. Thanks for your support.

Snippet of what I’ve been working on – Before Dusk Sets In edition:

I can't tell whether it's a smile or a scowl over her face as she looks between the two of us. "These gangs are gonna be the damn death of you, L."


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