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- Is this the only photo of your friend that you have?

- Yes, officer

- But she's wearing glasses here. It's even hard to understand what she exactly looks like here.

- I understand... But this is all I have. You can start searching

- I... I think not. You are not her relative and you didn’t even say her exact name. Miss, I think something's wrong here

Mindy looked desperately at the policeman after receiving her phone back. This was indeed the only photo of her and her boyfriend Jordan. In the photo, Mindy took this selfie for fun and for memories. And of course, for the sake of later making jokes about Jordan, who was not at all happy with his body at that moment

"Better delete this photo!" Jordan then said angrily with the ridiculous Eastern European accent that he got along with this body, and added something once again about his huge ridiculous boobs, which really annoyed him and which he wanted to get rid of. He very much regretted that day that he agreed to Mindy’s persuasion to use the Zulu Medallion on himself with a swimsuit that she brought from a second-hand store and go with her to the beach in this form.

And it was very funny, at least to Mindy. She laughed every time listening to Jordan's indignation, especially when some guys tried to get to know them. Seeing Jordan's reaction and how strangers never stopped being persistent in their desire to meet each other, Mindy laughed even more as Jordan wished that the 24 hours would quickly pass so he could get his body back.

The last thing Mindy remembered and the last time she saw him was the moment when Jordan went to the “toilet”. However, neither after 5 minutes, nor even after 30 minutes, Jordan did not return. Her suspicions that Jordan might have returned home without her were dispelled when she returned home and found that Jordan's locket and belongings were still there. She searched the entire beach and called all her friends, but no one had met him or knew where Jordan was. In desperation, a few days later she contacted the police, realizing that it was not Jordan she needed to look for, but this woman in the photo...


And Mindy was indeed right when she suggested that Jordan decided to return home unable to withstand all the humiliating emotions that he experienced. Offended by her laughter, he did not tell her the truth and deceived her by saying that he had gone to the toilet, but in fact he was heading home. And this was the main mistake.

On the way home, the police stopped the taxi and asked Jordan to show his documents as well. And on the part of the police, everything was logical. They observed a woman speaking with an apparent strong Eastern European accent appearing nervous and saying that she was undocumented, and when asked to give her name, she became even more nervous. After checking the database and realizing that the woman had clearly made up her name, the police decided to arrest her.

Already at the police station, Jordan was slowly beginning to understand what kind of shit he was in. His cell phone was left on the beach and the only chance he could get it back was if he could contact Mindy. But he didn't remember her phone number. Of course, he called Mindy's name and asked the police to contact her, receiving the answer that they would do so. However, in reality, none of the cops did anything and waited to establish the identity of the unknown woman.

Finally, using fingerprints, it was possible to find out that the police had detained a certain “Lyudmila Markova” - a Bulgarian immigrant noticed in illegal prostitution. Jordan knew perfectly well what the conversation would look like if he denied that he was not her, so he continued to insist that he needed to contact Mindy right up to the moment of deportation to Bulgaria


As it turned out, Lyudmila flew to the USA and worked as an illegal prostitute not because of a good life. She already had a bad reputation in Bulgaria and had a lot of debts to several banks that she had no intention of paying off. She calmly continued to live in the United States, not even realizing that she had been officially deported.

In Bulgaria, Jordan received new documents in the name of "Lyudmila" and at the same time received all her debts. And although someone may have believed such a successful amnesia of “Lyudmila,” this was not officially confirmed. Without money in a foreign country and without understanding what to do, Jordan couldn’t even get a job as a waitress because he couldn’t even speak Bulgarian properly.

Working as a prostitute was disgusting for Jordan and he didn’t want to accept it until the very end. However, he didn’t even have an idea where to spend the night, and certainly didn’t have the money to find a way to contact Mindy. Having decided that this was the only chance, he accepted this offer from one of Lyudmila’s old acquaintances, vowing to himself that he would not tell anyone about this the only time he agreed to it.



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