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"Damn it... To have all this and not even be able to touch those breasts and caress yourself. This is a forking nightmare. When I find Megan I am... probably going to offer her a pedicure"

Adam grumbled to himself as he stared down at his large chest, trying to somehow imagine that he would now touch these sensitive nipples and begin to evoke a feeling of pleasure. But no... His hands seemed to stop listening to him at that moment.

No matter how he tried to force himself to somehow enjoy this body, he could not. No matter how much he wanted to do it his body would not listen. After an heated argument with his girlfriend Megan about her butch appearance and persona he found out that she was a witch. She put a curse on him that not only turned him into a woman. But also made sure he had to act as a 'proper woman'. He couldn't do anything that was considered unladylike.

It had been a week and Adam was still finding out the true extent of the curse. Every time he thought he had figured everything out he found something new he could not do or had to do. For example, he could no longer satisfy the sexual needs of his new body on his own.

The only good thing he had going for him was that he could convince his sister of who he was. And she had been a great help letting him stay with her. Although he was very upset that he had to wear her girliest outfits. Had to have her put on make up on him and help him with his hair and outfit. Even on the laptop that Adam was now using, he put girly stickers and rhinestones on it and made it as feminine as possible.

And that was not all. He could only watch girly romance movies or fashion shows on her TV. And was forced to do the housework. Every day his sister was at work he was busy cleaning the house baking treats and preparing dinner. He wished he could find something unfeminine he could do. But he could not even swear or sit with his legs spread apart anymore.

And things would only get worse for Adam. He would soon find out that he could not masturbate and even watch porn. And even after finally getting himself boyfriend a year later he found out that a proper woman would wait until marriage for sex. No matter how desperate that woman was.



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