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- Ahaha! My God! Caroline! It's like you saw a ghost!

Gwendolyn spoke loudly and ringingly right into the stunned woman’s ear, smiling broadly and patting her older sister on the shoulder, who was looking at her reflection in the mirror with her mouth open.

- What??? What???!? How is this possible?!

Caroline screamed in surprise, as if she was seeing herself in a mirror for the first time and as if she had just learned that mirrors exist. But everyone around only laughed even more at the strange reaction of Aunt Caroline, who was always famous for her bizarre disposition and strange behavior. And now none of the members of the extended family were surprised that during the celebration of Gwendolyn’s birthday, her older sister behaved the same way, especially considering that everyone had already drunk a little wine.

- Kara, God... ahahaha... stop, please, I'm going to burst with laughter!

- I'm not Kara! Mother! What the heck!?

- Ahaha! Mother? Am I your mom?! That's it, perhaps it's time to go back to the table!

But Carolyn was not joking, she really saw her reflection for the first time. Although it seemed impossible. After all, a woman who lived to be 45 years old obviously had to see herself in the mirror at least once in her life. But it was true. And Carolyn didn’t even want to believe what she was seeing and feeling. It all seemed unnatural to her and she tried hard not to notice the weight of her breasts, the tight short dress and even how her long hair swung unusually with every movement of her head.

- Honey, maybe we can go have a drink.

The man approaching, hugging Carolyn, spoke quietly, trying to bring her back to the real world and noticing, the only one of many, that his wife was acting really strange and she was really scared. The fact that Carolyn pushed him away only made him even more convinced that something was wrong.

- Hey! Do it again!

Carolyn shouted to the magician

- That trick with the mirror again?

- Yes, damn it, yes! Change everything the way it was!

- But it doesn't work like that. It is necessary to have the wish of the birthday person

- Mom will wish something again! She was joking! I can't be stuck here like a grown chick!

- Carolyn, honey...

- Fuck you! I'm not your sweetheart! Hey! Fucking magician! Quickly change everything... where... where the fuck is he?!

Having lost sight of the magician, Caroline looked around in horror in search of this man, but realized that she could not even find him. But she continued to do this again and again, not wanting to believe that her life as Carl - Gwendolyn's 15 year old tomboyish eldest son was now over and now she would forever be forced to live as Carolyn - Gwendolyn's older sister for the rest of her life because of Gwendolyn's stupid wish that her son learned what it was to be a mother!



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