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Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/aunt-leila-89959746


- Laylaaa!!! Limadha kulu hadhih almudati?! (Leila!!! Why so long?!)

Akhmed’s loud male hoarse commanding voice sounded from the neighboring one, frightening the already confused woman who had already completed her preparations. Leila just had to apply a few spritzes of perfume and she would leave. However, she now knew that Ahmed was in a bad mood and slowed down. She absolutely did not want to tempt fate again in anticipation of the unknown decisions that Ahmed made at such moments.

Approaching the mirror, her gaze stopped at her plump lips and bright makeup with arrows on her eyes. Her usual appearance. Nothing surprising. And a lush bun of her long hair under a scarf that covers almost her entire face. And the long skirt and even the feeling of how the bra rests a little on the armpits. It was all quite normal... now.

A month had already passed since Leila found herself here and everything indicated that her thoughts that she had previously been an American guy named Stephen were just her imagination. Although she clearly remembered all 22 years of her life as Stephen. I remembered how I was in high school and how I started playing sports at that time. I remembered how the first thoughts appeared in her head that if a person is Arab, then he is immediately bad and how this developed into a conviction. I remembered playing sports in college and even having a girlfriend.

But all this was no longer just a fantasy. Realistic, very memorable, but fantasy. There was no other explanation. Leila somehow forgot her entire life before she was 44 years old. Everything pointed to her being Stephen, but the facts... the facts told a different story. She had a woman's body and it was obviously the body of an adult woman. She spoke only Arabic and somehow knew how to do all the chores around the house, knew how to choose her own clothes and knew how to do makeup... even though it still seemed wrong to her to sleep with her husband, she still knew how to fulfill the duties of a faithful wife. Although all this, of course, was alien to Leila and she was still not entirely sure that she had really gone crazy. But I have long since stopped talking about it the way I did in the first days of living here.

- Laqad wasalat abnat 'ukhtiki! (Your niece has arrived!)

Hearing the last phrase, Leila exhaled a little. This meant that Ahmed would not do anything bad to her in front of guests, and it meant that she could go out. She will finally meet her niece Samira, a student who studied in the USA. She only knew that Samira, to the surprise of the whole family, decided to visit Leila almost as soon as she arrived.



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