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- You must be crazy if you think I will just let you leave… in my body! You are going to swap us back. Or i am just going to have to make you do it.

Mark threatened Tara as he saw that she was preparing to leave. It was like some kind of living nightmare that continued all the time after Mark woke up a few minutes ago and discovered that he was not in his hotel room, but in some unfamiliar room. Even then he realized that something was wrong, and when he saw his body in front of him, smiling and looking at him, he screamed in horror, hearing his unusual high voice for the first time at that moment.

This stranger, whom he definitely did not see, since he had already managed to look into his reflection, in his opinion, had gone crazy. He couldn't let her go and stay here, in her body! It was just a crazy impossible thought at these moments. Today was his flight back to the USA from this business trip to the Philippines, and he had no idea how he ended up here, remembering only how he got into some taxi to the hotel and dozed off, and when he woke up, he was already here.

- Oh and how are you going to do that? Overpower me? Scream for help? Who would believe you? Everybody in this city knows that I… oh, YOU are just some cheap whore. (Tara said quite amused)

The unpleasant words addressed to Mark only angered him and he clenched his small palms, looking at the tall figure, not previously thinking that he was so tall with a height of 1 meter 73 centimeters, but realizing full well that he was now much shorter, probably about 1 meter 50 cm or something like that. Realizing that physically he definitely couldn’t stop her, but to explain to her that she shouldn’t leave with other reasons was the only chance

- You will never be able to fool anyone that you are me! You know nothing about me! And I know everything

- Ahaha. Oh it's so funny. You haven't realized it yet. This is even more fun then I thought it would be!

- Realized what? What's so fucking funny? (Mark shouted very angry, cursing his high-pitched voice at that moment)

- God, have I always squeaked so disgustingly? Please be quiet. So... about your question - you don't have that knowledge anymore sweety. I have that now. Your birthdate. Social security number. You pin for your bank account… hey, your wife’s birthday is about to come up. I'd better get her a present. And... do you think that you and I are speaking English right now? You might be glad to know that you are now fluent in Filipino! You can't really speak English now… but hey, here in the Philippines, and with your occupation, that really is not that importand. Most guys don't hire you to talk (Tara laughed once again)

Mark thought about that for a second. He could remember his old life. His house, his wife, everything. But when he tried to concentrate on a detail he could not remember. Like his wife's name.

- I... I... can't remember stuff... I... why can you? (Mark said with confusion, sitting down on the bed, feeling despair filling him)...


- I... I... can't remember stuff... I... why can you? (Mark said with confusion, sitting down on the bed, feeling despair filling him)...

- Well, a bodyswap spell would only do that much. But for this to work I would have to be able to be you. So while you were out cold I used a knowledge transfer spell to get all the things needed from you. And then mirrored some of my knowledge back onto you. Which is why you now speak Filipino

- Some knowledge?

- Well the language for one. And enough so that you should be able to find back to your apartment. If you ask the right guys friendly enough. Of course… you could just be friendly to me. (Tara smiled)

- Why... why me?

As if he hadn’t heard the last phrase, Mark said, still wary, trying to somehow rectify the situation and realizing what a mess he was in. Tara was still standing next to him with a smile on her face, while Mark, crouching down, suddenly felt how uncomfortable the bra was sitting on him in this position, pressing under his armpit with the hard fabric of cheap material and how his long hair , gathered in a ponytail, was tickling his back, at the same time for some reason noticing only now the slight weight from the earrings, which also pulled the skin of his earlobes.

- Well, you are a man in a suit from the USA. That was enough for me. My taxi driver friend helped me find a candidate for my experiment for a small fee. By the way, he didn't know and doesn't know that I wanted to switch bodies with you and can then ask you all sorts of stupid questions (Tara answered with another laugh) However, I made the right decision... So , will you be friendly to me? (having finished the story, Sonusuda finally said, as if remembering something)

- What...what do you mean? (Mark asked scared)

- Oh, I had planned to make you an offer to give you all of my old knowledge I don't need. Where I live… my birthday… knowledge for that body. How to dress it. How to take care of it. All for a small price. Of doing your new job

Understanding perfectly well that he doesn’t need all this, but also understanding that without it he will really have a hard time. Mark, first looking down and taking a short pause, said agreed frightened

- O.K...

- Oh, but that was before I knew you were married! I think I am the loyal kind of husband. But... I would be ready to compromise. Give you all this some knowledge for a little work

- What would I have to do?

- Oh, we won't need the bed... and you won't even have to get up (Tara said, starting to sit down next to Mark with a smile that was already disgusting to him) So, Time for me to find out why so many men pay me to do that... (Tara said as she began to unzip her fly)... And don't worry about it, you know how to do everything, I gave you everything in the knowledge exchange, huh... just start and the knowledge will appear in your head.. (Mark said Tara with her hand on the back of her head, starting to lower his head closer to her feet, still smiling)




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