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Damn it, those boobs... They look even bigger from this angle. And they are so soft and sensitive. I still have a hard time believing that a body swap is possible. Why the hell is the government hiding this technology. Though it's probably none of my business. God, how weird this is. My head is still spinning and this new range of sensations from the new weight on my chest and the empty space between my legs.

Sitting on a wooden table and examining my body after waking up, I did not notice Jake enter the room.

- Oh, shit, you're not dressed yet!

I don't know why, but at that moment I automatically covered my new chest. I didn't even think about it at the time, but it still seemed wildly strange to me. Jake is a CIA science lab junior assistant. He was new to this lab and had the smallest chance that anyone would find out that he was an undercover secret agent for the CIA, and not just a client of a prostitute with whom I had switched bodies just a few minutes ago.

I looked at him and then at my former body, which lay unconscious and now contained Angela's mind.

- Is it reversible? Will I... or rather, will my body be all right?

I was unaccustomed to the new voice and I was a little embarrassed. And of course I know that I have already asked this and I knew the answer very well. As an executive and an undercover agent, I knew and understood all the details of the secret operation to infiltrate the Gibson gang.

- Yes, sure. Get dressed please.

This bra, which I was about to put on when Jake came in, was still unbuttoned and not on because I was distracted by my new breasts. However, he was right. Knowing roughly how to do this, I tightened my bra with difficulty and glanced at Angela's clothes to the side - a short skirt, a tight top and high-heeled shoes. The thought of having to wear this made me uneasy, but I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to participate in this undercover operation.


Of course, the CIA wouldn't just use the body-swapping capabilities for nothing if it wasn't for dire necessity. At least that's what I was assured when they explained my task after I got Angela's body.

The first part of the plan was carried out successfully. Jake, disguised as a client, came to Angela in the room where I was already, and when they were both alone, I knocked Angela out with a special stun gun so that she lost consciousness and we could perform the body swap procedure.

Now I was already at the next stage of implementation. The CIA and I knew that every Tuesday night at 11 p.m. Angela was attending Gibson. It was as stable as the sunrise, so I headed to the hotel where they usually met.

I spent the way to the hotel in a taxi, feeling like a taxi driver was eating me up with a look, who did not stand on ceremony and offered me to pay not with money all the way. But I'm still an experienced military man and I know that with the help of hand-to-hand combat techniques I can easily moderate the ardor of love, even in this weak body, and therefore I was just a little embarrassed for my appearance, but I tried not to show it.

As expected, I was met at the entrance by the doorman, I knew that this was a purchased CIA spy, but he certainly did not know that I was in Angela's body. He unhappily opened it to me and I, trying not to fall on my heels and keep my balance, went to the elevator, and then to the room.

Yes, I was prepared, I knew what to do and how to walk in heels, but still, in this body with a new center of gravity, it was difficult, especially considering the fact that my breasts constantly dangling and swaying, and now I found it not at all sexy, but rather uncomfortable and humiliating.

Opening the door to the room, the first disappointment awaited me... Gibson was not alone. I knew almost all of them, except for one - a tall stocky and bearded man of oriental appearance. And I almost immediately guessed that it was his business partner and Saudi Arabia. Gibson looked at me seriously. and then smiled and said

- Baby, go to the shower, wash yourself, everything is ready for you, and I'll sort out some things for now. OK?

- Um... Okay... sweet.

I improvised, but I understood that something was wrong, because there definitely shouldn’t have been so many people here, and I went to the bath, feeling unpleasant sensations from male lustful looks.

Having reached the bath and continuing to play the role that I am a prostitute Angela, I was left alone. It was force majeure. It shouldn't have been like that. I needed to get Gibson alone and then plant him with sleeping pills and steal the data from his phone and then leave. I didn't think anyone else would be here. Crap! This is bad, very, very bad. I don't want to have sex with any of them, even though I was warned that it was possible. However, I thought to the end that I would get by without sex.

finally deciding that I needed to undress and take a shower, my eyes fell on what Gibson had prepared for me and received another shock in these few minutes.


- Maybe enough?

I couldn't believe I was doing all this of my own free will, instead of grabbing Gibson right now and claiming that I was actually an American CIA agent in the body of prostitute Angela. I really wanted to do this, besides, I already had reasons because Gibson met with an Arab terrorist and on the basis of this I could call the police.

However, I was well aware of the situation I was in. I was completely in the wrong position. Even if I managed to knock out one with my hand-to-hand combat techniques, I'm afraid that against other men who were definitely stronger than me now, I would not have coped. Therefore, there was only one thing left for me - to continue playing the role of Angela, and with difficulty and a sense of humiliation I pulled these belts over my naked body, having roughly figured out how to do it.

Coming out of the bathroom there were still these people and Gibson ordered me to take off my bathrobe to see "what I did"

- Um, what's wrong with you, baby? You are not yourself today. Just do your job, what am I paying you to ask questions. Yes, but we need our help. Joe, help the lady put on her clothes, huh.

- Sure boss, no problem

I didn't like this at all. What the hell for sexual pleasures Gibson asked to help his sixes. And why doesn't this bearded man leave? What the hell is Gibson doing with his prostitutes every Tuesday? Fuck, I signed up for this myself. I won't tell anyone about this when this mission is over.

The man helped. Yes. It was creepy and scary at the same time, when I was tightened with belts and absolutely could not move. They even put a gag in my mouth so that I couldn't utter a word. Of course, I knew that Gibson was a pervert, but I had no idea how much

When I was completely "dressed" in this "clothing" I experienced only pain and humiliation. My shoulders were tense from how tight the straps were on my arms. My legs were tightly bound so that if I still had a member, it would have shrunk into a cake. I looked at Gibson, who all this time was looking at me and thinking about what would happen next. There were many thoughts in my head about what would happen and I didn’t like any of them.

- So so so. I now, I think it's time to talk, Mr. undercover agent from the CIA.

My eyes widened and I tried to say something and get out, but I couldn't even get up!


You and your CIA buddies probably think you're the smartest, don't you?

- Mhmhmh mhffv mhhmh

I tried to answer and get out at the same time, but it all looked like pathetic attempts to do something. I myself, myself agreed to wear all this and was now completely immobilized. At that moment, I still did not understand what situation I was in, but gradually the whole horror of the situation reached me and it seemed to me that for the first time I was in a pre-failure state.

- There's nothing you can do, I know. And I don't think you're in a position right now to talk and try to threaten me. Yes, yes, I understand everything, even with your closed gag, what you want to tell me. No need to pretend that you are not a CIA agent, but my beloved Angela ... God, what have you done to the poor girl, I loved her so much, and you! You have used the most sacred!

Angela shouldn't have been hurt, she was still in a state of sleep from the body swap, but I couldn't tell and wasn't sure Gibson wasn't bluffing. How could he know that I'm a CIA agent? How is this possible?

So yes, agent. You used my most precious creature to get closer to me! It won't work out that easy for you. However, however. I don't want the CIA to know that I know about your secret spying technique. Therefore, I will be smarter than you, you stupid idiots. I will use your weapons against you, huh!

Our weapons? What does he mean? Does he have technology and a body-swapping device? What is he going to do? What... No... He wants

- I see in your eyes, baby, that you guessed it. My friend from Saudi Arabia warned me in time and we agreed on mutually beneficial terms. You don't need to know what we agreed on, but I can only tell you one thing, that today you will fly far, far away... And your body, your real body, will be occupied by our agent. Haha. God, this is just brilliant! Have your man in the CIA! Yes, now I will know everything about you!

I'm sorry, what? Does he really want to swap my body with someone and then have that person take over my body under the guise that the operation was successful!? I have to warn management! I have to change everything! Hey...



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