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All or Nothing! - Start - https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-or-nothing-90401252

All or Nothing! - Ethan - https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-or-nothing-90627547

All or Nothing! - Michael - https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-or-nothing-90822439

All or Nothing! - Frank - https://www.patreon.com/posts/91134216

All or Nothing! - special guest - https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-or-nothing-91135176

Poll for winner: https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-or-nothing-91135262

Welcome to the show "All or Nothing!" where participants put their lives on the line. But don't worry, we're not threatening them. Everything is completely voluntary! Each of the participants, in case of defeat, will simply remain in the life that you have chosen for them! And the winner will return to his life, but with a billion dollars!

And this time you, our beloved viewers, chose the theme “Latin maids” for the participants. We are not racists and it was your choice! An honest vote that lasted for a month!

And now we announce season 4! And with the help of nanobots and other complex scientific terms, we have already turned 4 of our participants into sexy Latin girls! And now, live on Channel 4, you will see how they pass through the gate into a parallel reality, in which their new lives as “maids” in a rich house await them!

And we remind you that everything there is for real! Thanks to technology, we will actually send them to another world in which there is no such technology. And participants will actually receive a new biography! And we even changed their language skills a little to keep things fair! All participants are now fluent in Spanish and speak very little English!

So welcome! Ethan Harper is a successful lead programmer at Giggle! Michael Swenson - Head of Planning at New World Builders! Frank Chester is a randomly selected ordinary computer salesman! And a special guest, whose name we will not reveal, but let’s say that he is a really big shot!

You will choose the winner, as always! Let's wish our gentlemen... excuse me, our beautiful senoritas good luck!



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