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There was no need to enter this strange old house. I just had to stay in the car overnight and not look for any help there when I ran out of gas on the way home.

That evening I was returning home from a business trip and, unexpectedly for me, there was not a single gas station on this section of the road. And of course it's my own fault, but still... what the hell? There was no one in the old house, which turned out to be not far from the place where I ran out of gas. I remember opening the door there after knocking several times in the hope of seeing a living person and asking for help.

At that very moment, strange things began to happen. First, the light turned on abruptly and I saw a beautiful old interior without cobwebs and dust. Of course, I decided that someone lives there, because someone has to keep the house in order. But despite my cries, no one came out.

I was about to leave when I heard some strange chuckle from nowhere. Already at that moment I was terrified and trying to open the door, I realized that it was closed. At that moment, chuckles began to appear out of thin air from all directions. I felt gusts of wind from one side to the other, although I was indoors. Ghosts?! No. Of course, I thought about it, but immediately realized that it was impossible.

Suddenly the chuckles became even louder and more frequent with different voices and timbres. I was lifted into the air and spinning. I felt invisible hands taking off my clothes and, of course, screaming at the top of my lungs. Once naked, I noticed out of the corner of my eye how an old dress flies towards me and the same invisible hands dressed me in this ... in this humiliating old woman's dress. I had an old chupchik on my head, some kind of tights on my legs and a tight corset just as quickly appeared on me along with this dress.

I did not notice the moment when my pumped up muscular body changed and I saw it only at the moment when I was already on the street with the help of the same unknown force. I ran as fast as I could to my car. The stupid dress got in the way and I had to lift it up in front of me like some young lady from the 19th century so that it would not fall under my feet. Of course, I was not going to go back, and when I got into the car, I saw my reflection in the mirror for the first time and could not believe my eyes. It was no longer me, it was a beautiful girl in elegant 19th century outfits.

But the strangest thing was later, when I had already calmed down and decided to take out my documents. Everything was exactly the same as before - my name, age and gender, but the photo was a photo of an elegantly dressed beautiful woman, whose reflection I saw in the mirror.

I won't say how I got home, but when I got to my room I was shocked that all my clothes were replaced with elegant women's dresses. All modern technology has disappeared and the interior of my apartment now resembled the dwelling of a lady in the 19th century.

But most importantly, everyone else continued to consider me a man, and even my colleagues at work and neighbors. It was not unusual for them that instead of me they now saw a young lady in the clothes of the 19th century. Everyone thought it was the absolute norm!



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