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Under the scorching sun of Monte Carlo, among the crowds of tourists, Lee Ferguson did not particularly stand out. Holding a camera in his hands, a man of about 20-30 years old, not with the most satisfied expression on his face, examined the sights until a bright flash of the sun blinded him a little.

- Oh, fuck...

- What words, young lady? (a strange female voice came as if from somewhere far away). And did you even listen to me?!

An angry older woman was looking at him in frustartion, her hand on her hip, postioning herself in a place of authority.

- Lisa, I have had it up to HERE with you (she continued in beated breath) You're skipping school, flunking classes, and causing trouble all around town.

Lee could not fathom what the woman was saying. He wasn't a "young lady", he was a man in his late 20's. He left school years ago! And his name certainly was not Lisa, it was Lee. Yet as he became aware of the hair trickling on his shoulders, the cherry lipgloss coated on his lips, the handbag gripping to his body, and his new feminine shape, Lee began to develop a sickly feeling inside. The wish had worked. He was young again. Yet maybe he was too young, but there was one thing that was certain: he was a girl now.

- Well you can kiss your freedom goodbye because you are grounded for the foreseeable future, missy! Do you have anything to say for yourself?

Looking fearfully at the woman who was obviously now his mother, Lee took a deep breath and said quietly, obviously not knowing what else to say now.

- No... mom



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