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Dawna hated moments like now, when her husband began to remember that ill-fated day again and at the same time told it each time adding new details that never happened. But she couldn’t do anything about it, and in order to somehow show that she didn’t care anymore about Chuck stopping it, she tried to pretend that it was all really just a joke. But the attentive eye of an outside observer could notice that Dawna’s smile was feigned.

- ... And then she tells me “Chuck, I’m not your bitch anymore, I’m a fucking millionaire Mike Rogers” (Chuck said, imitating a squeaky voice, almost bursting with laughter). The most interesting thing is that at that moment she still held my penis tightly in her hands and continued to jerk me off. And when I finished, she looked at it all in fear and wanted to run away

- Chuck... honey... maybe stop telling everyone this already? It's been so long that I've completely forgotten about it. Besides, you know it was just a joke and it wasn't like that at all.

Dawna said blushing, continuing to collect plates from the table from customers in the inexpensive roadside cafe where she worked as a waitress.

- Shhh... she hears everything (as if Chuck said more quietly, looking slightly sideways at Dawna and still smiling slyly)

Dawna pretended not to notice this and was about to leave, but she was stopped by cafe visitors who decided to order something else

- It turns out that a millionaire is serving us?! Haha, because as I see, Chuck, she didn’t run away (Chuck’s interlocutor continued the dialogue)

- And you are observant. Haha. But still you guessed wrong. She continued to play this circus all evening and tried to call somewhere, said some nonsense about her influential friends and even threatened me! Can you imagine she...

Dawna wanted to stop Chuck, but because she was taking the order and writing everything down in her notebook, she only glanced a little displeasedly at Chuck, who didn’t even notice it at that moment

- ... she was really sure that she was some kind of millionaire man! I was already thinking about calling the mental hospital

- So, what is next?

- Next... well... I... convinced her that she was just my bitch and she had never had a millionaire or a dick.

- And how?

- Oh... well, not as you might think, looking at me and my rustic appearance. Haha. I'm not completely stupid and decided to play along with her. We opened the Internet and haha my God, you should have seen her face when she looked in the search and typed in “Mike Rogers”, that such a person did not exist at all, or rather there were many of them, but not one of them was a millionaire! Hahaha! She then burst into tears, but I, like a real man, comforted her, if you know what I mean (Chuck winked slyly)

Dawna perfectly remembered everything that happened then and, although Chuck spoke slightly changing all this, the main plot of the story was correct.

She didn't jerk Chuck off when she got here, and she certainly didn't cry that evening. No, it was an ordinary Friday evening and Dawna was in the kitchen at that moment. She remembered very well how Chuck was really scared when she began to tell in detail what her lawyers would do to him when she returned her case and even forced him to help her. She forced Chuck to help her find the Internet here, in this “hole”.

It was difficult to realize then that her teleportation experiment, which she sponsored as a millionaire Mike Rogers, did not go according to plan and she found herself in a parallel world in an alternative version of herself. Here her grandfather did not become a millionaire, and she did not inherit huge capital from her parents and was forced to accept the fact that she was stuck here forever



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