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It was sunny day, the birds were chirping and there was a smell of fresh air, a perfect day for a walk in the park. A young man named Bayley was walking through the park and saw a girl with pink hair in two long ponytails wearing a green crop top and short jean shorts. The desire to meet her was very strong, but Bayley was very shy, especially towards women. He wanted to say hello, but every time he looked at her, his mind would go blank and his cheeks would start burning.

"Get it together dude! Just look at this chick, she's like an slutty anime character!" Bayley thought. "Come on man! She's just a slutty bitch who's looking for dick!"

Suddenly the pink haired girl standed up and walked away, while Bayley stood in awe of her curves. "Oh no, she's leaving. Well, that means it's not fate, heh" Bayley thought to himself with a little sadness. It was not first time that he had lost a chance to talk with a cute girl. He just could never build the confidence to talk to a cute girl.

However, Bayley had to go home - still needed to buy booze and snacks before his friends would come for drinks. With little sadness, he continued his way throught the park, towards the store. Near the exit of the park he saw strange shop 'Magic Items' which wasn't here a few days ago. "This must be a prank." He had heard from someone about this store already, but he thought it was all nonsense - a store that can change lives with the help of magic? Bayley didn't believe in this, but he was interested, but went inside the shop. There were various items, but his gaze immediately attracted a purple wig, so he walked closer and picked it up.

- Hello sir. Good choice. - Shop owner said, and Bayley jumped from the surprise. He did not expect anyone. - This particular wig changes the any person who uses it into a E-girl and she will fall in love with anyone she see. Heh, even if it wear a guy.- Bayley listened carefully, thinking about buying it. - Oh... Are you gonna use it? Haha." Owner was grinning and looking at Bayley. - Well, I've seen this too many times, but -

- No. No, you've got this wrong, I- I'm not into guys! - Baley flushed - I, I'm trying to buy it for my friend! Yeah, he's, um, i mean, she is... - He was stuttering. Owner was not convinced.

- Heh. Don't worry, but remember: this wig can only be used once, and after that the effects are permanent.-  Owner said with serious expression, while Bayley took a deep breath. A plan was forming in his head how to use this wig and finally find a girlfriend. His heart was beating rapidly from excitement.

- I will take this wig!- He said, almost shouting, and handed the owner money for it.


At evening Bayley was sitting on the sofa, holding a can of beer. His friends Josh were at kitchen looking for another bottles and chatting. Evening was going great and they were getting drunk pretty fast. Bayley wanted used wig on Josh, but forget about it - he was drunk enough already.

- Dude! Where did you put other bottles?!- Josh shouted from kitchen.

- I... put them in the... fridge! - Bayley answered.

Josh sighed. He couldn't find any bottles. So he sat on the chair and looked around. Strange box under a table attracted his attention and he decided to take a look inside. But when he opened it, he only saw a wig, nothing else.

- Hey bro! Did you find other bottles? - Bayley asked from a room, while Josh looked at wig in the box, wondering. He widely grinned and silencly walked back to the room holding a wig. Bayley didn't notice anything until Josh was behind him and slammed a wig on his head.

- Haha, bro, I got a cool hat for you, haha - Josh said and took a few steps back and sat down. - Why aren't you talking me about your secret fetish? Hahaha! - He laughed out loud, looking at Bayley's red face.

Josh was laughing while Bayley was stunned, he widely opened his eyes and mouth. "Oh crap. Crap, crap, crap, shit!" Thought Bayley, looking around, feeling how hair started slowly getting into his head. He could not believe what happened and couldn't think of anything better than run to his room.


Even when he ran, he felt that his clothes started becoming tighter, he felt how something was forming on his chest and his ass was getting bigger. With panic he opened the door to his room and not recognize this place. On walls were various posters with various strange drawings. Pink light was shining from the lights above his bed. It looked more like a girl's room than his own. The fear in his mind was mixed with a new feeling of curiosity and joy, which was completely not him. He seat down on the bed and stared at big poster on wall above him with naked man on it.

- What happened? Who am I? - he whispered hearing that his voice was completely different. - Oh no! - pitched Bayley felt tightness around his legs which ended above knees and strange pressure on his neck as if there was some kind of a collar. He didn't want look at himself, fearing what he would see, but his eyes noticed person sitting beside him - he guessed that it was mirror and slowly turned his head felt strange sensation of touching his hair tied in a two long ponytails.

Girl sitting on a bed was beautiful, her big eyes staring at Bayley with fear and wonder, purple hair in two ponytails falling over her shoulders and her lips trembling. Tight crop top hugging her breasts perfectly, and her skinny shorts hugging her ass because Bayley felt fabric of bed sheets between his asscheeks, nylon stockings covering her thin and soft legs.

- Like, this isn't happening. - she said and giggled, hearing againg her new voice. "My voice is so sweet. Wait, why I'm thinking like that?" Bayley thought, trying to keep his thoughts. Girl on the mirror repeated every move of Bayley while he touching his face and his chest, feeling strange weight from his soft and squishy boobs. - I must take off this wig - He grabbed it but felt sudden pain in his head!

- Oh my... It's (sob) hurts! - Bayley felt how tears started streaming from his eyes and his chest started to tremble and his breathing quickened. - Gosh, why I'm crying like a girl? - Bayley was scared, not understanding what's happening, but his new emotions were stronger. - I'm (sniff) scared... I don't wanna be here...

The door slammed open.

- Hey bro, I got...

Josh entered the room and looked at the girl crying and shaking on the bed. She looked scared, confused, and he didn't recognize her as his friend Bayley. Josh felt that he should say something and comfort the strange girl, who was sitting there sobbing and crying.


- Um, hey there, miss... Who are you?

The girl turned her head slowly and looked at Josh with tearful eyes.

- I'm... - she sobbed, trying to catch her breath, not being able to pronounce any words. Josh walked up to her and wanted to sit near, but she stopped him, waving arms.

- I-it's ok! I-i just, I just need to calm down... - her voice was soft, her movements were gentle. - My name is (giggle) Bayley. I-I mean... my name is Becky! Yeah... - she smiled, feeling her mood getting better. - Sorry that you have to see me in such a state...

Bayley was surprised of himself, he felt a strange desire to be nice and sweet towards Josh, who was smiling back, his cheeks reddening a little. Waving his hand, Bayley giggled, feeling how his heart started beating faster. He knew Josh for a long time, but never looked at him that way, never liked him that way, and now the whole situation seemed absurd.

- Hey, it's ok! So, where's Bayley?

Bayley blinked and blushed, thinking how should he explain this situation, he wanted say that he was Bayley, but couldn't bring himself to say that. Somehow he felt as of he said true name, he would offend Josh. It's seems like absurd for him, but he didn't want make him feel sad. So he threw up his tiny hands with stupid smile

- Ahh! Like, I don't know! I'm not (giggle) him! - Bayley laughed nervously and continued talking. - Heh, maybe, you did something, and (giggle) made him disappear, haha!

"What am i saying? Why I'm talking like this? This is wrong!" Thought Bayley, he knew he have to tell his friend that he was his good ol' friend, but he felt something new: the desire to flirt with Josh, to be sweet and charming, and most importantly, Bayley felt the desire to please him, make him happy.

- Hey Bayley, where are you!? - Josh shouted. - Bayley! Hey! It's some sort of prank, isn't it?! Who is this girl and why is she in your room?!

Bayley felt the need to apologize, he felt that his actions have led to an unpleasant situation. Josh was getting worried more and more, and the girl's eyes began to fill with tears again.


- Oh, um, hey! Sorry for scaring you, but-

- I'm, (sniff) so, sorry! - Bayley said quietly, wiping tears with a palm. - I didn't, (sob) wanted to make you, (sniff) sad! - his voice cracked, and his tiny hands squeezed into fists - Err... Josh? Can, you (gulp) help me?

Josh nodded and slowly sat down beside the girl. Bayley wanted to explain everything to Josh, but couldn't think how he should do this, because his mind was occupied by different thoughts: his gaze was drawn to Josh's hands, and Bayley couldn't resist looking at his thighs and crotch, where he saw a large bulge in his jeans.

"Hell! He's horny! Why, why, why i'm thinking about touch his bulge!?" Bayley felt how his panties became wet and he felt strange pleasure. Nipples were poking his crop top, and his breathing became uneven, his thoughts were filled with perverted and weird things that he never thought of. He looked into Josh's eyes and his cheeks burned, his heart was beating faster. "Oh no! It's wrong, it's wrong, it's wrong!" Bayley was repeating it in his head, trying resist this sudden feeling of desire.

- Um, is there a problem?

- Yes! You're problem! I-i, ugh... I'm Bayley. Please, don't get me wrong, but, please, stop being (pant) hot! - Bayley shouted, feeling how his body was shaking from pleasure and embarrassment

- ...Wait, you're Bayley?! What?! - Josh looked at her with confused and shocked expression, he couldn't believe it. Bayley felt like his life is a mess right now, his new desire to flirt and tease his best friend was growing bigger, but he tried resist this.

- Oh, god! (pant) You're hot, like, hot, (giggle) really hot, ohh! - Bayley's stand up from the bed and turned his back on Josh, trying to not look at him. "God! Stop doing this!" Bayley thought and grabbed his hair, breathing heavily. His thoughts was all messed up and his mind was filled with ideas how to tease Josh, to flirt with him. Suddenly he felt Josh's hand touching his shoulder, his face became red.

- Hey, hey! Girl, wait, calm down. Tell me, what's going on? - Josh tried to comfort him, while Bayley felt strange tingling in his pussy. "I shouldn't talk with him, not while, ahh! He's making me, (moan) horny! - Bayley turned around suddenly put his tiny hands on Josh's chest and smiled with lustful smile.

- H-h-help me... P-please, Josh, (giggle) please, make me happy...

Josh looked at girl who was touching his chest. He couldn't understand her behaviour, but felt that his cock was getting harder. She giggled and slowly hugged him with one hand, putting another on his neck. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and Josh couldn't resist his desires anymore.

- God, girl! Ohhh... - Josh groaned, grabbing her small ass. - Fuck! - He kissed girl, shoving his tongue in her mouth while she kissing him back, moving her tongue and moaning. With each passing second their more and more lost control and after a while both fell on a bed.


At the next day Bayley woke up, he was lying on his belly with his face in pillow. "Ugh... my head hurts so much..." He thought, slowly lifting his head and rubbing his eyes. Suddenly his hand touched something unfamiliar and when he opened his eyes, Bayley realized that his body was completely changed, it wasn't his male body.

"What?! What the hell?!" he quickly sat up and remembered last evening. - Oh no... No no no no no... Shit... it's was real... but where Josh? He's was... - Bayley immediately remember how Josh fucked him last night and how at some moment after this when Bayley again said him that he his friend, Josh said that he didn't remember any Bayley and they never were friends.

Bayley looked around and noticed a small sticky note on the bed. "Good morning, baby. Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up, it was great night, but I couldn't be with you. Give my regards to your subscribers!"

"What subscr..." Bayley read that note and turned pale, his hands began to shake. On his desk near window, he saw a laptop. - It's... It's impossible!

He looked down at his naked breasts with pierced nipples felt how a chocker pressed on his neck. - It can't be... Hell, laptop, i must check... - He wanted stand up and open laptop, but suddenly he realized that he must wear something first. "It's too embarrassing..." - thought Bayley, slowly standing up and lookig at red bra lying nearby.

- Ok, ok... It's nothing, no reason to be embarassed. - whispered Bayley and quickly put a bra, like he doing it every day and seating near mirror with makeup stand and checking his look. Easily and quick, Bayley started his morning routine and didn't notice how quickly he made his makeup. When he finished, he looked in the mirror and saw beautiful girl in it. Smile slowly disapeared from her face and her hands began to tremble, her breathing quickened.

- Like, why i'm... Oh no... - Bayley whispered turned to the laptop and opened it, taking a cat's ears from nearby and placing them on his head. His tiny hands moved mouse, opening a browser, and the laptop connected to the internet. It was page of her stream: Becky's Twitch, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok etc.

- Hell... - he whispered looking at opened page with video stream where he saw himself, Becky. Live streaming was started, and the chat was going crazy, many people asked where was the streamer.

- Like, oh my god... Guys, guys, stop... - said Becky and waved her tiny hand, laughing and looking in camera. "It's me, it's my hand! Wait, I'm doing a stream?!" Thought Bayley, staring at girl in the screen, who was sitting in very sexual pose. - You, (giggle) missed me?

She slowly lifted her hands and touched her tits, massaging them with a seductive smile. Chat was exploding, everyone was excited and writing their questions. Bayley was shocked, seeing what he's doing, seeing his body, and hearing his sweet and perverted voice.

- Guys, I was, (giggle) so busy last night. But, like, it was great time! You, wanna hear details? - said Becky and laughed, her fingers gently touching her soft lips. "Why I'm acting like that? This is, insane!" Bayley couldn't understand, but felt strange joy in his body, looking at his body in a screen.


Hot sun rays were touching Becky's skin, while she sitting on the bench in the local park, waiting for somebody who would be her next lover. "What a beautiful day! Like, why I'm alone?" thought Becky, looking at people passing by. Her purple hair were blowing in the wind, while her eyes were scanning the area.

"Ah! Where are you? Like, my fans are waiting new hot story. I need a, (giggle) cute boy!" Becky thought, feeling her panties getting wet from excitement, she felt warmness in her tight shorts and how her pierced nipples were poking her crop top. Her heart was beating fast, and her hands were shaking a little, and Becky was getting horny and horny with every single minute, thinking how she gonna tease a new boyfriend and make him hard. "Mmmm... I wanna (giggle) tease somebody." thought Becky, and suddenly, she noticed a guy who was standing a some distance and staring at her. "Ooh, like, a guy! Maybe, he's cute?" thought Becky smiling seductively and already wanted wave at him, but suddenly realized that this guy seemed very familiar.

He standing in shy and awkward pose, looking like he wants pick her up, but afraid, and Becky immediately remembered weeks ago she was standing in same place looking at girl wich seating on the this bench. It was like flashback, her heart began to beat faster and she felt humiilation. "Oh God, i'm almost forget that i'm Bayley! Like, shit! Shit, shit, shit!" She couldn't understand what happening, why her mind was telling her, that she is Bayley. "But, i'm Becky! No, like, it's a lie! I'm, Becky, no, i'm..." her thoughts were racing again, while guy was already goes away.

- Hey there, hottie! Are you lonely here? - said some dude who sat near Becky suddenly and smiled with a perverted smile. He looked about 30 years old and had a beer belly.

- Like, what? Oh, yeah... I'm a little, bored, (giggle) but why do you ask? - answered Becky and smiled seductively. Her strange thought immediately disapeared, and she again felt a wave of excitement and joy.

- Mmm, just looking at such a sexy girl like you... I just, couldn't leave without talk, and maybe more. - the dude answered and licked his lips, his eyes was running on Becky's body, who felt her pussy becoming wet and her nipples hard.

- Oh, are you... flirting, (giggle) with me? You look, (giggle) kinda... (pant) cute, mmm... - Becky couldn't stop thinking about him and his thick cock. She didn't know why, but the thought of being a slut, the thought of s****g and riding this guys cock was exciting her and arousing her more and more, making her breath quicken.

- Haha, thanks! Well, I can say the same about you, I like you a lot! How about we get outta here, I live near here, and we could... Do something? - the man replied, his hands moving to his fat belly. Becky felt the urge to kiss him and fuck him right here and right now.

- Ooh, I would, love it. My, name is (giggle) Becky, yours? - Becky asked, smiling with her sweet smile, and the man smiled back, looking into her eyes.

- I'm Jake, nice to meet ya. Now let's go, my car's there.

- Ohh, ok... (pant) your car... (pant) I'm like man's with a car. (pant) It's... It's, really cool... - Becky stood up and walked with the man slowly away from the park. "Like, oh God! Finally i found someone in this damn park!"



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