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-该死的废物!你为什么不把我变回来!他妈的!他妈的!他妈的! (Gāisǐ de fèiwù! Nǐ wèishéme bù b ǎ wǒ biàn huílái! Tā mā de! Tā mā de! Tā mā de! - Damn piece of crap! Why don't you change me back! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!)

Avon took another selfie in the hope that the phone would change it back, but the result was only ordinary photos. He still hadn’t noticed that he had been speaking Chinese for a long time. His phone had already lost its magic function after he took that fateful selfie that changed him from a white man to an Asian woman.

It all started just as a role-playing game. Being rich since childhood, Avon at some point realized that he did not like what ordinary people did not get right away. Regular sex was boring to him. He always wanted something exotic. He was in China, where he absolutely did not want to go on a business trip, but he went to seem like a good son to his father and negotiate a deal. Here he somehow learned about a certain place where he could fulfill all his secret fantasies.

Of course, Avon didn’t think that anyone would surprise him here, but he decided to check this place out. “This is an unusual choice,” the woman who was offering him “cards” for the role-playing game said with a grin in a thick Chinese accent. Avon didn't think much about the choice. He simply chose a card that showed a woman and, of course, did not know what the hieroglyphs at the bottom meant, which translated as “housewife.”

He was brought into a room and given three dresses to choose from. He didn't even think that he was choosing a subject when he chose these dresses, so he chose the sexiest one since the rest were just home clothes. He was surprised, but rather intrigued when he was told that he would have to wear this dress and take a selfie through a special application that had to be downloaded to his phone.

After thinking a little about whether it was worth doing all this, Avon was still interested in what would happen next and did everything. Literally immediately after he took the selfie, he felt something touching his face and did not immediately realize that it was his new long hair. The first thought that someone had put on a wig was not justified, since he could not take off this “wig” and only felt pain from what was trying to tear out his new long hair.

While he was trying to take off his wig, he felt his new female breasts swaying under his dress and, looking down, he realized that these were indeed boobs! He even felt that he was now wearing a bra and thong panties with tights and, of course, had difficulty maintaining his balance on the high-heeled shoes that appeared on his feet.

An inscription in Chinese has already appeared on the phone, which is now Avon panimal - “Congratulations Ningong, your choice is gold. Your evening dress is perfect for tonight. Your husband is already waiting for you on the street. We wish you a good rest,” and after that as he clicked “confirm”, the contents of his phone, like the phone itself, changed and now he didn’t even have his contacts, which were replaced with Ningong’s acquaintances and friends


Avon once again typed into the search bar of his browser another fictitious phrase that would help him get at least one step closer to figuring out how to get his former excellent life back. He cursed the day when he decided to go to that place and had no idea how to even find that woman, because that place had now become his apartment, in which he had to live with a man who considered him her wife Ningong.

That evening was supposed to be memorable and unique, at least that's what Avon hoped when he came here. However, everything was completely wrong. Yes, that evening turned out to be truly memorable, but far from the only one - it was already the second week and he began to think that he might be stuck like this for a very, very long time. Although, of course, he did not give up and continued to try to understand the situation.

Deming was not a bad man and until now, after his wife began to behave strangely, he slept on the floor, which, of course, pleased Avon, who was not at all going to share the only bed in this “lousy cheap apartment” with him.

Although now he looked at this poor guy a little with pity, watching him once again try to sleep and toss and turn on the hard floor while Avon tapped on the keyboard and cursed that again he could not find anything. A strange thought appeared in his head, which he had been pushing away from himself all the time about sex, and, angry with himself, he again looked at himself and at his nightgown, which was too feminine. And although he didn’t want to wear Ningong’s things for a long time, he soon realized that they were simply more convenient, besides, it was unlikely that someone could accuse him of something, because for everyone here he was an Asian woman Ningong and wearing these things was natural for her.

All searches always ended in failure. The most important search and attempts to contact his father led nowhere. He couldn't even contact him, because now he didn't speak English and didn't even look like himself. Everything looked as if Avon did not exist at all. But he perfectly remembered his past and how he lived in America in a rich family. And he didn’t remember anything or know anything about who Ningong was, learning this only from her husband or Ningong’s acquaintances and relatives, which helped him somehow understand who he was now


This morning was not like usual. Avon was still completely awake and slowly hobbled towards the bathroom without even opening his eyes when he suddenly crashed into the wall

- 什么... (Shénme... - What the...)

Avon said, opening his eyes and looking around the room. This was not his apartment, or rather not the apartment in which he lived. A medallion hung around his neck, and on his finger was the same ring that he put on at night, hoping that it would bring his life back

- 真的有效吗?(Zhēn de yǒuxiào ma? - Did it really work?)

Avon said, noticing that he was still speaking in a female voice and looking down in shock, he saw that his chest had become larger and he was wearing a bra, although he had never done this on principle! This is not at all what he expected to see today!


The determination with which Avon tried to find a way to change everything back and get his life back was truly grandiose. From the moment of that ill-fated change, he did not stop thinking for a second about how to return everything, and at one fine moment he found information about a certain woman. This was not the first old woman with whom he communicated in China, and the method that the old woman suggested was not so strange. He only needed to buy a locket and a ring from her

“Be careful, dear, these are really powerful talismans and your story impressed me. So put this on for the night and in the morning your old life will return.”

Avon didn’t really believe that old woman at the time, but inside, after a month of living as a housewife, he still hoped that something would work. Although he was already beginning to get used to it and even had experience of sex with Deming. Not to say that it was something bright; Avon expected more, because he experienced nothing but disgust. And that was just one time. After that night, he only realized more that he wanted his dick back and especially his rich life.

He had to deceive the old woman, because it’s unlikely that anyone would want to help a rich, spoiled American, especially here in China. But the story that he was another Asian woman who, due to strange circumstances, lost her life and was forced to live someone else’s life, evoked more sympathy. Each time he talked about his supposed past life in different ways.

He told the old woman that his name was indeed Ningong, but she used to be rich and that now she had to live in some terrible apartment and endure her husband. And it was true. When the old woman tried to find out the details, the desperate Avon simply said everything that came to mind so as not to tell the truth. He said that his breast size was smaller now, but the old woman asked to tell him more about why she was rich. He was already terribly angry that she kept asking and asking and not talking about how to help, so he blurted out that he worked as an escort and, grinning inside, even talked about how he had a disgusting boss who forced him to work.


- 把挂坠盒和戒指给我!(Bǎ guà zhuì hé hé jièzhǐ gěi wǒ! - Give me the medallion and ring!) - Avon said angrily looking at the door

- 你在说什么婊子?当你向爸爸表明你一切都很好并且你可以工作时,我不会给你任何东西!(Nǐ zài shuō shénme biǎo zi? Dāng nǐ xiàng bàba biǎomíng nǐ yīqiè dōu hěn hǎo bìngqiě nǐ kěyǐ gōngzuò shí, wǒ bù huì gěi nǐ rènhé dōngxī! - What are you talking about, bitch? When you show daddy that you’re okay and you can work, I won’t give you anything!)

A loud male bass sound came from behind the door. This voice was very familiar to Ningong because it was Deming - the man who was now her pimp and the employer for whom she worked as an exorcist. But more importantly, it was the same humble man Ningong's husband until today. At least Avon recognized him easily. However, now, in terms of character and level of power, he was a completely different person. He was a complete idiot.


Waking up this morning, Avon didn’t even have time to really reconnoiter the situation when he saw Deming. However, after out of habit he told him to go to hell, he suddenly received a slap in the face and heard as many obscene words addressed to him as he had not heard in the whole month and probably even in his entire life. This was a truly ferocious Deming, who also turned out to believe that Avon was his whore and not just a whore, but an escort for rich clients.

He said that he would forgive Ningong and her behavior after she gave a blowjob and of course received a refusal, which did not satisfy Deming. Their conflict grew stronger and stronger until eventually Deming, angry that one of his whores was behaving this way, finally took the medallion from her and took her to one of the rooms, saying that he would return after Ningong was ready to apologize to him. and show that she is a professional in her field.

After Avon tried all his attempts to get out, he looked at the table with cosmetics and unexpectedly began to do his own makeup in such a way that it looked beautiful, as if he had always done it. He did not understand where he got this knowledge from and could not explain to himself why he was doing this, because he was not going to accept this life. He didn’t accept the life of a housewife and didn’t even sleep with her husband, and of course now he’s especially not going to accept the life of an escort and... he didn’t even want to think about what this man wanted from him.

But intuitively he understood and knew what to do, gradually taking off his bra and putting on a sexy sheer nightie, looking at his unusually dangling breasts and combing his hair. He was preparing, but for what? This was both scary and at the same time seemed like the only right decision.


- 我……我准备好了…… (Wǒ……wǒ zhǔnbèi hǎole…… - I... I’m ready)

Avon continued, looking at the closed door and expecting the most terrible event in his... her new life. Memories of how not so long ago she herself was a man and how she fucked different escort girls were spinning in her eyes, remembering what should happen now and intuitively sitting in a beautiful position. She... she's Ningong and she's really got her life back now



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