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Continuation: https://www.patreon.com/posts/plans-for-2-93732439

Until today, Chuck and Larry did not know each other. Although both attended the same college, they rarely saw each other. Moreover, unlike the party-loving Larry, Chuck was a recluse and preferred to spend his free time in the library or studying and had few friends.

- Maybe it’s enough to examine yourself already? Are you all right. Touching yourself won't turn you back into a man, Chuck, or rather Cher, Charlotte. You are now a woman and very appetizing

- Pero esto es imposible! Damn... it's hard... I speak... in English. Just speak Spanish Por favor.

- No, Charlotte. I won't speak English. You need to get used to all this. This is reality and it is not impossible. This is your new reality. At least for this evening. I understand that it's difficult for you to speak Spanish, but it's all because of the spell. You won’t need to speak much, and besides, you understand English as before. Of course, I'm a little sorry for using you like that, but I urgently needed to find someone to show my father that he is not the main macho man! I'll introduce you to him today. Of course, I could find a girl and charm her with magic, but it would take longer.

- But Como hiciste esto? I mean... how... do you... do this?

- Just magic. I am a wizard like my father. But we rarely use our charms.

-You'll change me back later, won't you?

- Wow. Whole sentence in English. I can imagine how hard it was for you to formulate this in your head and I understand why you ask this. I'd like to say yes. But most likely not. I don't know the reverse transformation spell. You have to ask my father, which means that then he will know that I turned you. So I'm sorry, Cher, but it looks like you're stuck like this. And by the way, don’t think that if you tell my father who you really are, he will help you. This is wrong. He hides our magic and after that he will make sure that you never say anything to anyone again. At best, it will simply block your memory. Do you understand this?

- Sí...

- Good girl. But I do have a couple of spells that can help us have fun later, if you know what I mean.



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