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Part 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/aunt-leila-91384876


ولماذا بحق الجحيم تحدق!؟ (walimadha bihaqi aljahim tahdiqu!? - And why the hell are you staring!?)

Leila said angrily looking at a man she didn’t know, who just wanted to use the men’s restroom, but stared in stunned surprise at an Arab woman in a headscarf, who was somehow here and was telling him something else in an unfamiliar language

- Um... miss, I didn't mean to... (The stranger began to speak stutteringly)

- تحدث الإنجليزية أيهاالأحمق!! (tahduth al'iinjiliziat 'ayuha al'ahmaqu!! - Speak English, idiot!!)

Pushing the stranger aside, Leila said, still sincerely confident that she was Steven, pushing him aside with her hand, she took a step and almost immediately staggered on high-heeled shoes and a tight, tight skirt, and the pencil fell to the floor.

- بحق الجحيم... (bihaqi aljahimi... - What the hell...)

The woman said in surprise, opening her eyes so wide as if she was seeing her hands for the first time and slowly looking down, more and more surprised, looking at her clothes and still sitting on the floor.

This was all a big surprise to her. Just a few minutes ago, she walked into the men's room as Stephen, a young 22-year-old athletic guy from college. At first everything was fine, but only until the moment Steven decided to put his dick back, but suddenly realized that his hand was holding air. It was shocking, but after rummaging between his legs, he realized that he now had a woman’s vagina and folded 2+2 and grabbed his chest, noticing that under his man’s T-shirt there were indeed now two female nipples sticking out and the chest was softer than his athletic male chest, despite the fact that he tried to strain his muscles, the breasts in his hands still remained soft.

Looking into the mirror, Steven gasped in surprise when he saw that his clothes had become larger, not immediately realizing that his body had shrunk, but his masculine face still remained masculine. Changes in clothing began literally before his eyes and Stephen saw a woman’s scarf materialize on his face, covering his entire head. Sincerely believing that it was just some damned place, Steven walked towards the exit, not noticing that at this time the rest of his clothes were just as quickly transformed from top to bottom, simultaneously changing his face, and it was at that moment that he met in the doorway with that stranger


While Leila studied her clothes and examined her body, feeling the unusual sensations of the fabric of her bra under her blouse, she did not even notice that everything around her was also transformed. Suddenly it became very hot and the room she was in was illuminated by something bright. Wrinkling her eyes, Leila saw after a few seconds that she was in some kind of courtyard on the street. However, it was too hot here for Chicago and everything around was too reminiscent of buildings that she had only seen on TV in films about Iraq.

Samira, an exchange student from Iraq, unfortunately for her, did not see all this at this moment. Although she would really like it. But memories of her 44-year-old Aunt Leila were already beginning to appear in her head, which meant that the spell she used to take revenge on that stupid racist Steven had worked.

She made him as punishment the wife of her 50-year-old uncle Ahmed, who was famous for his bad temper, and with a smile she opened her phone to find more information about Aunt Leila, imagining how she would someday come to visit Uncle Ahmed and his wife Leila.



Lord Kun

Great one, hope for a sequel to see how the new aunt goes on her new, older life.




Thank you! Your words inspired me =) I have already written and will publish a continuation as soon as this story’s turn comes (most likely before the end of October)


And of course, the number of likes on this story also encouraged me to write a sequel.