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It was already almost 11:00 pm, although the meeting was scheduled for 10:00 pm. And Bradley was already worried with all his might that all this was not “casting for a new role” at all, but a great deception.

But he didn't understand the goal. It was too complex a scheme for fraud. Bradley was a very simple actor who was looking for work and was not rich and famous. It was for this reason that he went to different castings. And it’s no secret that the concept of “gender” did not exist for modern films after “nanites” began to be used en masse. Casting calls often looked for actors with implanted nanites - this allowed the show's producers to completely change the appearance of any person.

Of course, this casting was a little strange from the very beginning. Bradley did not see other actors who would apply for his role. However, he was desperate and needed any role. He was not surprised when he was asked to play the role of a “prostitute” as a test. And he was ready for female roles and easily agreed.

All you had to do was stand on an unfamiliar street among other prostitutes for 2 hours and make them believe that they had a “new independent girl.” Despite the difficulties, Bradley managed, as it seemed to him, to really get used to the role and convince local prostitutes that he was indeed “Brandy”. They even wanted to give him clients as help, but “Brandy” refused and it’s clear why. Two hours later, “Brandy” went down to the appointed place and waited in the appointed place in the parking lot for the car with the show’s producers to arrive.

But time passed, and no one from the filming crew arrived. Bradley did not have any documents with him. If the car with the producers does not arrive, then he will be in complete ass. Without a special electronic naninote ID, no one would even be able to connect to his nanites to change him. He was sure that this special identifier was in the purse, but this turned out not to be the case.



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