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Nobody knew why I love flying alone to different countries of the world. And I rarely posted any photos from my travels. When people asked me about my travels, I basically told what people expected to hear and what everyone usually says about travel.

In fact, I loved extreme sports. This... this is an indescribable sensation that could not be experienced in ordinary situations. And each time I came up with more and more difficult tasks for myself. I had a Zulu medallion that I inherited and had been in my family for many generations. Thanks to this thing, my family has achieved a lot. After all, this medallion allowed one to take on the appearance of any person, one only had to simultaneously pick up the clothes of any person and hold the medallion at the same time.

I decided to use it for fun. I loved to fly to another country and find any person that I would be for some time. At first I was cautious and chose carefully. He stayed in the body for no more than 24 hours, and then, when the effect ended, he returned back. I almost got caught once, but chance saved me and that moment gave me so much adrenaline that I started using the medallion more and more with riskier exchanges.


And now I was in Thailand. I was in the body of some local waitress in some depraved cafe. Judging by the situation, it was not an expensive place. But I understood this from my conversation with Yong. We agreed that during my stay in her body she would be in mine. This gave me an even more extreme feeling. I imagined that I and my life were now completely in her power.

My heart was beating fast all morning and I felt nervous and afraid. This really hasn’t happened to me for a long time. These were real emotions. I definitely would never have been able to experience this if I had remained here on my own. I had to work here for a day like a regular Thai waitress! God, this is so scary and cool at the same time.

I hope Yong won't be able to open the safe where I left the medallion and won't fly away in my body, hehe. But of course this is impossible! However, the very fact that she can do this raises my adrenaline level even higher! Wow...why is this guy staring at me like that?


Yong obviously didn’t tell everything to the strange man who offered her a huge amount of money to “swap bodies.” She didn't think it was real. However, everything happened before her eyes. The man used a strange artifact and became a copy of her, and then gave her his clothes and this artifact into her hands and she became him! She needed to stay in his hotel room for a day and not go anywhere.

But as soon as this strange stranger left the hotel room, Yong quickly began to look for an opportunity to open the safe and get the artifact. She realized almost immediately that she could do anything with this artifact. Why would she give her body back if she could be anyone?! Moreover, the stranger will be angry when he finds out that she deceived him and was not a waitress, but a prostitute.




I love medallion stories!!


Me too. It is with this story that I want to continue. But I haven’t decided what to write yet. Perhaps something similar will happen to someone else, but in more detail... Not sure yet. But thanks for the feedback